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Oscar first video

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 7:01 pm
by Newbirdmom
Hear is Oscar first video I took of him the other day. You can hear him say somethings some I don't understand. But he does say Okay, Kitty Kitty, what baby, What a good boy and Oscar. So if you can make it out just tell me :). Sorry it is dark my cam is not the best.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 9:22 pm
by Peanut
How old is oscar? He is sooooooooooooo cute! Peanut is 15 months old, and all he sounds just like that. You really cant quite make it out. Will peanut's speach get better? Or will it stay the same, since he is starting to mature?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 3:33 am
by kyria
Oscar is adorable, what a sweetie and I even got to hear your voice :wink: at the end.

This is what I heard Oscar say;

clever boy
wake up
Hey baby
ooh give us a kiss (then he does two kinds of kisses, a smack kiss then kissy kisses)
clever baby
clever boy
good boy

he says huh! huh! in between and alot of kisses and other words I can't make out between all this.

He is so cute and so very clever. He has a very similar voice to "D" Datsun .. Chamons IRN.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 4:38 am
by Newbirdmom
He is at about 10 or 11 mo old. He talks so much now it is not even funny and he also laughs it is cute. He does have tons or personality that is for sure. Now that cute little thing he does with his toy when he is talking is that the male dance?

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 4:04 am
by Lauren
Oh my gosh, Oscar is so cute! I love the kissys and the way he says his name! Gorgeous! He does sound alot like Datsan too.

My Yoda does the same lil dance to the blinds and kisses. I'm not sure if it is a male thing because my big boy Jibs doesn't do the same 'male dance' that I've seen (I'm not sure he knows hes a birdy lol).