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I just got a ring-necked parrot

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 3:27 pm
by NoWhat
I'm from Macedonia and I've been looking for a medium sized parrot for quite some time now. Given the characteristics and the prizes, the best option for me was a ring-necked parrot. I've had 2 budgies before and I did a lot of research for them.
I got my ring-necked parakeet from a pet shop. The pet shop has had the parrot for a month, and before that they got it from a private breeder. It's hand-fed so it's very tame and I could actually pet it the first time I met it, but it was probably too stressful for him and I wont force any petting from now on. The pet shop owners were not that gentle with him, they just stick their hand in it's cage and got the bird out. When they got him out it was tame and didn't bite. I also noticed the private breeders did the same to their parrots. I can't imagine that's okay. Maybe that's just the way of the people treating the parrot badly.
Anyway, the tips they gave me were for diets (fruits and veggies, seeds, no salts or sugars, no chocolate, no avocado, no apple or cucumber peels etc). And I did some research for medium-sized parrot diets and ring-necked parrot diets. I'll try to include everything in it's diet and try to give it different foods each time.
What I want to know is, from your (professional) opinion, EXACTLY what kind of bird (species) is it? I know it's a ring-necked parrot, most probably Alexandrine. But when buying the parrot the breeders told me that there are different kinds of Alexandrines that I actually saw (small, large, blue, white, yellow). They told me that this is a small Alexandrine, about 4-5 months old. I will include some pictures in my post. I want to know the exact species because I want to do throughout research for them. If you can recommend some books or websites about my type of parrot please do.
I know that my cage is not that good. I'm going to buy additional toys and better perches. I'm going to look into that more after I know the exact species of my parrot.

Here are a few (not that good) pictures. I'll leave them as links so I don't screw up this thread with too many

I know that it's a bit of a tl;dr text but trust me, I'll be an active member here! What I've noticed is that most animal-related forums and communities are full of nice people!

Re: I just got a ring-necked parrot

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 8:03 pm
by MissK
Can you get the breeder's information from the shop and ask them directly? Or have the shop ask?

Re: I just got a ring-necked parrot

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 10:41 pm
by NoWhat
MissK wrote:Can you get the breeder's information from the shop and ask them directly? Or have the shop ask?
Yeah, both the breeder and the shop told me it is "small alexandrine" or "little alexandrine". I just wanted to get a more professional opinion from here maybe But I guess searching for general Alexandrines diets and stuff would be sufficient enough. Based on my little experience from searching through google, my parrot seems more like an IRN. Because the breeders had them in different colors and they aren't that big.

At the end, it doesn't even matter. I'm guessing the diets and toys and stuff is the same for both species? (IRN and alexandrines)

Re: I just got a ring-necked parrot

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 9:12 am
by MissK
Ask them for the full Latin name.

Re: I just got a ring-necked parrot

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 1:51 pm
by InTheAir

Your bird looks like a ringneck to me, but I'm not an expert.

He will like to have a few different sized perches in his cage, if he doesn't already. My birds really like natural wood perches with bark on them to chew. Also toys are important. It doesn't matter what species the parrot is as long as toys and perches are the right size.

There is a list of safe foods in the "diet and housing" section of the forum.

I recommend and ... hange.html for training your parrot. I haven't found any particularly good books on psittacula parrots as pets, only about colour breeding.

Also, search for "foraging toys". My parrots love these.

Best of luck with your new buddy.