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Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 12:51 pm
by chris1955
Can anyone help have had my in since November his name is max he is still quiet how can I get to cherp he only does it when he gets back to his cage

Re: talking

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:20 pm
by jenica1026
Hi Chris,

I am not expert - I just have had two males for over a year now. My boys are very talkative - no real words yet but I can tell from the sing song that do, they are working on words and phrases - they just sound different from each other (the words and phrases - some are pretty cool and I don't know what they heard they like because I can't figure out what we said that sounds like that). I hear them say "Come Play", "Robert" (that is my husband's name and they usually scream this - lol! - they hear it enough said that way as I call to him from another room), "Go Sid" (once again screamed as I am yelling for my dog to go out with the others - she thinks she is special - lol!).

So as you can see, my boys are not there yet but I am wondering if you have a female and not a male - are you sure you have a male? Does he has a dark ring around his neck as the females have rings, too, they are just lighter in color (more subdued). I have heard females with talk as well but I think they are quieter (I figure they have to be when sitting on a next and predators are around).

From what I hear, just keep repeating phrases, give treats as you talk and use a lot of excitement with the words. Some people say, going out the door or coming in are great times to repeat words to your birds as they get excited at these times. Just some ideas, I am sure others have some time more or even better to tell you.

I hope Max talks soon and more to you if you start trying some of these ideas. Jan