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new Ringneck meets Conure

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 3:47 pm
by kidrossi
I am a Conure owner soon to be picking up a 2 y.o. Ringneck(they are older ppl and say they dont have the time to take care of it ???) My Conure is same age, very friendly but not very shy, and is not clipped and has the run of the apartment(think his cage is big enuf?)...the Ringneck is clipped and seems to be bluffin...I have lots of hanging perches and toys for the kids but my question is : how should I handle the birds and their first meeting, and for the time it takes to get the Ringneck (Maxie) off the roost and into the air...appreciate any insights/suggestions...Steve

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 4:39 pm
by Bella
Welcome :D
1st thing is quarantine for at least 30 days just incase the irn has anything or you could take him/her to the vets to get checked out save your conure from getting any nasties.

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 6:51 am
by Lauren
Hello and welcome. Sounds like a great set up you've got ready for the new arrival. First things first, you need to have a 30 day (atleast) quarentine period to eliminate any disease that the new one might bring, and you dont want your Conure getting sick!
When I introduced my 2, I had them in separate rooms. I let them out for an hour a day for a week, supervised! I watched their every move incase a fight broke out. I offered them both a plate of food to encourage doing things together. Not a great idea, but I think when foods involved it brings the devil out of a bird. haha. To my surprise, the complete opposite of what I thought would happen, happened. My new baby Yoda took over and now rules my, then 6 year old, Jibby who was always the boss when we had tiels. You just never know whats going to happen until they meet and decide how the flock will work. I was lucky they didnt fight. Yoda just has to give an evil puffed up head and pinned eyed face and Jibby backs away. I didnt want my first (Jibby) to feel like hes missing out, so I kept my routine with him, nothing changed, only there was a new baby in the next room, he was soo eager to 'play' with, I dont think he was much interested in me at all! It was a big change in his behaviour and personality. I then moved the cages next to one another so they could bond within the safety of their cages.