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Smokey had the vet in tears today

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 4:47 am
by laine
Tears of laughter that is. I took Smokey to have his wings clipped today. He had 3 fully grown flight feathers on each side and some odd sized middle ones. Nevertheless, he was strong enough to fly right through the house and loved the kitchen. He scared me alot in the last week as I couldn't find him and I am sure he was playing hide and seek. I would call out "where are you?" and then I would hear a laugh and he would come out and show himself. A game I am sure he found very amusing. It was a little funny but more frightening, so I decided to get him trimmed before there was an accident or worse an escape.
Anyway, back to the vet. I came home from work and opened his cage. I had the carry cage ready to put him straight in. He immediately yelled out to me 'What you doin" this made me laugh and then when I put him in it he continuously yelled out "WHAT THE", with a tremendous amount of exclamation in his tone. All the way to the vet (about 5 minute car ride) he kept repeating 'what you doin' and 'what the' . He knew it was not the normal daily routine. Inside the vet he went quiet. Just looking around. It was then our turn to go in. As soon as I opened the cage he came straight out and jumped up to my shoulder. After a little chase, from one side of my back to the other, I finally got hold of him. The vet found this funny as he said he had an amusing look in his eyes. We got Smokey into position ready for the clipping. I held him and the vet clipped. Just as the vet put the sissors close to his wing Smokey said, as clear as ever, "What you doin". Well the vet just about fell over laughing. He eventually composed himself, wiping his laughter tears away, and tried again. With Smokey all in position the vet started to clip the wings and Smokey yelled out "What you doin" :o "WHAT THE". At this the vet could not compose himself. He had to put the sissors down till he stopped laughing as the tears freely rolled down his face. He told me he has had some amusing reactions from birds but this was a classic. We did eventually get there but it was the funniest vet trip I have ever had. Surprisingly enough, when we got back to the car and home, Smokey wasn't the slightest bit put off by this experience. He went to his cage and ate and played as normal. The test came at dinner time. I gave him some bread on his cage and went to the kitchen. A short while later, i heard Smokey's little laugh. He walked/waddled into the kitchen and climbed up a chair. :shock: :lol: . He must have thought "you might have clipped my wings but you are not leaving me behind. I am still going to follow you everywhere whether you like it or not". :lol: Oh well, at least he can't fly into the sink/oven/frypan --- Heaven forbid. :shock: :(

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 9:57 pm
by Lauren
:lol: Thats hilarious! Vets must get all the laughs! Always an adventure when going to the vets! Jibs showed everyone at the vets his bell last year. He wanted all the people in the waiting room to know how much he loves his bell. He was having so much fun until the 'evil' vet grabbed him and stuck a needle in his jugular. :evil: