Just that bit closer....

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Just that bit closer....

Post by cookiebrown »

I have recently adopted an 8 month old ring neck. I have got to the point where she will happily eat food from my hand and stay there to eat it. Or she will take peanuts and other small things out my hand.
I am at the point now of putting my hand in with no food and I am able to get very close without her flying off or climbing up the cage to avoid me.
But she is wanting to bite as I get closer. I am just wondering the best way to approach her to get her over this.
Do I allow her to bite me and keep showing her that will not work to back me off.
Or should I just slowly keep getting my hand closer but keeping my hand out of harms way.
I don't want to take the wrong approach as I dont want to scare her too much or get her into a bigger habit of biting.
Just with this being my first bird, hoping I may be able to gain some of your experiences on how best to handle the situation.
Thank you
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Re: Just that bit closer....

Post by MissK »

Hi. Instead of reaching in your empty hand, why don't you try letting your hand remain there once she has taken the food? That way your treats get you in the door, so to speak. She may be "biting" because she is uncertain about the new method (no treats) of introducing your hand into her space.

Pardon me for using your post as my eureka moment, but a number of people have some kind of trouble with the bird biting the hand. You said
But she is wanting to bite as I get closer.
Do I allow her to bite me and keep showing her that will not work to back me off.
I thought "WOAH! She's biting because you're too close for comfort. If you continue to reach for her, you are forcing yourself upon her. She wants you to back off because she isn't ready. We should not be trying to figure out whether or not to take the bite; we should be not reaching for the bird until it's ready!"

So, while I try this concept on for size, you try enticing the bird to come to you rather than making your hand go towards her. I know it's not your intention, but when we reach for the bird, in a way, unless it comes to meet us, we are chasing it.
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Re: Just that bit closer....

Post by cookiebrown »

Haha yes I did just realise I missed a bit off. As I know it is her way of telling you to back off.
She has come on quite a bit in the two weeks ive had her. But she tends to now, when she is eating millet out my hand every now n then. Take a nip at my hand. Nothing bad though.
When I have left my hand in and edged closer. When she looks like she is going to bite I just slowly pull back and then reset when she is comfortable. Whether that be with a treat or not.
Yer I know patience is the great factor with birds but I suppose I'm just testing see how close I can get with her. But it's all about gaining trust.
Just be prepared for a nip here n there lol don't go looking for the fight lol
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Re: Just that bit closer....

Post by InTheAir »

I think you are making taming hard for yourself. If there is no positive association for the bird in having your hands approach her and she is fearful of them already, putting your hands in her space will not help at all.
If you continually offer her treats when you approach her, she will like having hands approach her. Eventually you can cut back on the treats when she is already conditioned to appreciate hands.
I don't see the point of trying to put your hands in her space at this stage. If you keep creating positive associations now and avoid negative ones, she will trust you faster and be more open to new experiences with your hands in the future.
Apart from trying to chew my hand in a non aggressive manner when she first got brave enough to climb onto it, my avairy raised bird didn't bite me at all in the process of taming her and teaching her to step up. She didn't need to because it was her choice to come get treats. Even if I approached her with treats I watched her body language and would back off if she showed signs of nervousness, she was then offered the choice of coming to me for the treat or not. Greed overcomes all fear in the end. :mrgreen:

I wouldn't be preparing for a nip, I'd be preparing to make my bird feel as safe as I could so she doesn't need to nip :wink:

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Re: Just that bit closer....

Post by cookiebrown »

Ah thanks for the advice, much appreciated.
How would you conquer this problem though, she reaches for her treats eats away at them.But sometimes decides to bite. This has only just started happening
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Re: Just that bit closer....

Post by AJPeter »

You and your ring neck are looking for ways to interreact with each other, you want to get to know her better you bird is saying slow down l'm not ready for that and handing out a bite to slow you down just be patient with her.
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Re: Just that bit closer....

Post by InTheAir »

cookiebrown wrote:Ah thanks for the advice, much appreciated.
How would you conquer this problem though, she reaches for her treats eats away at them.But sometimes decides to bite. This has only just started happening
I've had more practice at trying to avoid biting completely, I only seem to get bitten by my guys when I do something that I shouldn't have done in the first place :lol: I accept the blame for any bites and try to avoid annoying them enough to bite me for the same indiscrection again.

Is she approaching you before she bites? Have you moved or done anything that may make her nervous right before she bites? I have moved my foot while feeding treats to my girl and freaked her out as my foot was on paper that made an unexpected (by her) crinkly sound.

I really recommend looking over the pocket sized behaviour guide on http://www.behaviorworks.org Also, there are some great articles on there about parrots and training/taming!
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Re: Just that bit closer....

Post by cookiebrown »

No it's only just really started it was going great feeding her she would come and eat the millet no problem whilst I'm holding it. But lately she seems to have a split decision whilst eating it whether to take another bite of millet or a bite at my finger.
It may be that she is growing more confident and used to me that she is in a sense testing me. I'm not really sure.
I generally stay really still whilst I'm doing it, but all the while talking to her.
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Re: Just that bit closer....

Post by InTheAir »

When she bites you, what body language is she displaying?
Young birds do chew and beak things to explore it, much like babies.
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