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It's a girl!!!

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:02 am
by Mikaela
Hey ya'll:

*runs in the door all excited and out of breath*


Yes, we realize we already have 4. :oops: So shut-up. We can feed them. :lol:

If it isnt a girl, one of you will have to take it! :twisted: Ah, no Im not joking.

My husband is upset because I only do home deliveries because that is what *I* am use to experiencing and seeing. All of us did it on the rez and everything is just fine. I will take the baby and I into my ob/gyn after delivery for a once over and I'll come home with my baby. No seperation period. No drugs to hurt my baby.

Just me, my husband, my children, 2 mid-wives and our hot tub will get me through. I will encourage all of the boys to watch the birth and actually think they will. Until one passes out. At worse, they would just be a few feet away in the bedroom. I want us all together. And Im not budging. Im having a water birth. Very natural for the baby and helpful for me, as I wont be medicated.

I wasnt born with a silver spoon up my **** like my ol man so he can learn to accept the home birth or well accept. I grew up dirt poor on a reservation and we didnt have any MD's and baby's and mommies were always fine. I had Matthew this way, no problems and I was just a child during his birth.

Its MY body, MY baby (which I have to stop saying), and it is going to be done:


Come on... someone get pregnant with me!!! Pwease. I scared. :cry: :!:

No way mam,I don't want nuthing to do with birthin no babies

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:25 am
by Cindy
OOps, sorry, preaching to the choir here. Can't have any more babies...BUT ......CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...You have every right to have a baby anyway you want...and I am sure when the time comes Hubby will agree (psst, or we will shred him) lol :lol:

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:40 am
by Mikaela


Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:44 am
by Dani03
Congrats Mik! Finally...that is so awesome...I am so excited for you. *jumps up and down for joy*


Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 3:08 pm
by Mikaela
Ack... after reading my post awake, its could be taken as Im already with child. No. :(

We have the word go from my Dr and Im ovulating this week. (bet that turned the guys on :lol: ). So we are in a hotel like two little rabbits. Held up for three days eating, laughing and loving! Hard to make a baby with four busting in your bedroom so He, Baby and I are in Jacksonville this week at this office.

Baby is sick of watching and wishes and wanted me to let ya'll know she would have rather stayed home this week. :roll:

I didnt realize making a baby was SUCH a blessing. Getting pregnant is really hard when you are trying but as a teenager, boy was it easy! :oops:
We have to keep taking my temp and when it reaches its point he has to fly from the office to the hotel to 'uhm' before it falls. He said I was running him to death but wasnt complaining. :lol:

Im sorry if anyone thought we had already pulled it off. We just this week bolted out of the gate. Set your watch... this may take awhile. Im old.

Had we conceived already, I would have been calling ya'll screaming YOURE GONNA BE AN AUNT!!!!!!!!! AHhhhhhh. -giggle-

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:06 pm
by jen5239
Wow, the first post I did think you were already pregnant and so happy for you. But you sound so excited now that I am still happy for you. Good luck on baby makin'! I wish you nothing but the best!


Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:12 pm
by Mikaela
I have to stop logging on while I go pee pee at 3 am. :oops:

I re-read my posts and Im like :shock:

Makes sense when I write them. If it sounds off, check the post time lol