Many new pics of my new baby...

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Many new pics of my new baby...

Post by Mikaela »


Sorry there are so many but Jeremy needs alot of shots to check him/her out good.

Boy or girl?

His/Her little feet are dry. How do I fix that?

We are working on 'step up' but far from having it down. She, like Baby was born in May.

Smart and very sweet but she does bite when you practice step-up. But loves to cuddle like a chicken in a blanket. I like that too... Baby needs Ritalin. She isnt ever still a moment. Ok... Here we go. Pics of my Punkin.













She and Chief share a cage and get along very well. Actually, because of the amount of whistleing he does I think its a boy. It just looks girlie. I dont know.

S/he is way more active that Chief. They cuddle together. Cute.
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Post by jen5239 »

What a sweet, sweet baby! I love tiels! So pretty.

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Post by Dani03 »

I would probably agree with you Mik...looks like a boy to me. With that crest...and that beautiful cheek patch. You've got a real pretty tiel!

Dani and Prinny
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Post by Twinkelstar »

So cute :D looks like a boy..specially whit those red cheeks :D
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Post by Ducky »

good lookin teil....wecome to the family the face shot

good job with the camera.

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Post by Mikaela »

Chief has nooooo personality. This fella (think its a boy) tweets and sings. Plays and is beginning to start up with antics. Still a little scared of his new home though.

I think Chief is actually a girl because she doesnt tweet. The lutino does and is way more active. I hope I dont end up with a bunch of babies. :shock:

I wouldnt be able to part with them. Thats why I dont breed anything. Noone would be good enough to have one of 'my babies' *sticks her nose in the air*.

I'd get too attached.

Jeremy? What ya think?

In real life, he looks like a dove except for his head. But in pics, you can see a little yellow all through him which isnt bad but never saw it until I took the pics.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Dani03 »

LOL Hey Mik...I did say that I swore Chief was a girl right? My Pi, my old female, was like a stuffed toy but my boy Araby was a firecracker. Couldn't get him to keep quiet for anything. Pi would just sit and gently twitter but Araby man he was something else. Jump all over the bars and get excited at passing cars...I miss my old man sometimes.

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Post by Jeremy »

Mikaela, as much as i would love to help out with this one, i am absolutely clueless when it comes to Cockatiels :oops:
I know it is definitely not a Lutino.
I was thinking possibly a Platino (Platinum Lutino) or a Lacewing (Cinnamon Lutino)
But i don't really know much.
As for the sex, once again i am clueless :oops: :lol: JUst keep an ear out for any whistling :roll:
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Post by ~*Gwennie*~ »

wow he/she is gorgeous!
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Post by Mikaela »

This is definately a lil fella. She gets to whistling and Im scared she is going to hurt himself lol.

He gets all worked up. Chief never makes a sound. I swear... when I first got Chief I wouldnt have even remembered to feed her if she didnt sit in the middle of the den. I'd forgot I had her! :?
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Neokireina »

Thats a very pretty tiel. No one would be good enough for my babies unless they posted on the board. I'm a snob too, what can I say. Thats why I dont breed anymore
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Post by Dani03 »

Trust me Jeremy that is a lutino. Lutino tiels, unlike IRNs, come in a varity of shades of colors ranging from what Mikeala has to the solid bright yellows. She has more of a 'dovey' one but it is still a lutino.

Very Pretty!

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Post by Mazziemom »

Yep, thats lutino. Teils can throw off folks used to other birds because some of their color mutations just don't match what your used to expecting.


Hold your baby up to the light, so that the light shines THROUGH the tail feathers. Same rule applies as for normal teils, stripes hen, no stripes male. However, it may still be too young for you to tell too.

The stripes are wicked hard to see, and shining light through the feathers is the only way I can do it.

Lutino's dont have pink eyes btw :) . We had a male here for about a year and I got to know way too much about them because of him (he was a serious behavior boy). Watch him/her closely for night frights, every one of my friends who has one (and my own experience) says that they break blood feathers in those wings far more often than other mutations. Perhaps the coloring makes them less strong? Fiesta (the one who was with us) would literally spray the walls with blood in a fright.. and we'd have to towel (his feral butt) and pull the feather to stop the bleeding.

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Post by kyria »

what a beautiful baby !!!!

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Post by Mikaela »

Hey Ya'll:

Its a good thing I dont believe everything I read... webpages upon webpages say the lutinos and albinos should have pink eyes and feet so I though I had been 'had'.

I love my baby Chief boy so much I DO! But, despite the fact he learns commands I feel like he is mentally challenged. I really do. I'll give you examples:

He has no control with his mouth/head. All he does is peck up and down like a chicken but unlike Baby and the new fella, he doesnt try to beak any other way... just straight down like a chicken. :?

He does NOTHING. He seems happy and content but I could put him on his stand and come back 3 days later and he'd be in the same place. He acts a little like a stroke victim, if you've ever experienced that.

It could just be his personality and I hope it is. Its how he has always been but something isnt connecting in his head or he is REALLY lazy. He has many night frights too. Never during the night lol. I scoop him out and hold him close and whisper "its ok punkin" until he sticks his head out, then hes cool.

The lutino holds his crest weiiird, like a crown rather than a swoop. It sits like a crown lol. When relaxed, otherwise its pointy.

Oh forgot to tell you, he will lay in a blankie and let me stroke him mmmm sooooo soft. Baby HATES touch and will probably never allow it if not by now, and with me being her Mama. :roll:

Wait, we have 30 yrs together...always forget that.

Or he is a chick and not a dude. Too much cock around here and I never thought I'd find myself saying that. Need some estrogen to balance it all out.
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Post by julie »

as far as i know indie is lutino and he doesnt have pink eyes and it looks like jordan doesnt either.?????
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Post by Dani03 »

Mikaela...I keep telling you Chief is a girl! Every single trait you just describe screams and I do mean SCREAMS to me girl! Watch out if you house the two together because you just might get one heck of a surprise! That's how my tiel breeding started! Pi was originally supposed to be a boy but ended up a female...eggs all over the place.

Of course I have been wrong and only time will tell. If I were you I'd get both of them DNA tested because if you let them accidently breed to early you can cause some serious damage to the female becasue she is depleting her calicum storge way too early. She could end up with weak bones later in life. Please take my advice...since I seem to be the only one here with much breeding experience with tiels.

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Post by Mikaela »

I do house them together. :shock:

Thanks Dani
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Post by Dani03 »

Of course any time...better to be safe than sorry! Keep an eye out and look up behaviours if you don't want to get them tested. Make yourself an expert and never ever place any type of 'house' in there or nesting material. However, my two first tiels, ending not needing nesting material and still layed an egg on the bottom of the cage. Make yourself knowledgeable and please as me any questions you have. My experience is yours :wink:

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Post by Mikaela »

Thank you!

They are both babies (6 months or so) when does this start?

I will begin my research ASAP.
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Post by Dani03 »

They can technically start to lay and hatch eggs anywhere from 6 months on up, though most breeders start after 2 years. Yeah I'd begin some serious research. Tiels are quick to breed and do so like rabbits!

Behaviour wise, I would be surprised is Chief was a male. I swear all those traits are female. Punkin is a ball of energy right? Chief just sits around? Most females are very placid and are essentially stuffed animals. Not to say this is a in stone rule but from my experience all my females have been that way. The males on the other hand are very excitable and are eager to show off. Take a look at Jen's Milo...that'll tell you everything.

No newspaper to shred or any thing they could potientally use as nesting material until you get this straightened out. They could, in theroy, but cage mates and not breed as long and you donot provide them with the means.

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Post by Mikaela »

Yep, Chief is a stuffed animal and I cant find his batteries... they need to be changed. :cry:

And Punkin is a freakaziod and has a louder more elaborate tweet he does. Whereas, Chief does a tweet here and there... I think tee hee.
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Post by Dani03 »

Sounds just like my old pair. Boy could that hen lay those eggs! She was a stuffed toy in the cage while Araby would be climbing and begging me to let him out (which of course I did) Keep an eye on things...if they do start to breed get one a new cage for a while unless you want to breed :roll:

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Post by Mazziemom »

Or you could just boil the eggs.

I know, sounds cruel, but sometimes its the best way. If they bond so tightly that seperation would break their hearts... easier to boil the eggs and give them back.

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Post by Dani03 »

I personlly couldn't do that :cry: If I had to do anything I would actually addle the eggs. If you end up with unwanted eggs do not and I mean DO NOT remove them because this will cause is more laying. What you do is take the eggs and shake it, causing addling. This will shake up the developing embryo and stop the process. Give the egg back and continue.

It will be hard to do but if you do not want the chicks then you must do this.

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Post by Mikaela »

Abortion via shaking.

Ya'll are cruel!

kidding hehe.

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Post by Dani03 »

Better than boiling...I personally have never ever done this because when I first saw the eggs I was like 'great now I have to deal with chicks'. I couldn't do it. Knowing what was inside the eggs...was a tiny little bird nope. I was only supplying info you might need. Like if that baby is to lay eggs now, what are you going to do? You can't let her try to raise them. If you let her hatch them, most tiel's have a hard time with the first brood and most chicks don't make it especially when the hen is young, are you going to take the hourly feeding duties? Probably not and BTW a newly hatched tiel chick is about the size of a bumble bee and aspirate very easily. Comes from experience...handfeeding round the clock. Just giving needed info :wink:

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Post by Mikaela »

I was kidding punkin.
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Post by Dani03 »

Yeah I know Mik :P ...but it does happen. Also another trick is to replace the eggs with marbles or something else the hen can worry on. That is the last one you want to try because it will just further her eggs laying.

Sad thought to addle an egg but it sometimes must be done. I have also heard of people storing them in the freezer.

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Post by Neokireina »

Yeah I couldnt do it either. Stupid tiels.
I mean before they are even babies maybe but once they hatch and their momma got no clue... I just couldnt let them die.
I'm grateful Stupid hasnt laid any more eggs shes plannin on hatchin but not feedin. Still. My lil chibs is cool tho.
I'd do it again if I had to
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Post by birdman5000 »

looks like a lutino to me. im no expert but ive owned a few and in a couple of those pics it looked faintly like a deep red like a tub of blood looks black but its deep red one of my lutinos stood in the light just right once and it looked bright red try looking at it in different angles of bright light with my albino reptiles if you shine a light in one eye the one on the other side glows like a red light bulb it sounds mean but the vet did it to my animals during check ups as a kid think of this as his first check-up
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