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Post by Lauren »

This is a pic of how close these wild parrots come to you at a park up in the mountains not far from here. This one was sitting on the table. Didn't seem to mind me sitting next to it. Its amazing how tame these wild birds are. They will sit on you and climb in your hair. Its a real shame these birds only eat sunflower seeds though! I took some more pics of the other native parrots (rosellas, galahs, lorrikeets, more toos.. ) at the park but they wern't very good ones unfortunatly. :(


And thought I'd chuck in some new pics of Yoda and Jibs too! hehe.





"Jibby aka Gilbert" Indian Ringneck 13 years "Charlie" Rex Rabbit 1 year
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Post by kyria »

Look at your two darlins :D and they have a poo bear and tiger to play with , hehe , mine play with banana's B1 and B2.

Awesome pic of the too .. We have one (a wild one) that we call Fat head, comes and eats with us when we have BBQ's at my Parents house :D He is a real card and is even beginning to talk. He has brought back 2 others from his flock now aswell, but they are no where near as brave as Fat head.



Last edited by kyria on Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Hestia »

Wow that is soo cool that you have so many wild too's down there, and that they will come so close. I really love those birds, they are so beautiful, I wish we had some more amazing wild birds as you guys up here in Utah.

Yoda... is how old again? cause I might need to compare notes with you, my Indie is being such a brat, and being very nippy. Thinks he is the boss, last night was the first night I have actually gotten really fusterated with him. He will be on my shoulder and when I go to get him off he growl/screeches and bites. Once I did get him off, I put him in time out and ignored him.
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Post by Lauren »

Thanx chickies!

Hehe Fat head looks so tame! :wink: I'm wondering, why the name Fat head? Its pretty funny!

Yoda really likes to throw Tigger off the cage, sits on Tigger and attacks then throws him onto the floor. :roll: Yoda also loves to fall asleep on Chicken Dance Elmo! Its so cute. He sits on the on button. I'm surprised it hasn't scared him yet.

Yoda is about 6 months. Sounds like we have the same troublesome babys Hestia! Yoda is very aggressive and dominant. Will step up fine, but is very nippy when wants something. Since we brought this lil bugga home all he wants to do is to be top bird! :roll: When Yoda is nipping or bossing Jibs around I put Yoda on the floor and ignore because Yoda seems to be most bossy around the cages. I have gotten frustrated before, cant let the birdys see that though. Need a lil more patience. :wink:

I always thought Jibby was a spoiled lil brat, but hes been a perfect lil birdy since Yoda arrived! :roll:
"Jibby aka Gilbert" Indian Ringneck 13 years "Charlie" Rex Rabbit 1 year
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Post by kyria »

*shrugs* Fat head is what my older bro called him. He picked up the habit of calling my dad and younger bro fat heads so I guess it applies to any thing or male thats part of the family ?
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Post by CatsChair »

I am SO jealous. Also found it pretty amusing that the google ad says who is God...promptly followed by the photo of a 'too. Might explain some of what is going on in the world, eh?
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Post by Pounamu »

nice pics
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Post by Hestia »

PsittaculaChick do you think its just because of their age, they are trying to find where they fit in and just like a toddler seeing just what can they get away with? or is this still parts of the bluffing stage, cause one day Indie will be really nice and the next he can be such a brat. I am just hoping it will eventually stop and he will grow out of it.

I generally do have a lot of patience with him, but that day I was just getting very fusterated cause he wouldn't stop biting me, and I couldn't get him to step up off my shoulder. My poor hand is so clawed and nicked up that it was really starting to hurt. That is why I put Indie on a time out and ignored him so he wouldn't see my fusteration.

He has a vet appt in a couple weeks for a nail trim and maybe a beak trim (if needed) that should help out for the days when he decides to be a grouch.
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Post by Lauren »

I think my Yoda could be bluffing. I hope it doesnt last either. Yoda does 'test' me by lunging, nipping and growling at me. More like a hormonal teenager! :roll: He is testing my boundrys. He's already taken over poor Jibby.

I know how frustrating it can be not being able to get through to your baby. They can sense it so they push the limits.

Your doing a great job with Indie. Just keep at it. Fingers crossed Yoda and Indie will grow out of it soon. Dont let them break you. :wink:
"Jibby aka Gilbert" Indian Ringneck 13 years "Charlie" Rex Rabbit 1 year
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Post by ringneck »

Wow, really nice photos! I would kill to see wild parrots like that! We have a few feral parrots in our area; however, I have only seen them once and they were all conures. I know we have a flock of wild indain Ringnecks about 3 hours up from my house. I might go record them and post it here for you guys!

About the bluffing. I know it’s not the best stage but hang in there! I know it hurts when they bite and you sound like you are doing a good job. My advice to you is to ignore it completely! Once your ringneck understands its boundaries things will change. PsittaculaChick is right on the money, “Dont let them break you.”

Ohh and thanks for sharing your photos! I really enjoyed your photos! I enjoy looking at photos of yodda and jibby! Aw, how I will one day have a blue ringneck.

Best wishes,

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Post by Hestia »

This is all really good info, I have read the other info on this forum about bluffing, but it not real easy to tell if that what Indie is doing or not. But after hearing about Yoda and your words of wisdon, I can see that is what Indie is going though, especially the limits thing. Indie lunges, nippes, and growls at me as well. I have seen that Indie has been a bit better since I put him on time out that one day. I think as long as I continue to do that each time he acts up he will finally realize that nipping isn't a good thing. :lol: I have some new pic and also a video of Indie, I will post a new post with the links and stuff.
thanks a ton you guys are the best!
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