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stopped lounging but....

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 12:29 am
by aliyaamelia
So i had a problem with my irn lounging at me a while ago. Wich we managed to overcome and she no longer does this. Yay :)

Now we ran into a different issue.
she bites. Shes not agressive when doing so its more like shes testing out my fingers and gets excited and keeps chewing. Even if i give her a toy she goes for the fingers. Maybe she thinks its a toy. I dont know. But it can be quite painful at times.

ofc i want to do something about this. Just dont know what to do really. Shes not very interested in treats when shes in this state of mind?

Shes 4 months old. Is this normal for irns?

Re: stopped lounging but....

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 6:44 am
by Donovan
well, just don't offer her your fingers if you can help it.. don't give her toys.. set them down and let her come to them.

you could also try teaching her a hard lesson and make your fingers taste awful

Re: stopped lounging but....

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 8:17 am
by aliyaamelia
I try to keep my fingers away but making her come to the toys might be a good idea.

How do i make my fingers taste bad? What could i put thats not bad for her.

thank you for good advice

Re: stopped lounging but....

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 8:34 am
by Donovan
There's some bitter apple stuff you can get at some pet stores or buy online.. (google 'bitter apple')

just make sure it's safe for birds... check the ingredients and make sure each of them are safe.. it's too easy to accidentally poison a bird

Re: stopped lounging but....

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 2:05 pm
by InTheAir
Donovan, have you tried that?

Ali, what treats have you tried with your bird? My guys drop anything for some fresh passion fruit or pomegranate. It is messy though!

Missk might have some suggestions.

Re: stopped lounging but....

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 5:57 am
by aliyaamelia
I give her apple, banana, pear whatever fruit i have home really...sunflowerseeds and walnuts mostly.will buy some pomegranate, i bet she would love that.
She takes treats nicely from my open flat or pinched between my fingers. With no biting.

its just that when shes perching on my hand for example she wants to chew my fingers of :/
when she does this i gently wobble my hand so she gets distracted.

and if shes sitting on my leg for example she tries to get to my fingers to bite.

even if shes on the sofa walking on the backrest she comes over and bites my necklace my earrings, clothes etc.

for her to not bite on me and my things i have to keep giving her treats constantly lol.

im thinking maybe i need to get her some advanced toys were you can put a treat inside? Whatever they are called. Any suggestions?

Re: stopped lounging but....

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:57 pm
by InTheAir
If you search "foraging toys" on here you'll find some useful threads. Most foraging puzzles are made to be attached to the cage. Your bird is a good age to start foraging.

I don't know if it is good practise, but I gently say "ouch" or something similar and flinch if my birds nibble me too hard when they are grooming me. They are usually pretty careful. I would probably put them elsewhere if they didn't let up.
I wrote my sock chewing story on this thread ... lit=+socks . Sapphire was playing on my socked feet yesterday without eating them, so it seems to have worked.

Re: stopped lounging but....

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 12:01 am
by aliyaamelia
Thank you very much :)

Re: stopped lounging but....

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 11:40 pm
by SkyeBerry
hi...just a thought...make sure that she does not think you are rewarding the biting with a treat. This could easily happen. Use the food to attract her to toys but not to distract her when she is biting.

Sometimes, saying 'ouch' works. I think my bird went through a phase of biting to hear me say 'ouch' even though it was not a loud or excited sound. Because of the young age, you might try avioding the bite by keeping the fingers ways, trying not to react if she does bite, and not letting her at necklace, earings etc. You may have to take the jewelry off. She might be attracted by the bright colours or shiny metal. Remember, these could be swallowed if removed/chipped by the bird, as well as toxic, and/or cause of an obstruction.

It sounds like you should make a playstand/basket or a birdsafe necklace for when you are on the couch with her. I think in that case, she is looking for something to do and/or your attention.

Re: wobbling the hand if she bites - I have read to do that in a lot of places - I have also read some very respected behaviourists disagree with that approach - likely even more so with a young bird. You want your bird to think of your hand as a safe perch. A perch she will readily step onto when you are trying to remove her from your shoulder or when she is in or about to get into a dangerous situation.

You may also start wanting to wear longer thicker sleeves if this behaviour continues. They are good for hiding/protecting hands at times. BTW - it took a couple months but my bird did stop nipping/biting. And note, this phase could reappear at the 'terrible two's' and/or when the bird becomes hormonal in later years. Birds definitely teach you patients if nothing else. And always remember, not to take it personally. It was sometimes difficult when my bird's nipping started at 4yrs, but it was a phase and we got through it and he is even friendlier than before. :D

Re: stopped lounging but....

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 2:49 pm
by aliyaamelia
Thank you for great advice :)
I will def be more careful with when i give her treats.
About the wobbeling my hand. I never thought about it that way and it does make sence ofc., i will try with maybe a foot toy or something to distract her when shes in that mood. It is as if shes getting bored and looking for something to do lol. Im trying every day and i try to learn everything possible to try and get through this. i hope this will get better. Apart from this shes a lovly bird :)
Thank you

Re: stopped lounging but....

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 9:39 pm
by SkyeBerry
Remember to be patient and if there is a day you feel too stressed to deal with it, try and find something to keep her occupied and give yourself a 'time out.' She will have good and bad days just as you will. When you get frustrated and need a place to talk things out and/or ask questions come here. Don't ever yell at her - parrots like excitement and do not seem to understand yelling as a negative reaction - likely because so many of their calls are loud. She will also see yelling as attention and just like kids negative attention is better than no attention. It goes without saying birds should never be hit or have anything thrown at them. I also would not spray her with water for discipline. The spray bottle is for showering her - ie) a bath. It may also be required for applying medication to a wound or her feathers in the future so you do not want her to become afraid of the bottle or the sound of the spray. You want her to only have good associations. That said, there is nothing wrong with misting her everyday. It is good for bother her feathers and her skin and it will encourage proper preening. Remember, do not spray at her. Spray towards her but up in the air above her so that an arc of droplets falls down onto her. You are trying to create a 'rain fall' effect. Not all birds like to be sprayed. Whether or not she does, you can also offer her a dish of water. Making ripple noises in the water or running water from a tap often helps get them 'in the mood' for a bath. I think the sound stimulates the instinct to bath in running water. Running water would be safer and less likely to be full of bacteria etc than stagnant water in a pool. Finally, we are all learning about our birds every day. There is so much for all of us to learn, breeders and veterinarians included - and there are so may opinions because sometimes there is a lot of guess work, as well as trial and error. Like many things, what works for one bird and owner may not work for another. You will likely have to try a combination of things and may even come up with something on your own. Please remember to share your successes. What works for you may help someone else. I am glad you enjoy her and have no doubt she is a lovely bird. As long as you do not reward the behaviour unintentionally, it will stop. :)