My Macaw Ballo :D

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My Macaw Ballo :D

Post by Twinkelstar »

today i went to a town nearby :D a man who lived there has a chestnut-fronted Macaw. he couldent keep it beacuse hes new girl friend was allergic to birds. so he had heard that i have a good hand with birds, so he gave me the Macaw for free :D
He is the cutest thing i ever have seen :D he can speak to. he can say:
Hello, goodbye, Bo...but in swedish... so he says :
Hej, Hejdå, Hallå, Bu, äsch and so one..
Hes Name is Ballo and he is 16 years old !
here are som pics of him:





He lived in a wery small cage without toys and only hade sunflower seeds and water...=/
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Post by Dani03 »

A macaw??? OMG how cute...I want one :oops: sorry i have a problem hehehe

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Post by jen5239 »

Wow! How great of you to take this precious baby! What a darling bird. People just get on my nerves the way they just get rid of their animals. I wonder if he'd had the bird for the entire 16 years? And to get rid of him just cuz his girlfriend is allergic? NOT! John knew from the get go, love me love my pets. And bless his heart he does! And!!!! He's got asthma and severe allergies! Yet he allows me to have three birds and three dogs. Wonder if these people will just get rid of their kids if they get tired of them too?? Same thing to me! Bless your heart for taking him in and giving him a good home. We've seen Oliver and Buddah's digs, he's in for a treat!

Lisa's Tiki
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Post by Lisa's Tiki »

Oh how sweet - Lucky you!!!
This guys girlfriend must be something very special if he gave his bird away!!!

I know where he is coming from though. I am very allergic to cats, my eyes will swell shut, I break out in hives, sneezing, etc.. if I am around them too much. My husband has lived with cats his entire life, because his Mom LOVES cats and there would be no way I could live in the same house as a cat. When we visit my in-laws, I have to sit outside, because I just can't handle it.

Congrats on the new fid, he is adorable!!!!
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Post by Mikaela »

Aint nobody that special

*helps the chick pack*

I must admit, everyone I have put out of my house... I was nice enough to help them pack. In fact, a couple of them even had it packed and sitting outside with fresh locks and a big ol surprise.

Cant make them want to leave but damn sure can make them wish they had!

I give Dear John a bad name.

Dont take no ****, dont give no ****. Aint in the **** business... if I were I would be a plumber.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by jen5239 »

I TOTALLY agree! She/He would be out the door before my animals! No questions asked.
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Post by Dani03 »

Oh yeah...I totally agree. Packed and commitments come first!

Lisa's Tiki
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Post by Lisa's Tiki »

Well let me rephrase my point. I don't think you should get involved with someone if you have differences like this. My husband did not own a cat a before we got married, his Mom did. But I know I could have never married him if I had to live in the same house as a cat, my allergies are just too severe. I think when this guy found out that his girlfriend was allergic to birds, they should have broken up before their relationship got serious enough to the point where he didn't want to keep his bird anymore. Or maybe he was just a flaky owner was looking for a "good" excuse to give his bird away. At least the bird is in a better home now, because it's obvious the previous owner didn't care.
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Post by Twinkelstar »

Yes his girlfriend has allergies to birds ! he dosent lie about is true. He donsent want to earn money on the bird....the most important for him is that the bird gets a good home ! and he has that now :D at my place ! :lol:
today i opende his cage for the first time..and he came and sat on my sholuder :D he loves to hugh me and wants kisses allt the time :D i just love him so mutch !
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i protest

Post by goro »

looks like some one needs a new signature. lol
but in all seriousness i have broken up with my fiance because my dog. she no dog i said goodbye in 2 second flat. She said why i said because max was here will be here. She is like im alegic i said i think im alegic to people who don't like max.( max really hated her with a passion). Nehow i later found out she was nuttier then peanutbutter she used to park outside my house at 2 in the morning trying to catch me cheating.
good riddence to bad owner.
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Post by jen5239 »

Good for you Goro! I couldn't agree more! And glad to hear you kicked her before you married her and found out what a nut she really was! I always have felt there just isn't something right with people who don't like animals. That's just not right in my book. Of course they probably think I'm out of my mind with 9 animals in a four room house. :shock:
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