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I'am back---with a very long story to tell

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 6:35 am
by AlphaWolf
Hello all,
I'am sorry for my sudden disappearance. But the reason was that everything went crazy. First my favorite and closest aunt died from cancer, and it was really heartbreaking. Her death was shocking, from 1 month she was gone :cry:. I didn't have the heart to come back here so I stayed. Then suddenly Aero, whom my progress was suddenly getting better, went down. I woke up one day to see him completely terrified of me. I was extremely heartbroken. So day by day, our relationship vanished. I changed his food,water bedding and that was it. I hope you guys don't hate me for this but then I started considering re homing him. I didn't want to see him suffer so I decided right after my exam I will give him away to a caring family. Time passed by, my exams finished when something extraordinary happened. As we moved into a new home a couple of days earlier, I had the full 3 floor to myself. I was just about to write an adoption ad, I passed by Aero I saw him. He was cuddled up into the cutest ball and was staring at me with beautiful eyes, something exploded in my heart. No, I was not going to give him away, no...I will train him and build another newer and better bond. I will show my family and the world that I can tame him. I went and give him a slice of apple and he didn't at all panic. He just stared at me. From that moment I had decided. I will rejoin here and begin again from scratch. So I will begin updating this post day by day, and hope you guys have forgiven me; MissK, InTheAir and the other I count on you guys to help me achieve my dream. The teen is back, and forever.

P.S. Also Aero's stump of a tail has regrown into a magnificent tail. I love staring at it :D

Re: I'am back---with a very long story to tell

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 7:24 am
by MissK
Hi AlphaWolf,

I'm sorry you've had some hard times :cry: , and I'm glad you're back with us now. :)

Last year I had to spend a lot less time with Rocky because my Mother was not well and I had to be with her. Rocky's comfort level with me was affected, but he was able to make a very good recovery from it. Recently my Mother is not well again, and Rocky has gotten less and less time from me. For a month or so he hardly came out of his cage because I was always going to the hospital. Now things are starting to get something like normal again, and I find I just need to approach Rocky's cage gently so he won't be alarmed. He still will take food from me, follow the lure, fly to me, step up from anywhere that's not higher than my shoulder, and he contact calls for me. He doesn't want to step down, but he never did before, so no surprise. Recently he flew after me when I left the room, and I think that was a first. I think it shows he is still wanting me near.

I tell you these things to give you some confidence that Aero will be able to survive his recent setback. You've been enthusiastic, confident, and patient in the past about training him, and I am sure you can both do what's needed to get back on track. Yes you can! :D

I have a new bird who is not tame. Maybe we can work with our birds "together" and encourage each other? Right now I've had Lynnie for a few weeks and not worked with him much. The timing was bad, but I had to get him when I did because that's when he was available. He is overall afraid of hands and he gets upset when I open the cage door. However, he is coming cautiously for millet held by hand inside the cage and has begun to show the start of a begging behaviour. I notice he will come to the perch where I like to hold the millet and quietly look at me until I notice and offer him some millet. It's a start. :P

Re: I'am back---with a very long story to tell

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 7:25 am
by Donovan
No idea why your bird decided you were the devil?

Re: I'am back---with a very long story to tell

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 7:45 am
by AlphaWolf
Donovan wrote:No idea why your bird decided you were the devil?
could be my freaky looking hair??

Re: I'am back---with a very long story to tell

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 7:48 am
by MissK
I'm betting that AlphaWolf was busy with life and Aero didn't get the level of interaction he was used to, and slid backwards. Also, with the recent upset in Alpha's life, very possible his demeanor changed and scared the bird. Equally possible the family dynamic affected the bird, although probably to a lesser extent because Aero has been living in Alpha's bedroom.

I think it's actually quite fortunate that Alpha's family moved, because the sudden change into unfamiliar surroundings may have promoted Aero to look to Alpha for reassurance as the only familiar part of the situation.

Re: I'am back---with a very long story to tell

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 8:24 am
by AlphaWolf
MissK wrote:I'm betting that AlphaWolf was busy with life and Aero didn't get the level of interaction he was used to, and slid backwards. Also, with the recent upset in Alpha's life, very possible his demeanor changed and scared the bird. Equally possible the family dynamic affected the bird, although probably to a lesser extent because Aero has been living in Alpha's bedroom.

I think it's actually quite fortunate that Alpha's family moved, because the sudden change into unfamiliar surroundings may have promoted Aero to look to Alpha for reassurance as the only familiar part of the situation.
To the point MissK, but the house we got is identical to the other. I mean identical.

Re: I'am back---with a very long story to tell

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 8:27 am
by AlphaWolf
MissK- Thank you so much for your encouragement. Would be super happy to work together MissK. Btw what species is lynnie?

Re: I'am back---with a very long story to tell

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:00 am
by MissK
Lynnie's a Lineolated Parakeet - you can see a photo in my photo thread!

Re: I'am back---with a very long story to tell

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:28 am
by sanjays mummi
My condolences, Alphawolf, it's a year this month since Sanjays daddi died from Cancer, in his case his death was preceded by eighteen months of hell. Since daddi died, Sanjay has been Much quieter, and barely says a word, but in time, I think he will start up again, he used to interrupt conversations, and, of course, there is not much opportunity for that now.

Re: I'am back---with a very long story to tell

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 5:38 am
by AlphaWolf
So just after 3 days with Aero in a calm environment and he has become much calmer. Finally I can change his food/water/bedding without him panicking, he just stares and looks. Also I have a chair 1/2 meter to his cage and I sit down there in my iPad. Yesterday not only did he approach me to watch what was I doing, he also preened,ate keep turning his face sideways at me and chilled out on one leg. I will carry on sitting by him and feeding him treats. Oh and he also made this cute chuckling clucking noise yesterday, too cute :) So what do you guys think with the progress???

Re: I'am back---with a very long story to tell

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 7:08 am
by sanjays mummi
Brilliant, absolutely brilliant!

Re: I'am back---with a very long story to tell

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 7:37 am
by MissK
I have every confidence in you!

Re: I'am back---with a very long story to tell

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 7:53 am
by AlphaWolf
Thanks you guys, cannot do it without your encouragement. F
So what is the best way for me to find Aero's favourite treat. I want to entice him with the magical alluring treat that he dreams of! :D

Re: I'am back---with a very long story to tell

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:58 am
by MissK
Well, how did you find it out before? Do you remember what it was? Put on that thinking cap! You're not a beginner any more. :D

Re: I'am back---with a very long story to tell

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:31 am
by AlphaWolf
MissK wrote:Well, how did you find it out before? Do you remember what it was? Put on that thinking cap! You're not a beginner any more. :D
We'll tbh I never did. I just saw that he liked apple so I used that. In another forum I asked I never got the full answer. Oh and MissK Iam still a beginner. Iam just about to order don't shoot the dog. So no where near intermediate level :D

Oh and btw, how is Lynnie's taming? Any new updates?

Re: I'am back---with a very long story to tell

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:39 am
by MissK
Lynnie has begun a cute begging behaviour. He goes to the perch where I hold the millet and looks at me until I notice and give him millet. Hee hee hee.

So, for you, you lay out the potential favourite foods and see which one he eats first, which second. You make several trials over a course of days. The most often first chosen is the winner, and the second is the runner up. You keep these foods out of the everyday in the dish diet and serve them as training treats or bribes.

For Lynnie, millet is the only food he will sit up and notice, so that's what I use. But you know me, I'm so lazy. Holding millet with my hand resting on the perch is big exhaustion! Our next step is, you got it, following a lure. Lynnie will tell me when he's ready.

Re: I'am back---with a very long story to tell

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:46 am
by AlphaWolf
Oh god! I just chopped a bowl of Apple and sat by him and ate. After a little while aero approaches super close to me and watched. I went to give him a slice, he backed up but tries to grab it while I was still holding it. Oh Iam super happy. Iam with him right now and he is munching and crunching like mad :D

Re: I'am back---with a very long story to tell

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 12:35 pm
by AJPeter
Good to have you and Areo back in the family Alpha wolf

Re: I'am back---with a very long story to tell

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 1:03 pm
by AlphaWolf
AJPeter wrote:Good to have you and Areo back in the family Alpha wolf
Thank you AJPeter! :D

Re: I'am back---with a very long story to tell

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 1:25 pm
by Bohasu

I have also a hysteric IRN, doesn't want anything to do with hands, doesn't eat from my hand or come close to me... Only thing he like is showering with a spray bottle, then he trust me for the time being, when he is totally wet, he falls back in his freaking out behavior. The only thing he does all day is sitting on top of his cage and goes back in when he think it is time to sleep.

So my deepest respect for you and your patience with Aero!

Re: I'am back---with a very long story to tell

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:17 pm
by InTheAir
Welcome back, alpha. Sorry to hear about your aunt.
I'm glad you and Aero are getting closer. How is little pup going?

Give Aero a special treaty from me!

Re: I'am back---with a very long story to tell

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 7:43 am
by AlphaWolf
Hello all,
How are you all doing? Sorry for not being active recently but just been busy busy busy. So Aero and me are going well. He doesnt eat from my hand...yet but he comes very close but just watches. I can come very close and he relaxes well, rests, plays and even sleeps sometimes. So happy, now to get him to eat from my hand :wink: Have fun guys and bye!