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One nail pulled off !!!

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 1:45 pm
by Zebra
I've searched the forum but cannot find the right answer....

On of my ringnecks has her nail pulled off. It's on one of the longer toes facing front, the nail is completely off, not bleeding any more, just a bit red from the dried blood. I've tried to clean it with peroxide this afternoon. She is holding the leg tucked in and looks quite uncomfortable, but can walk on it.
Is it going to heal itself with no problem or does she need some antibiotics? I will call my vet tomorrow, but she is not a parrot expert and might not know for sure...

Does anyone have an experience?

Thank you

Re: One nail pulled off !!!

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 4:53 pm
by sanjays mummi
The only experience of this sort of thing, was when one of our German Shepherds caught a claw in the car lock when jumping out and it took the claw out, ok so the bleeding stopped thank goodness, loss of blood can be fatal in birds. In our case, the vet just bandaged the foot, he didn't bother with antibiotics, Hannah had lost the quick, but a rudimentary little claw grew in, it took years though, I wouldn't worry too much, as long as your birds environment is kept clean, there shouldn't be too much risk of infection. You have disinfected it, now you should leave well alone until it heals up by itself, just in case it starts bleeding again when you touch it. It will be sore for a while, but not for very long.

Re: One nail pulled off !!!

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 8:24 am
by Zebra
I got some healing ointment from the vet and it healed fine :)