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And then there were seven

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:50 pm
by Hannah
Ok, so somehow in a week we went from 2 birds to seven!!!! I've already introduced Kikorangi, Georgie and Casper so I'll start with yellow fellow (no name yet) We were given him by a lady with way too many birds and ill health. He was a right mess, I've never seen a beak and nails so out of control. We took him to a local bird rescue centre for a fix up and trimmed him down as much as possable without hurting him. He has some serious deficiencies going on but responded well to a big feed of fruit and veg and a day in the sun. He also has some serious neurological issues which we have put down to lead or sone kind of heavy metal poisoning due to non bird friendly toys. He has these freak outs somewhere between an epileptic fit and a panic attack. Anyway, our plan is just to give him a few weeks to see if he improves and make a decision weather or not he is comfortable living the way he is. Any advice would be appriciated. Here he is...


From the same lady we also got grey dude (also no name, help with names would be good) who Kikorangi is showing great interest in which is good because it turns out kiki's friend Georgie is a girl. He is in much better condition than yellow fellow despite being a bit small and sruffy. Here he is...


Then theres the babies, Pickle and buttercup, temporary names as hopefuly i will be able to bring myself to find them nice homes. They were tossed out of there nest in a friends avairy so I thought I'd try and give them a chance, so far so good but I have no idea how old they are and I've never done this before so advice would be great, anyway, sorry for the novel, here are the bubs




Oh yeah better mension Ziggy or she'll feel left out...


And the axolotls, Pedro and Maria, dont have any photos of them (my husbands pride and joy)

Re: And then there were seven

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 10:30 pm
by julie
its so nice of you to help these birds out- big thumbs up from me.
There is a couple of threads floating around with fruit and veg ect that is high in vitamins, I know papaya/pawpaw is considered really beneficial to birds and is like medacine to them .
The pics of the bubs I would say they are 4 to 5 weeks maybe a little older, are they being hand fed?

Re: And then there were seven

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 12:47 pm
by Hannah
yeah, I'm hand feeding, one's a bit older i think, the younger one seems much more active than the other one. I hope its ok, its still eating, it just cant hold its head up and climb around like the little one does.

Re: And then there were seven

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 3:05 pm
by Hannah
Ok so it turns out there were another 3 babies in the nest box and the parents had stopped feeding them so we now have 5 baby budgies!!! AAAHHH! all are doing well though, especially the smallest one, Squirtle (cross between squirt and turtle cause he looks like a turtle) He's such a guts. i'll take some photos when I get round to it.

Re: And then there were seven

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 3:27 pm
by Hannah
The babies and moooorice the cow, kindly donated by my son.

