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How do i pair my tame lazaros with an untame female?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:25 pm
by nil
Hi all
Lazaros (17 months old) is very tame and has a very strong relationship with me.
I have left him once a day alone and he didnt eat nothing all the day also he had a bad mood, so after that i take him with me when i go somewhere for weekend, but this is not so easy all the time.
So i decide to give him a pair, for company
Moreover i prefer a female for lazaros, because i would happy with some lazaros grandchilds :)
Unfortunately i dont find here in greece nice birds, so i ordered from holland 3 young birds with health certificates and circovirus, polyoma and sexind dna test.
I ll choose a wife for lazaros between a lutino and a blue female, lazaros is green.
But these females will be untaimed, so i am afraid how difficult will be a relationship between a tame and an untaime irn and what will be the lazaros behaviour about me.
I dont know how shall i manage this.
have you any advice?

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 12:21 am
by chipossesue
Hi nil-
I'm kinda new at this stuff also-but my Bodhi's breeder is a member here and told me this: a tame male can potentially be a breeder also, although it isnt ideal- if Lazaros does decide he likes the lady IRN, be prepared -he isn't going to be your usual loving buddy for awhile... and it's possible that he will act agressively to the female no matter what-no telling how things will go-One thing for sure-DONT PUT ANY NEW BIRD INTO HIS CAGE! Female or not,he won't appreciate -or tolerate- this! I'd put money on it...
If you want to keep Laz as the great buddy he is, I say-don't offer him a wife! That isn't cruel or unnatural-remember, he doesn't consider himself a wild IRN-he thinks he's just part of a strange flock!
If you are determined to try, tho-see if you can get further advice from Jay-he sometimes answers posts in the breeders forum... good luck in any case! -Sue & Bodhi

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 2:49 pm
by nil
thank you chipossesue
If you want to keep Laz as the great buddy he is, I say-don't offer him a wife!

i know that you are right but i dont like to leave my boy alone all his life without a girl :lol: its cruel :lol:
i plan to leave female 2 months in quarantine and then put her in a cage next to lazaros for at least 2 weeks. If i see good reactions i put them in the same cage.
i am concerned about lazaros reaction, maybe he will not wants her, about lazaros safety, because he is colt and the female is not tame, and finally if everything goes well, how can i manage a tame with a not tame bird in the same cage?

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:49 pm
by Fah
Heya, well you have a few things right thats for sure.

The introduction process is not something you do in one day, and considering the wild nature of the hen to be, and more importantly, how used to being the only IRN around you alot in regards to the male.

When it comes to them getting along, its seriously a bit of luck, with a bit of spoiling of equal types of food.

Your pet bird will lose a bit of its pet nature, but most likely, your wild one will learn to be less affraid of you and humans in general. So long as you keep up the attention on your boy, he should be fine.

Breeding seasons however can heavily change this. Once he gets into the hormones of it... there are two things that can happen... 1) he gets a bit narky during the season and returns to normal after young are fledged or 2) he stays narky and you lose that pet you once had.

If you truely want a pet, that changes your boy in the least possible manner, and truely want a hen for him, get a tame one. You will have the same experiences with breeding, however the overall attitude will be less harsh in the changes.

All in all, you have to expect the worst, not the best, in regards to tempers and future friendships with your boy, so incase he does rebel from the pet nature, you dont end up hurting yourself more than you needed to.


Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 3:41 am
by nil
hi fah, and thank you for your response
Unfortunately we cant find a tame hen, so i ll try with a wild one.
here in greece there arent breeders, all irns are import and are generally in bad conditions, without papers, etc, so i order 3 young birds from holland, 2 hen and a cock. One hen is for lazaros ( i have 11 irns but only lazaros is tame).
Now lazaros live with me in home in a cage and 1 hour per day leave him free in home to fly and play with me. I hope and after hen is coming, to have an attachment with lazaros and more of that i want lazaros to be fine and happy

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 6:16 am
by Fah
Well if your hen is happy and so is your little guy, the only thing you really have to keep up is the attention on him.

If you slack off the attention I guarantee you it will be an easy slide from pet to barely tame.

If you keep up the pet quality time, you should do ok.

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 1:11 am
by nil
of coarse i intend to have my attention on lazaros for ever, because as you say lazaros is my boy and i love him too much ( i handfeeded him from when he was 10 days old). I just want to he has a company and a good life when i am not in home.
i hope lazaros, after his hen coming, to still want and enjoy my company.
we ll see fah what future brings:)

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:08 pm
by nil
hi all
finally i take a female for Lazaros
she is a yellow one
I have her 5 months now, and 3 in the same cage with lazaros
she was wild but now she is enough tame but i cant touch her or even move close her
She has the same age with lazaros - 2 years old.
when i put them together, lazaros no give me any reaction,maybe only
courious. Lazaros not only doesnt lose his pet nature but he wants me more than before.
He lives accord with her, he affraids her a few and he doesnt prefer to stay near her, but generally is good without any fights
i think he is pattience and ignore her
he prefers to stay with me and is very expansive when we are together.
He looks me that is sexually imprinted on humans rather than being
imprinted onto his own species.
i dont know if this can change, i hope so but i am affraid also
do you have any comments?