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Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 9:47 am
by heedcase
Ok I have been offered a Alexandrine hen for 140 pounds but it is an Aviary hen and i am wondering if it would he a good idea to get an aviary hen.

How hard is it to train them ? Would my male get on with it or would it be more domineering as it is a aviary bird ?

The hen is beautiful but i am very unsure ...

Any help would be useful.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 11:10 am
by ringneck
Hey heedcase,

There are many things you should be aware of :wink: . If your male is handfed he might not be able to “get it right” when it comes to mating :? . Did you know that some parrots become so imprinted on their human companions that they do not perceive other birds as mates?

Females are aggressive too and you’ll need extra supervision during the bonding stage.

I used to have an alexandrian; however, she lifted the door up of her cage and flew away. Before she flew away, I had her in one of my wooden aviaries and she started dismantling the structure and chewed through each compartment. Her beak was really strong and I was not prepared for her destructive behavior. If you choose to purchase her, I would highly recommend a powered coated cage and a great locking device to ensure no escapes—I learned the hard way :cry: !

As far as taming her, I believe you’ll have to put a lot of work into her. You might look into the subject of clicker training or positive reinforcement. If you wish to tame her you’ll need patience and time. I always believe anything is possible and it all depends on the bird and you.

Hope this helps you! Please let us know what you decided! :wink:

Best Wishes :wink: ,


Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 5:10 pm
by Fah

A major issue to ask is how old this aviary hen is. Alexandrines have one hell of a nasty nip, and are far from being shy to use it.

When putting aviary birds with any hand tame bird, you are opening the door to a world of "anyones guess" regarding how they get along, if they will breed, and even if the male will stay as social as he is now.

Hens are quite difficult to bring back to pet grade, but with perseverance, it is doable.

Unless you have alot of experience, or want to get a crash course on your experience level heh, I would not bother with the hen if she was older than 2 years of age... the time and commitment you would have to put into her could very well be huge.

Its just one persons opinion... its not impossible, but not easy either.