Found a wild juvenile ringneck...HELP!

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Found a wild juvenile ringneck...HELP!

Post by fajaz »


Today I found what I believe to be a juvenile ringneck at the golf course here in Islamabad, Pakistan. It was being harassed (but not attacked) by a murder of crows when I rescued it. I have owned a parakeet before, so I am fairly familiar with bird behaviors etc (lucky for the bird!). I believe it is under 6 months old as it has faint signs of black on its beak, and has no sign of a ring. Also the tail plumage does not appear to be fully grown. His wings do not look like they are fully grown either, but the flight feathers in ringnecks may be different from parakeets. I dont think he is injured badly in any way, a scratch on his eyelid and foot but no blood loss or anything. His poop is healthy. I believe his is more nervous than he is ill. He is very open to handling, as i can pick him up with no issues, but he gets a little loud if you get too close to his beak.

Can somebody tell me how to post pics so I can get some definite answers from somebody more experienced as to how old he is etc?

This is my first time with a wild bird, my original plan was to rehabilitate and release him back at the golf course but Im worried that if he is too young, he may not be capable of surviving there (in which case I would keep him). He hasn't eaten anything, taken a nibble of a walnut, and he has been very still and quiet since i brought him home. If i leave the room for a while and come back, he is usually asleep with his head tucked in his wings. THIS is the only thing that has struck me as a little odd.

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Post by fajaz »

By the way, the Indian Ringneck is a native bird here, and there are hundreds at the golf course so re releasing him would not be a problem. Looking at pictures from around the website though, I have a feeling he may be much younger than I think, maybe in the ballpark of 10 - 14 weeks?
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Post by fajaz »

Well, the bird is quite a bit more active now, but is not taking well to being in the cage. he is very clumsy and cant quite get the hng of standing on the cage floor without his legs falling through. he is also trying to get out of the cage and keeps flapping his wings violently. I am worried that he will hurt himself by doing so.i took him out of the cage for a while but he just kept trying to make his way toward the window, where he could here the other birds singing outside. I really dont know what to do. I obviously cant let him go as he can't fly at all, but he insists that he is ready to go.

At what age do these birds usually start flying? I want to post pictures so that I can get an answer as to how old he is. Hopefully not being able to fly is just because of his age, and not a more serious problem.
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Post by fajaz »

please help!!! He is not eating at all, he has nibbled a slice of an apple but barely, i tried mashing up some bird seed with a bit of water, he pecked at the paste but i dont think any went down. Im afraid he will die if he doesn't eat anything!
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Post by Rolly »

What you found is a weanling that's looking for its parents.
That's why he wants out of its cage...and back to them.
It is not totally weaned yet, and should at least get one or two
handfeeding a day.
But since it has never been handfed, the process will be
difficult for you and the bird.
You can either look for a bird club/person who might be
interested in doing the chore or, do it yourself.
There's a thread about Handfeeding in the Breeding IRN section.
It might be of help to you.
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Post by julie »

If you cant get a hold of hand raising mix , try get some baby food, something like stewed apples,don't get human baby formula though. It might also be a little more comfortable with a branch or something more solid for it to stand on until it get used to where it is.
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Post by fajaz »

Rolly, Julie, thanks for your replies. I spoke with a breeder this morning who estimated the birds age to be around 6-8 weeks. He showed me how to handfeed the baby and helped me construct a nest for it (apparently the cage was not an appropriate enclosure for a chick this young). Baby seems to be in good health and spirits. Hopefully in a month or so, this little guy will be ready to join his pals heckling golfers over at the 4th tee!

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Post by haroonee »

AA Fajaz,

Do u know how to hand fed a baby IRN? You can feed him cerelac. make paste of cerelac with water n feed him with spoon. You can also use syringe, without needle, but only if have any experience or know the process... otherwise can choke the bird.

You can easily find hand feeding ringneck videos at youtube. Try spoon method. It is easy, n bird enjoy it more than anything else. Also, if still he don't eat anything or u find it difficult, post query at Or visit birds market at College Road, Committee Chowk, Rawalpindi. Consult any of the bird shop keeper... he will guide u, n since they hv IRN chicks these days, so they can show u how they feed...
Even sunday bazaar at peshawar moor has birds section where shopkeeper can guide u, but till friday, it would be too late... as the chick cannot survive with starvation for so long.
Don't give him stick, even don't put him in a cage if he cannot stand. He is too young for this... use some box etc. to let him stay safe.

Best of luck,

U.S Marine
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Post by U.S Marine »

fajaz wrote:Rolly, Julie, thanks for your replies. I spoke with a breeder this morning who estimated the birds age to be around 6-8 weeks. He showed me how to handfeed the baby and helped me construct a nest for it (apparently the cage was not an appropriate enclosure for a chick this young). Baby seems to be in good health and spirits. Hopefully in a month or so, this little guy will be ready to join his pals heckling golfers over at the 4th tee!

I would not think so pal.. :? After you take
care of it, You & the bird will be better off
as mates. :wink:
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