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free DNA test for tango

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 5:17 pm
by leo
guys, im going to have tango DNA tested...

there was an international birdshow yesterday and there was free gift for those who can show a video and 5 pictures to prove that your bird if happy+ a short essay of discription of the bird and daily activities, and 5 is only be entitled the gifts

so, i submit the tango bathing video and some pictures...

so i was entitled free feather DNA here, usually the doctor have to scoop something from the bird anus, and i think it is not safe and we got to wait for 2-3 month for result...

for this free gift, i only have to wait 2-3 weeks af the test is carried out in USA...

i saw a white blue macaw and yellow scarlet macaw that coct 200K singapore dollar(1.3 singapore dollar = 1 USD)

wanted to take pic,but now allowed...

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:52 am
by leo
hi, so nervous...

the result going to be out betwen next tuesday till thursday...

guys, what do you think, male or female





i think this one can see better

opinion please, need it...thnaks alot

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 6:49 pm
by Briony
i think tangos gorgeous no matter what s/he is :)

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 7:27 pm
by Donna


Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 8:18 pm
by Amazonite
i was going with Female, but then again DNA or the ring is the only way to be sure. Good luck

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:20 pm
by greeny
I think female. Tango is excellent either way.

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 8:18 pm
by leo
thanks for the comment...

any more comment please...'
thanks alot

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 11:26 pm
by IndianRingneckBoy
I fink tang is a female becaus the head isnot as round as a male
but its still cute

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:13 am
by leo
i thought the flatter the head is, the more it is like male...

1 vote male and the rest female.......

guys, how about this picture?
i post this picture earlier, i think here he look like male, but im not sure with other angle of the picture..

thanks alot

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:17 pm
by Oliver and Justin

In males i have noticed. Males stand higher. They have a flater head, and they dance.

It is so hard to tell with a baby though.

Everyone thought oli was male but she is a good ol girl :wink:

So you just never know.

The flat head is a male characteristic. But maybe she looks like a male. Or maybe tango is male.

Just wait for the DNA Test to come back :D Im excited to see what tango is.

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:11 am
by leo
every body...

tango is female...
i was disapointed when i read that,...
i told my slef not to but i cant help the feeling.....

but, after awhile, i look at tango...
i start thinking...tango will still be tango...
nothing will change...

im glad i have her,...she accompany me during my exam, when i scored badly and when i have problems...

the disapointment disapeared, glad that i have tango......

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:51 am
by greeny
I think Tango is the nicest bird. Being female is no problem, she is still the nicest bird and also very beautiful.

I hope you get over disappointment - male or female ringneck are both good. It all depends how you handle them and raise them.

Don't be sad about it Leo - tango is great.

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 7:42 pm
by Oliver and Justin
Hey Leo,

I know how you feel when you are dissapointed.

But tango is tango. No matter if its male or female. It doesnt change a bit.

She is a good girl and that is all that matters

Congrats on the lil girl :wink:

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:06 pm
by Amazonite
leo wrote:every body...

tango is female...
i was disapointed when i read that,...
i told my slef not to but i cant help the feeling.....

but, after awhile, i look at tango...
i start thinking...tango will still be tango...
nothing will change...

im glad i have her,...she accompany me during my exam, when i scored badly and when i have problems...

the disapointment disapeared, glad that i have tango......

Congrates on the little girl.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:35 am
by leo
thanks for the supprot every one!!!!!
do you think the name tango is suitable gor female...?

like can't find anyway to change it to female name

today she dance like mad to the small bell,male dance!!!!!!1

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:49 am
by Bella
leo wrote:thanks for the supprot every one!!!!!
do you think the name tango is suitable gor female...?

like can't find anyway to change it to female name

today she dance like mad to the small bell,male dance!!!!!!1

I think tango is fine for a girl
Can i ask why you wanted a male? Is it the ring? the dance?

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:55 am
by leo
actually i like IRN since 6 years ago, when i 1st saw them in the large cage at the bird mart, 3 years later i wanted to buy 1, but discourage by the shopkeeper, they say they are not good pet, and if you only interested with the beauty nad think they can be a good pet, i was wrong...

i wanted male because of the beauty, the strength of the colouration, and the dance....

it is what attract me to IRN at the very 1st impression

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 3:43 am
by ryelle
i think that the majority of people want a male IRN just for the ring and the dance, and are usually dissapointed when they find out they havent got one. i think its a real shame people think this way.

We got told Spit was a boy when we got him but there was no evidence to back it up. I hoped he was a boy too, but i think it would have been great if he was female seeing as though i live in a house over-run with boys (had the two rats, my boyfriend and Spit lol)

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 7:35 am
by leo
are usually dissapointed when they find out they havent got one. i think its a real shame people think this way.

to be honest, alot of people say that...but those who said that was the one who get male...

its like you said, its okay to get slapped, but it is when you dont get the slap...

who don't want male which can dance and have the extra jewel of the ring???
who don't want?
im sure everybody want, especially for those who had only 1 pet...

i used to said, im okay with both, but honestly, i felt the disapointment, but i got it over as soon as a few hours...

ryelle, u said those are shame, to me, you are saying everybody are shame...

maybe including yourself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
don't be hypocrete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 2:56 am
by countrygal_cc
Hey Leo I see that you have a girl. It's ok either way now you know also tango is ok too for a name. Looking at your pics cupcake does look a lot like tango and I am guessing mine is a female too. It is good to know though in the long run :-)

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 8:53 am
by leo
im still have the gut feeling that the dan was wrong, he is male...
juat a feeling

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:18 pm
by Karla010507
Leo, :D

I just wanted to tell you Congratulations! on finding out that Tango is Female. As long as she is healthy and happy that is all that matters. Tango is beautiful the way she is. :)

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 3:13 am
by ryelle
hahhaaa im not a hypocrit. i dont choose my pets because of the sex they are. our fid just HAPPENS to be male. we would have been happy even if he was a she and not dissapointed because he wouldnt have "the extra jewel of the ring".

maybe i am saying everybody who wants a male IRN over a female IRN is a shame. why should females be a disapointment, even if it is just for a few hours, because they dont grow a ring or do a dance?

pah!! this discussion is a joke

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 9:07 am
by Oliver and Justin
Lets not turn this into a argument.

Ryelle has an opinion and so does leo. So If they dont agree, move on.

Its not like your gonna change anything, by arguing over the internet. ha :lol: :roll:

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:06 am
by leo
i dont even care what you are,...
every body have diffrent thinking and angle of seeing things...
even parents can get disapointed when knowing they are expeting the baby that is not the gender they want...

of coz people have expectation on the gender of fid they have...
why is it a shme to have the objective and wanting to have certain gender of fid...

those who shame are those who abandon or throw away thir fid coz of gender, yes, they are shame, but come on, don you say you dont have any expectation on your thing you have??????

if you dont, okay, i dont know what to say....

and are you gona be happy if people said you are shame to have that kind of expectation??


Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:57 pm
by greeny
It is interesting about how the gender of the animal can influence a person's thoughts.

My green IRN Wallis was sold to me as a female. I bought Wallis strictly for personality. Wallis is a very ordinary looking bird, not brilliant, but my main interest is personality of the bird. So all along I called the bird "Miss Wallis". Until one day the ring started to show!

My husband was a little upset that the bird was male as he thought the consistent, uniform color was prettier than having a ring.

We got over Wallis being a male and like Wallis just the same anyway. But my husband was slightly dissapointed at first, and then recovered. It is just that having your expectation being different than reality takes a moment to recover and then everything is ok again.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 1:00 am
by pinkdevil
The only time gender matters to me is if I am trying to pair up a bird for breeding. :)

A few months ago I saw 2 cockatiels hens for sale. As soon as I saw them I thought, "gotta have them"! lol I bought them before I even new their gender lol.

I guess if you are after specific requirements, (as in colour for ekkies, rings in IRN, etc), or you asked for a particular sex and was sold the wrong one, then it doesn't really matter whether your bird is a boy or girl.
I mean if you loved your bird before the gender was proven, does it really make any difference??????
It does not with me. :)
If I have an opposite gender to what I was after, it is a perfect excuse....errr...reason :wink: to buy another bird. lol


Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:40 am
by leo
thanks pink ans greeny

yup, i understand, let a side love for the fid, we sere have certain expectation on the fid we have,esecially if we own only one and only fid...

futhurmore, what make me interested in IRN in the 1st impression was their ring...

so the imression grow with the expectation to have the IRN that have the ring( which interest me in the 1st place)

disapointment of coz whne you dan get what you expect, but i dont throw or abandon tango in anyway, even now, when im typing his,tango is on my lap preening....

whe the hell ryelle making nise and calling people shame...?

anyway, wht is her problem???!!

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 12:10 pm
by Aces Wild
I can see where you are coming from... its having a feeling or being excited to see that ring, when you find out your bird is female. It is just like a pregnant woman with 3 male children, hoping for a girl when she finds out its a boy. It is not that you wont love that baby/bird, its not that you would give it up, its that you had your hopes up for a different outcome. Your immediate reaction is going to me some disappointment but after it settles in, everything is okay.

I am not sure WHY someone would take Leo's feelings and turn them into a negative thing, we are here to be supportive. And if someone claims they were never let down because their expectations weren't met, then they are lying. Its human nature.

Leo, you have a beautiful girl (although I just read a post that you are unable to find her at the moment). You are in my thoughts!

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 12:19 pm
by leo
thanks aces, thanks for understanding me... it was what i exactly trying to say...

to be honest, i have the feeling tango was a male even she is sexed to be female...

and i have feeling she will fly back...

this feeling is so diffrent when i lost my cockatiel,...

i really feel she is coming back even now is down pour outside...

i don't know, i tried to get rid all the feeling, coz it is too painfull if it turn out to be what i think( she fly back)

my ear keep hearing the squaking, even i know it is imaginery sound.....
i don't know, i felt in the mess and can't really think properly...

i dont know what am i typing too!!!!!!!!1


Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 7:45 am
by albino
Wow that is so cool, you may be DNA tested for free. Good luck on that. I wanted to ask you something not related because I saw you have all kind of pics posted. How do I do this? I want a profile pic and pics posted at the end of my posts. I tried to follow the instructions but it says it's not right. Maybe you can give me a better example. Thanks ;)

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 7:50 am
by albino
OK duh I see you got the results back and Tango is female. She is beautiful!!! Sorry I am new at all of this ;)

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:51 am
by leo
you have to coppy the image link and paste it on

well, tango has flew away, :cry:

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:39 am
by albino
Wow, I'm sorry to hear that. Thanks for the copy/ paste advice. I hope you recover your little tango.

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 3:18 pm
by albino
Oh Tango, please come home.


Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 1:31 am
by Darlene
Hi Leo, I read your post about Tango being DNA tested and she is a little girl. We thought Luna was a male and then learned we had a little girl. She has taught us that the females are special in there own way. She is cute and funny and a good talker. And Indian Ringnecks are a beautiful species of Parrot male or female. Luna charms everyone into or out of anything she wants LOL. :lol:

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 6:11 pm
by leo
does luna talk?
wow, i think its hard to make tango talk now, she is so quiet like she is dying...
yup, female is wonderful pet too...
just that she will be ringless...which i dont mind by now...

i just wan her to get welll...

thnaks darlene, i owe you tango's life, without you advice for aloe, her wound might has killed her...

thanks...take a bow

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:25 pm
by Darlene
Hi Leo, You asked if Luna talks. Yes a very good little talker. You said Tango is quiet. I will tell you that after Luna was injured, she didn't talk again for 8 monthes. We just thought she would never talk again, so we excepted her as she was. Then one day, Luna was in the room alone and I heard her talking softly to herself. It sounded like when she first started to talk, but got better. She wouldn't talk when she thought we were listening at first. Then she started talking more and is saying everything she used to say before the accident. So we have learned from Luna, that parrots can be very emotional. and when your parrot talks, she is happy and feeling good and content. So when something goes wrong, they may n
ot talk again until they are getting better and have a happy routine again. And parrots have a long memory. So Luna has had to heal emotionaly also. She is doing fine now and even if she is disabled right now, We love her even more and she is still an awsome little companion. And Tango will talk when she is ready. She is a female and females are good little talkers.
Darlene :)