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purchasing a new bird that is 10 years old

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 7:25 pm
by ChilisOwner
My wife just purchased me an african ring neck for my birthday. he is 10 years old. When we went and looked at him he was very nice & now that we have him at our house he has become agressive. he lunges at me & has taken chunks out of my fingers (lots of blood). I understand he is prob. bonded to his old owner. I have only delt with baby birds in the past. I have never had to gain trust like this befor. I really like chili.... I wnat to be his friend. How can I turn him around. I am also looking for a baby blue male for a pet & a lutino adult femal for chili. please help.
Joe :D

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 8:16 pm
by Donna
Joe Chilli needs time to settle in. He is very scared and confused. It will take time and a lot of patience to gain his trust. Don't take bites personal and don't react to them, they love drama. You said you were looking for an adult female for him? Does this mean you want him for a breeder? If this is the case pet birds don't usually make good breeders and breeders don't always make good pets.
