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possible contamination of pellets?!?

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:41 pm
by kimtoo
Okay-seems to be my day for posting news....

in a roundabout way, because of the hyacinth that was lost in S FL I ended up speaking today with Liz Johnson today. She and her husband Bob run the Shyne Foundation.

Liz and Bob provide a permanent rescue home for abused, abandoned, and unwanted parrots. There is more about their impressive backgrounds on the website. I asked Liz about the diet they feed their 130+ macaws and other large parrots. I mentioned pellets. She told me a story that has me running to Lowes for a "pick-up" magnet. There is an article at the link above called The end of the rainbow-almost -go there now and read it!!! After losing one bird and with another sick, an x-ray revealed a gizzard full of metal shavings....long story short--pellets that contain ground foods may have metal fragments from the grinding blades. Some batches more than others, some brands more than others...Harrisons switched to stainless steel blades, harder? don't contain the toxic alloys. is obviously up to each of you to decide if, or how to address this with your own pellets. If you read the article you can read the methods they used to detect metal in bird food and even ground food from the health food store.

I did not see a date on the article and did not ask Liz when this took place-maybe it is a moot point now-I hope so-but in case it is not, now you know.

I will post my findings as soon as I get it done-hopefully tonight but relatives in town and all that-if anyone else checks please post whatever you find!

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 4:03 pm
by Bird crazy
I had heard of this several years ago. Not sure what has happened in the industry since to correct it. Worth a search for sure to find out.
I am covering a co worker's shift tonight so if I have time I'll look tonight and see what I can come up with.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 6:26 pm
by Guest
thanks Sue, that would be great. The Johnsons still refuse to feed pellets to this day...

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 5:20 pm
by kimtoo
Sue, any luck finding current info?

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 5:28 pm
by Bird crazy
Nothing. Only reference I found to metal in pellets was in the one you posted.
I have Harrison's, Roudybush and Zupreem and Nurtiberries and a seed mix here right now. (Uh a little undecided would you say?) I'm going to get a magnet tomorrow and see what I come up with on each of them.
I'll let you know.
But I did read a lot of stuff about too much vitamins when a bird is fed fortified pellets/seeds. And I read alot about offerring fresh veggies and fruits on a daily basis.

I'll let you know what my unofficial test turns up.

No metal contamination

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:33 pm
by Bird crazy
I just finished checking all the above foods I have for my birds and I did not get any metal on the magnet I used. I dumped out everything and passed the magnet over the actual food but also made a close check of all the powdered stuff at the bottom of the bags and nothing. :D

Good news, although any mfg could have a problem at any time it tells me there wasn't one with any of the things I've been using so far.

I remembered where I had heard the news before, it was at a bird store in NC and I'm going to email them, the owner is a vet. They should know if there's a problem.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:12 pm
by kimtoo
Thanks for being so diligent Sue. That is good news.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 9:26 am
by Bird crazy
Hi guys, got an email from Dr Burkett of the Birdie Boutique, has an email address listed and answered me promptly. Here is his reply:

I have not experienced this problem. Magnets will find, steel, but not toxic metals such as lead and zinc.

If you feed Harrison’s, you will not have any problems. Lafeber products are very closely monitored and should not present problems, either.

Thank you for your kind words. We love our shoppe, and it is always nice to hear that other bird lovers enjoy our efforts.

You can follow the switching instructions on our web site; they work great.

Please let me know if I can help further.

Dr B
Greg Burkett DVM
Board Certified Avian Veterinarian
The Birdie Boutique Inc - A Parrot Lover's Paradise
Shop at for the best bird supplies and bird care information
Call toll free 888-442-8426

Hopefully that helps, and I will be going with Harrisons and Lefeber's from now on myself.