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You calling me a HO!?

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 6:24 am
by Mikaela
On the news here in the US, they are reporting that Aussies get VERY offended with Santa's Ho, Ho, Ho, and that an Aussie woman would get angry if you said that to her.

I know A LOT of Aussie, as I adore them as a whole. They have an off-beat yet HUGE sense of humor. To Americans, their sense of humor may even seem offensive, as mine in text often does.

Anyway, Im finding this very hard to believe. Aussies banning 'Ho, Ho, Ho? Some of the most jolly people in the world?

Is this just sensationalized reporting or is this in fact true? Are Aussies putting a NO! to the Ho, Ho, Ho!?

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 7:10 pm
by rowemob
Yes there was some garbage on the news the other night about wanting to ban the Ho Ho Ho! :shock:
I don't know who wanted it banned or why but I think most of us are quite happy Ho Ho Ho-ing our way around at Xmas :D

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 8:11 pm
by Lauren
Maaaaaaate. Fair dinkum! Silly duffers. The idiot box is wrong. Dead set. :lol: I don't think us Aussies (generally) get offended by those such things.. and some of 'our' words are offensive to other cultures? Didn't some countries want to ban our tourism ad because we said 'Where the bloody hell are ya?' :shock: Bloody hell is a popular saying here. I could go on with more 'offensive' sayings. But I wouldnt want to offend. I love Aussie ockerism. :lol:

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 8:42 pm
by alana8819
my golly gosh banning ho ho ho i doesnt offend me anyway aussies are more likely to call the girl a skank or the naughty s word then a ho isnt that reserved for gangsters :lol:

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 8:45 pm
by Lauren
By jingoes, Santas a gangster? :lol:

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 4:37 am
by Mikaela
I cant believe anything I hear on TV so I came to the source... as I said, aussies have thick skin.

They can take it and give it.

I use the term Kick A$$! For something I think is exceptional, that offends some people but that doesnt stop me. Its my true natural reaction so I ask others to 'get over it'.


I reckon Brittney didnt run over enough foots this week, they had to make up something. Thanks yall! Didnt want to offend any of my aussie friends here or on my image site.

~ Mikaela

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 1:48 pm
by ~*Gwennie*~
I heard this on the radio the other day. Seriously-why do we always point the finger? People need to take responsibility for their own actions.

*ok jumps off soapbox before she gets fired up anymore*

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 2:54 pm
by Lauren
Ok, My partner mentioned this to me yesterday. He heard this on the radio too! Here!.. so some snooty nosed beaurocrat did ban 'Santa' employees at a recruitment agency in Sydney. Very small story.. probably didn't even make the news here, but somehow Americans pounced on it. hehe. I can see that it could be a little derogatory to women.. but.. carrrn its been a saying for yonks and we don't even use the word 'Ho' for the other meaning!

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 4:36 am
by kyria
Same ole crap from the noisey little minorities that want a little bloody attention. How bloomin rediculous is it getting. Weak petty little people that obviously DO have issues with themselves.

The Story was, Myer was training up their Santas and had made it stated that Ho Ho Ho was offensive to some groups and instead they should say .. He He He or Ha Ha Ha.. but honestly .. then some group will stand up and say ,, why is it He He He not She She She .. or Ha Ha Ha ? Why is Santa laughing at my Child !!

Get off the grass !

The world is becoming so sensored, so ruled, so pittyful. Nobody can take reality anymore.

The English series "Thomas the Tank Engine" (in the US) they are not allowed to call the Fat controller "The fat controller" they call him "Sir Top and Hat". God forbid you should call someone fat. In Australia the saying is "Call a spade a spade", if it wants to be a shovel lets mould it into a new shape.

You cannot call Fairy Penguins by their name anymore, they are "little Penguins" (until the midget community starts bleeting). And the nursery rhyme "Ba Ba Black Sheep" is now "Ba Ba rainbow sheep" (until the gays pipe up about that).

You can't mention God to anyone, Oh unless you are frustrated or angry and cursing his name (if ya don't believe in him don't mention the word at all, especially in angst), and don't deal with US currency coz that has God on it too. And at Christmas its now Happy Holidays, not Merry Christmas... Funny thing about that is, they are infact saying "Happy Holy days" (which is where I believe holidays came from originally) lmao.

Its a bloomin joke ! fairdinkum, they are spoutin from the mouth, putting in their two bob and making a joke of everything including themselves.

Mumma taught us "Sticks and Stones will break our bones, but names will never hurt us" for a reason.

If ya take offense at words, then ya have a problem, go get a shrink !


Wow ! sorry .. went off the rails a bit huh ! lol oh well.. needed a payout, good excuse to vent.

Merry Christmas and Ho Ho Ho to all the fairy penguins and the Fat Controller, God bless us all and Praise the Lord, Jesus lives !

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 4:59 am
by Mikaela
Well, if ya a Ho, Imma call ya a ho... I dont care what time of the year it is and be sure of ONE THING... there would be no problem distingishing Ho, Ho, Ho, from Yous a Ho. :wink:

Yeah, seemed a little snooty to me too, glad I asked.

Sidenote: Have any of you seen the Irwin family stautue? Its so beautiful. Lil Bendy always makes me cry because she is sooo smart and so strong. I still cant watch that baby on TV yet, knowing her loss.

I would pack and leave home TODAY to be able to live and volunteer at their zoo, be a part of all that hard work and feel all that love. In a New York minute... my kids would miss me but I'd still do it in a heartbeat :!:

(Daddy is a good daddy, wouldnt worry about them, they are his by birth anyway lol)

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 7:22 pm
by Lauren
:lol: Go Ang! Words mean nothing. Yet I try not to swear so much. Some words just creep into your vocabulary. LOL! Or to be politically correct.. 'I am laughing out loud, on the inside.'

Reminds me of something funny.. My grandfather is very old fashioned and always corrected our words, even made us eat sandwiches with a knife and fork! He got the internet, so my younger teenage sister sent him an email, with the usual language of the net, alot of shortened words.. etc, not even thinking whether he understood. He sent her an email back, correcting every word she wrote. hahahahaha.

I havn't been to Australia Zoo but I want to, should of visited when I lived up there, such a beautiful place!
Bindi is incredibly strong. I just wonder if she will hit a wall soon because she sure is putting on a brave face. :( I'm sure she's got the support of not only her loving family but the whole of Australia.. and the US behind her! :wink:

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 3:08 am
by Mikaela
I worry about that 'wall' too because she has been *too* strong. I pray she has that inner-strength and she doesnt wake up one day and face it. Meaning, I hope she already has. And I believe she knows her loss.

I just cant imagine it.