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skeets becoming a big boy!!!!

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:52 am
by bec
skeet is coming on in leaps & bounds hes flying and eating on his own we were having alot of touble with getting him to eat out of bowls he was doing well with food but only when i fed it to him :roll:
all this changed on monday night me( with skeet on my shoulder) & the kids sat down to watch our favourtie show so of course popcorn was served as soon as riku & general came down for they share skeet decided he should see what the fuss was about
he tookk his first taste & the reaction was immediete he loved it so much he made sure that i would steal any more by sttting in the middle of my bowl!!!!!!!!!!! luckily matt shared his bowl with me
after that he decided all the bowls must be checked out :lol:
he is definitly a little snuggle he likes his flys but not nearly as much as his cuddles

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 4:25 am
by kyria
Aww thats fantastic .. sounds like skeet is doing really well :D