5 month old crazy bird!

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5 month old crazy bird!

Post by Tarshatron1 »

Hi guys i purchased a 5 month old parent raised, aviary bird 3 days ago. She was very scared of us going near her cage the first day but now i can put my arm in to change her food and water. The closest my hand has been to her is probably about 20cm away from her when she was on her spiral perch then she just goes nuts and flies to every corner of the cage.

At the moment she is jumping around everywhere and going nuts on the rope of her hanging toy, i'm not sure if this is her being playful or being really frustrated and scared? She's pretty much going spastic in her cage :(

I know it is going to take a long time to train him/her as the owner had to catch her in a net which is horrible enough!

She is currently in my computer room, but i am going to put her out into the lounge room where she can see us watching tv, on the pc and in the kitchen.
Now she's coming to the front of the cage like she wants to come to me, or eat me, either one haha shes frantic :\
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Re: 5 month old crazy bird!

Post by InTheAir »

They take time to settle in. It's a totally different lifestyle to adapt to.
I would try to avoid invoking a flight response, if you can change dishes without going into the cage that would be ideal.
Check out http://learningparrots.com/blog/trainin ... l-parrots/
I used that with my aviary raised girl and she's super confident now.
Also search the forum for taming threads, it's a common topic so heaps of techniques have been discussed.

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