Anyone know a IRN breeder in Los Angeles?

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Anyone know a IRN breeder in Los Angeles?

Post by kei774 »


I'm looking to get an IRN in the next six months. I've watched literally hundreds of videos on You Tube and of all the birds I've seen the IRNs just seem to have the most personality and I love their little voices! I can't wait to get one of my own.

The problem is every bird store I've gone to has pretty much tried to steer me away from them. One said they're too noisy, another said she didn't think they make good pets because they're too shy and nervous and they never really bond with you. Another store I went into today the guy just shook his head and said they're a lot of work. Needless to say, after watching all the great videos on You Tube I'm shocked to be getting this type of response from people. I'm assuming it's because these people have never really had the chance to bond with one?

So I guess I need to find an IRN breeder. Anyone know of any in the LA area?


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Re: Anyone know a IRN breeder in Los Angeles?

Post by pinkdevil »

IMO, IRNs have a very undeserving reputation. I have found they can be quite loving, (in their own way), very intellegent and clever bird.

Sure they go through their temper tantrum stages, commonly called bluffing, but so far, most species of birds that I have handled go through some sort of tantrum at some stage. All part of growing up and finding their rank in the pecking order. :)

I have found that IRNs do prefer a little more handling than some other parrots to keep them tame, BUT if you are after a tame companion bird, then why would you want to keep it cooped up in a cage for most of the day?? :)
If people do not have the time to dedicated to IRNs, then maybe fish would be more suited lol.

Also, it depends on what personality in a bird you are after. Different breeds suit different owners, just like a particular breed in a cat or dog. Some people prefer a loud energetic dog, while others prefer a small 'lap' dog.

If people put themselves in a birds position, being in a cage all day, staring at 4 walls with little to do, waiting for the owner to come home for a bit of attention, they would also be noisy and "difficult".

Anyway, good luck with your search for a breeder in your area.
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Re: Anyone know a IRN breeder in Los Angeles?

Post by CalamariBaby »

If you are in LA and you seek a bird raised for temperment and personality I highly recommend The Beak.
They are not in LA but they are in Alpine down here past San Diego, well worth the road trip.
I got turned on to IRN's through videos and this board as I looked for the bird that would be right for us and we ended up just blessed with the nicest guy.
We were allowed to come out to see her bird farm and talk to her about them with our kids. We noticed they have a very active home with a big dog and cats and the birds inside in the kitchen were they tend to them all the time. The rear them like they are their own pets. So what I am trying to say is after we took our boy home at 2 months he was weaned completely and it only took a couple days to adjust to us and he was quite happy. He also was never scared of our dog in fact he would climb down and chase him.
If you can get a bird from them they are wonderful people to deal with.
When we initially asked about pricing Pat said that all mutations cost the same because they spend the same amount of time with them all. Which I totally agree with. But saying that I felt the pricing was very fair @ $150.00.
I could tell right off the bat that they really cared for the birds they raised. When she handed off Zazu to us she even gave us a few of his favorite types of toys.
We are considering a second and I wouldn't think of getting it from anyone else.
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Re: Anyone know a IRN breeder in Los Angeles?

Post by kei774 »

I'm so glad you mentioned The Beak because I've been to their website and I was planning on calling them. I'd love to go and visit them especially since I can't seem to find any Indian Ringnecks at any of the bird stores here. I'd love to see and interact with one in person! I'll let you know how it goes. I'm so glad to hear a good review about them.
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Re: Anyone know a IRN breeder in Los Angeles?

Post by CalamariBaby »

I just can't say enough good about them. Their babies usually hatch Feb/March ish so now is a good time to talk to Pat and go see her set up if interested.
I can't say I have ever seen an IRN any shop except Our Featherd Friends in San Diego. But I would much prefer the kind of raising they get from the Beak as a pet.
My bird is so funny... Someone asked me if he could talk once and I said they can learn if you teach them but I wasn't gonna focus on it because I don't have the time. But Zazu is part of the family and gets handles and talked to regularly throughout the day (especially weekends).
Then one day he just started talking. Goooood Boooy, he said right after pulling on my lip. :shock: I said Hardly...He is 8 1/2 months old now.
Anyway, he is a constant source of entertainment in our house. He likes to talk into his stainless bowls because it magnifies the sound. He can see the dinner table from the cage so when we eat he tries to let us know how great he talks to get some treats.
Oh because I have little kids I wanted to be sure I had a boy for a more stable personality and she agreed. She did charge me an extra $20 to DNA check.

Good luck and I wanna hear what you think if you choose to visit them.

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Re: Anyone know a IRN breeder in Los Angeles?

Post by kei774 »

Oh, now I'm so excited! Thanks for all the info. I'll keep you posted. Plus, I'm sure I'll have lots of questions before and after we get him!
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Re: Anyone know a IRN breeder in Los Angeles?

Post by ringneck »

You know, I am quite impressed with all your posts here! Pinkdevil, you literally could not have said it better! I have spent so many years trying to educate bird enthusiast about this particular specie—Bravo you guys/gals—I could not have said it better!

Best wishes,

U.S Marine
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Re: Anyone know a IRN breeder in Los Angeles?

Post by U.S Marine »

You know im quite impressed myself. Why is it many store keepers and new members explain to us that they are not sure about the Indian Ring neck aggression. I own a female that is gentle. I will be getting another ring neck soon and i will guarantee its just as gentle.
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