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help me stop my boy biting!

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 5:15 am
by domino
My lovely 2 year old seems to be becoming quite aggressive. I really don't want to stop handling him. It started when ever I gave him food, either a treat or him bowel of food and he would immediately attack. I just but it down to instinct behaviour and ignored it. Then he progressed to biting out when we were near the cage. Now he bites when we have him out. He also chews our clothes when he's on us.

When he's out he makes his wings into a heart shape and makes loud chirps whilst pinning his eyes. Is this some kind of dominance behaviour?

Rio has never been a cuddly bird but I could always handle him previously and read his behaviour but recently the aggressive biting has become a problem.

I know there are lots of threads here about biting but I just wanted to add my question so that I can describe the food aggression and the behaviour.

I hope some of you can help me. He really is a beautiful bird and we love him to bits.

Re: help me stop my boy biting!

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 10:02 am
by sanjays mummi
Generally, animals bite out of fear, but your bird sounds territorial. Try moving his cage, And re arranging his toys and furniture. Eye pinning is a sign of pleasure and wing stretching is just that, so he obviously likes being able to have a good stretch. Sanjay nibbles my clothes, I assume its all part of their quirky behaviour. Or, perhaps he is preening you.

Re: help me stop my boy biting!

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 11:55 am
by AJPeter
Billie chews my shirt collar l think she likes the crunchy feel of the collar, my shirts are threadbard, she also likes buttons, and will spend several minutes trying to cut through the thread.

Rio might be feeling his oats.

Re: help me stop my boy biting!

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 2:27 pm
by InTheAir
The heart shaped wings thing is the mating dance that these birds do.
Does he do it towards you or an object?
How many hours sleep does he get at night?
What is his diet? Is it a low energy one, pellets and vegetables?
Do you use positive reinforcement when you are handling him?

Changing the layout of the cage as suggested by previous poster is a good idea. Also ensure he gets 12 hours of darkness a night and a low energy diet.

Re: help me stop my boy biting!

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 8:03 pm
by Donovan
My own bird enjoyed being handled and petted when he was younger.. but i ruined it by petting and handling him when he didn't want to...
indian ringnecks grow to dislike being handled or touched in general so what is rewarding to you may not be rewarding for your bird. They don't care if you like petting them... if they don't like it then they can only learn to like it by associating it with something they Do like....

So i have quit petting or touching my bird or even having him step up without a treat being involved. His time of avoiding me was short lived. Even now there are times when he doesn't want to be touched or petted or to step up regardless of the potential reward i'm offering...
These are times when being left alone is a reward unto itself.

Long story short, teach him to like the things you want him to like... and don't push the issue when he doesn't want to cooperate or you'll have the opposite effect...

they're not cats or dogs..... a cat or dog can basically be forced into understanding that being petted is a nice thing.. birds just don't think that way...

Re: help me stop my boy biting!

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 2:54 pm
by domino
Thanks so much for all your replies.

I will try everything suggested.

He is fed with Harrison's pellet food, fresh fruit and veggies and some occasional seed mix for variation. He gets 11 to 12 hours of dark sleep most nights.

The trouble is if I try playing or training with him, even out of the cage, he will get angry when I give him his reward. He will snatch it and then immediately pin his eyes and try and bite me. Why's he feeling so angry when he's got his treat?

As for the chewing, today he was insistent that he wanted to chew anything he could, clothes,chairs, curtains ,ears, the sofa. Any attempt to stop him either with a gentle shake or a firm No made him angry.

I'm certain he's not afraid. He's very sociable and will fly to find us and be with us.

He isn't clipped as there is nobody locally who will do it. I love to see him fly.

I will try moving his cage and maybe making sure he gets enough rest to see if it helps with his grumpiness.