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Post by Mikaela »

Thank God I never leave my bird unattended. You know the little play gyms they love so much, made of wood with a few ladders and a swing. Anyway, very common so I am sure you know what I'm talking about, if not... shop more.

Anyway, last night India and I were playing on her gym while enjoying pizza together. She is about 14 weeks old now. Well, she began her "I am in trouble' noise and I looked over to find her HEAD CAUGHT BETWEEN THE STEPS OF THE LADDER. She was eating/playing with pizza crust and having a blast. Looking at the bars, they look far too wide to ever allow this to happen, but somehow it did. I had to manipulate her head out gently while being eaten alive, as she was VERY scared and in freak mode. Nonetheless, she still lives on the daggone thing. The bar spacing on the steps are 2.5 inches, how this happened is beyond me, I just thank heaven I was with her.

Please be aware of this. This is still our favorite place to hang out and bond but no more play gym while I'm cooking, cleaning, anything except play and bonding. Thanks ya'll, hope this saves your babies from the trama. She was VERY scared and thrashing around enough to have hurt herself very badly had I not been there to hold her wings from flapping and to manipulate her head out. My husband said she would have probably broken her own neck trying to get out or at least broken a wing trashing.

Horrid experience for her but I have noticed she isnt playing peek-a-boo between the bars anymore. Pretty smart to be able to learn from experience. Hell, most of my friends cant even pull that off.
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Post by Melika »

Your friends can't pull off learning from an experience? Or sticking their head between bars? :lol:

Thanks for the head's up. My 'tiel likes to try and get his head through places, luckily he doesn't panic and gets himself out. But he does it again and again. Hopefully Hane won't have that issue since I want to get him a Parrot Tower. But who knows, birds can get in the oddest places. 0.o;

Post by vortmax »

i know all about that. Tony has a set of keys (like you buy for a baby) that are on a plastic chain. The links in the chain are big enough for him to fit his head in up to his wings. Well once he decides to stick his head through, he can't figure out how to back out, so he panics and trys to climb all the way through. So that toy has become a ouside of cage exclusive toy so I can watch him while he plays with it.
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Joined: Thu Jul 07, 2005 5:12 am
Location: Islamorada Key, Florida U.S.A.

Post by Mikaela »

I have bought a million toys for my girl, literally. I am a housewife with too much time and money on her hands so I have wasted alot of money 'trying' things she might like. Well after about 5-a grand in toys and accessories, I run across an old set of those baby keys myself. I threw them over to her expecting her to ignore them and walk away. Wow, was I wrong! That is her favorite toy. So, I now buy her toys from the baby section and those are her favorites. I have a little teething ring you can freeze, she loves it when it is cold. She throws it around and tries to figure out why it feels different. These toys are actually safer. If it is safe enough for a new born, its safe enough for my dirty-bird. (her nick name)
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