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My messy floor

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:32 pm
by Kateykat
We went out onto the patio last night to have dinner and as I sat down I noticed just how much of a mess the floor near the fids playgym was. Food everywhere, not scraps of eaten food but whole pieces without a bite taken out of them, pine shavings everywhere, foot toys on the floor etc. So I cleaned all that up and we ate dinner then went to bed. I got up this morning, went around changing water, see and pellets, fruit/veg etc and let the two terror's out. About an hour later (maybe 8 am at the very latest) I happen to look out the glass door and there is Silk on the playgym, happily emptying out the fresh fruit in the bowl there, picking one piece up, scurrying over to the edge to drop it then looking over at the piece on the floor. Then going back for another piece. I sat and watched her, once all the fruit and veg was on the floor she started on the pine shavings. Picking them up and scurrying over, dropping them off the edge then looking over to watch them fall to the floor. She was mighty upset when I came over with the dust pan and cleaned it up, she was leaning down at me making funny little noises not quite screeches but loud enough to let me know I had ruined her game. Silly bugger :lol:

I am belly laughing

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 11:05 pm
by Bird crazy
What a game, Huh?
My two do it too. But not so much with their fresh food anymore, they discovered they like it to eat first now. But the expensive pellets, oh yeah.
And Nila went through this period where he would toss them out by color. One day all the green, one day it was the yellow and so on.

Priya sat on the treat cup on the new play gym and methodically tossed them all onto the floor. No dropping them she threw them as far as she could. I had pellets in about a 10 foot perimeter around her playstand.
They have also both discovered that the new treat cups on the new play gym are deeper and echo nicely when they talk into them. So they both take turns through the day getting up there and putting there head in the dish and talking or screaming loudly to hear the echo.That really makes me laugh.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:16 am
by Gemstone
that is funny, so we kinda know what we are goign to go though with Amazon that will be great.


Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 4:53 am
by Bird crazy
Now I claimed the name Bird Crazy but you guys who think that's fun
you can be birdcrazy 2, birdcrazy 3 etc because only a crazy person would
think cleaning up the floor after a bunch of feather butts fun. :lol:

And I might add I usually watch them make the mess and laugh. :roll:

Oh yeah Bird Crazy is appropriate for more than me I'm sure. But my husband is sure I am the only nut who would want to put up with such a mess in my house.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 7:55 am
by CatsChair
I keep trying to tell the frats about all the starving birds in India, guess I was more impressionable than they are. I am still cleaning my plate and they are all throwing their food on the floor!

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 4:22 pm
by ~*Gwennie*~
lol sounds like my house.
The other day when i vaccuumed Lou thought it would be great fun to put his beak in his food dish and shoof out some food....
ON MY CLEAN FLOOR! oh he's lucky i love him so much!

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:41 am
by Kateykat
Pepper must have been watching Silk real close, because she got in on the act today. Pine shavings flying everywhere. Its a hoot watching them, Silk does these funny little hops through the shavings, reminds me of a little grey cat pouncing through the bushes hehee

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:44 am
by Kateykat
Oh and Sue, my husband would deffinately agree about me being one of those crazy bird people. He says it all the time. Usually something along the lines of, "look how well those birds eat/are treated, so much better then you feed me".

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:39 am
by Lauren
Thats hilarious! Cheeky lil buggas arent they? Gilbert takes his corn and 'chucks' it on the floor to watch it bounce. And Yoda 'kicks' seed out like a dog by sitting in the seed tray and kicking one leg super fast! Havnt seen them 'chuck' their vegies yet though. I love seeing them have fun making a mess but cleaning.. its a twice day job! Gilbert makes weird noises at the vacuum the same noises he makes at planes. :shock: engines?

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 6:54 am
by CatsChair
That is one down side of Magellan's new monster cage. When she sits on it, she is actually at my head level. She has the best time throwing things off of her play gym, and she has an amazing range from that elevation. Suspect part of the amusement is that the cats and I keep going over to see what the thud might have been. Who is training whom, I wonder?

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 4:46 am
by Mikaela
I had a dirt devil implanted in my rear. Now all I have to do is squat.

My man will NOT tolerate ANY kind of mess. Ya'll have seen my house. Everything has a place and everything is in it :lol:

Sue will tell ya. :)

Dirt Devil huh

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 7:41 pm
by Bird crazy
I spent a night out of town and came home and was talking to the birds telling them how good they had been because the place was so clean, my Mother was here with them.

My Mom chimed in and said "That's because I cleaned it up twice today"

Guess who else think's I'm crazy...

Well so Mom and my Hubby can go live in a clean house somewhere and I'll stay with the fids. Mess or no I just love the little buggers.

and Mikaela I did notice how clean your house was and wondered if you had just cleaned because I was coming. Trust me if you popped in on me you'd find seeds and poop in more that one place

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 11:01 pm
by ~*Gwennie*~
it never ceases to amaze me how far lou launches things, especially things he doesn't like. :roll:

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 10:49 am
by fiona
Kateykat, my ex used to say the same thing, that my animals eat better than him. I told him if he wants to eats nothing but salad, bugs, and pellets, he could eat that well too. Why is it they like to make a mess? I keep saying I'm going to get fiona a job at a mulch factory b/c she shreds wood everywhere! Her cage is cleaner than the floor!


Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 4:55 pm
by Bird crazy
So what we have all learned is that they naturally clean their cages by throwing things out of it they consider unwanted in it. So now all we have to do is teach them to throw it in a trash can placed strategically by the cage.

Think it might work?

Re: My messy floor

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 3:14 am
by Keith19

I have a question about my messy floor cleaning..,
What cleaning products do you normally use...?
Please give me guggetions...