New family!

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New family!

Post by Salag »

Hi everybody, new member here (though I've been reading this forum for a couple of years now :wink:).

We currently have had our yellow ringneck 'Levi' for about three years (she was around six months when we got her) and she has been getting particularly sullen and grumpy so we went out and got her a friend yesterday: a male cinnamon lacewing, who we've named Wash.
He's only a few months old and Levi is probably very stuck in her ways and I'm also afraid that she considers me her mate (after reading this very informative article linked on these forums: www[.]rationalparrot[.]com/tease.html).

Levi is usually outside during the day in a big cage next to a tree in our yard where some local birds congregate and we bring her inside before it starts to get dark and let her out on her play gym until bedtime.

My concern and question is this: how should we integrate Wash into our family without disturbing Levi? Currently (I'm at work) they are both in their indoor cages, inside on top of a table (for some height) and next to a big glass window (open with a security screen) so that they can bond a little and still hear/talk to the birds outside.

Thanks :D
Wash and Levi
Wash and Levi
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Re: New family!

Post by MissK »

My gut says don't put them too close together, so neither is forced to be near if they don't want to. It would be bad, too, if one of them (probably Levi) was trying to assert ownership of the space and the other couldn't get away to show respect for that. What I've read says start them off in different rooms and get them closer in stages. Also to be super nice to the first one so it doesn't associate the new one with neglect.
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Re: New family!

Post by Salag »

Yikes, they're currently next to each other, though there is enough of a gap so that they can't touch each other (unless both of them lean through the bars, which I think they did last night :wink:)
Thanks for the reply MissK. My concern is that I'm going to have to let either one or both of them out in order to not show any neglect and to keep attentive to them both.
I'm also a little stuck to decide how to deal with the outdoors cage as I'd hate to have Wash locked up and Levi free to move around in the more spacious area!

Hard to know!
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Re: New family!

Post by MissK »

Well, good luck with that. I advise a second outdoor cage of sufficient size. I'm sure they won't compare the dimensions and you can alternate them if you want to be all equitable.

DO NOT place them in the same cage. There is always a chance of starting trouble that way, but with Levi already grumpy and already known to be overbonded to you, this would really just be a life and death situation for the new guy.

Um, let them out? As in, let them fly around the house? Of course you should do. Separately, and with you in the room, watching so neither bites the other's toes through the bars if they land on each other's cages (eventually they will do that).
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Re: New family!

Post by Salag »

Ok, well I might try that tomorrow whilst we're at work then, thanks. I think our plan was also to put them outside for a little bit this evening whilst we workout before it gets dark, so hopefully that will help a little too.

With regards to letting them out, Levi can't fly (sadly she got out too many times so we now clip her wings) so we may be able to get both out at once but keep them separate? Or would you still recommend only one at a time?

We currently only have one play gym stand (which was Levi's for at least a year) so I'm not sure whether to let her see Wash playing and having something to eat there or not...
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Re: New family!

Post by InTheAir »

In my -very limited- experience, the newcomer seems to be more aggressive. It might not be a rule, but just be aware either one may decide it doesn't like sharing space with the other. Or they may like each other straight up. You should be able to see the signs since their cages are close.
I'd definitely keep the cages far enough apart for now that they can't bite the others beaks. I agree with miss k that they shouldn't be caged close together if either shows aggression or discomfort.

Good luck! I hope they turn out to be best buddies.
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Re: New family!

Post by Salag »

Well, both birds were allowed out last night as they seemed quite content in each others company and seemed relatively happy. Levi was a bit posessive of her play gym and toys but was surprisingly OK for the most part.
She did try lunge at Wash a couple of times though but Wash seems to have been around other birds a lot and doesn't seem too phased by the experience!

One thing we noticed was that Levi preferred to be at Wash's back a lot.

I hope they become best buddies as well InTheAir :)
Preening together
Preening together
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Re: New family!

Post by Salag »

MissK wrote:Um, let them out? As in, let them fly around the house? Of course you should do. Separately, and with you in the room, watching so neither bites the other's toes through the bars if they land on each other's cages (eventually they will do that).
Should we allow them to land and walk on each others cage? At the moment I've been keeping them off of each others, to hopefully keep Levi at ease (if Wash goes on her cage) and to keep her from intimidating Wash (by going on his cage)
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Re: New family!

Post by MissK »

It's up to the birds. Either they will accept the other walking on their turf or else they won't. If they don't, then they will try to chase the other off, and this could well mean a physical attack either through the bars or inside or outside the cage.
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