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Does she understand? or is this total coincidence?

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 5:14 am
by skittles
Ok, so Skittles beak was getting a little scaly, and had part of a scab from a run in with a window, so I followed advice on this site (thank you!) and got a calcium perch for her cage. I told my husband the next morning how much better it looked in one night.

He went over to her cage and said, 'o yeah, let me see your beak' and Skittles popped her little beak right out of the cage! then, he asked how did it get so much better? and she walked right over to her calcium perch and stood on it.

I think it is total coincidence, but still so funny!

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 5:35 am
by julie
did your hubby by any chance do the look/body language that most people do when looking at something up close,I will try to explain it but hopefully you will know what I mean
you sort of squint and push your chin out a little while kinda puckering your lips.

If yes skittles may have thought your hubby wanted kisses.

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 6:14 am
by skittles
no, he was actually standing a little bit away from the cage.

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:01 pm
by bec
i think it can almost be scary how much irns can understand
a while ago larissa (rikus pet kid) was very sick & was sleeping at a time shes normaly spoiling riku (he was not happy) he was dive bombing her screaming biting her hair yelling brocolli!!! at her i went into the room & said "riku shes very sick she needs sleep as soon as shes better she will play with you so riku flew to the pipe metal foot of the bed sat there staring and waited thats where he was when larissa woke up 4 hours later (feeling much better) ready for fun time with her fid

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 4:30 pm
by skittles
that is too funny! I am amazed at how much Skittles knows! she knows when we all sit down in the family room, she can get out of her cage,which she lets us know if we forget! She is starting to talk, and she definitely knows what she likes to eat! if she does not like it, she screams and throws it out of her cage!