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Posting hi-res photos

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 4:00 am
by ellieelectrons
Hi All

I've received an email from Mikesringnecks asking the best way for him to upload hi-res photos for this colour mutations thread. I know a number of you do this, so I was wondering if you could share what you think the most user-friendly sites are for doing this? I've asked him if he already uses a photo sharing site, but if he doesn't, I was wondering if there is one you can recommend that is user-friendly.

I think Madas uses this site:
which looks really good as I don't think it t requires registration, however, it is in German and I'm reluctant to suggest this to Mike to use.

I use but I think it has a few too many steps, so I'm looking for something really easy to use.

Any advice greatly appreciated :)


Re: Posting hi-res photos

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 4:17 am
by Johan S
I use photobucket with good success.

Re: Posting hi-res photos

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 1:08 pm
by electronegative
I don't like photobucket, no offense - it always causes a lot of script problems for me. I use, but I don't know if they are particularly good for hi-res. They're really easy to use though.

Re: Posting hi-res photos

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 1:37 pm
by Donovan

Re: Posting hi-res photos

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 1:43 pm
by ellieelectrons
Thanks guys. I'll take a look at them.


Re: Posting hi-res photos

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 3:13 am
by Johan S
These are the steps I emailed to Recio some time ago. I'm too lazy to edit it, and also not sure if some of them have changed due to photobucket tweaks. But anybody is welcome to try.

OK, there will be three parts. Remember, Part A you will need to do only once, but Part B and C will be repeated every time you want to upload. It looks very difficult, but you'll see it is actually easy and intuitive.

Part A: Creating an account.
Part B: Getting your pictures on the internet
Part C: Linking your forum posts to those pictures.

So, lets start with Part A
1) You need to go over to
2) When the page has loaded, look on the right hand side for "New to Photobucket?" Below that, click on the "Sign Up For Free" button.
3) The "Create your Photobucket Account" page is going to load up. Fill in the details and press the "Sign up button"
4) ? OK, so I'm not exactly sure what is going to happen after this, but it is the same steps when signing up. I think there is a confirmation email involved where you have to click a link. So just follow the steps. If you get stuck here, I will create a 'fake' account and see the exact steps and tell you what to do. But try it first.

OK, so hopefully the account is sorted out.
Part B:
1) Go to
2) Now you have to log in to the account. When the page has loaded, look on the right hand side for the box where you fill in your username (the one you selected to use in A.3) and password.
3) If you are successful, your own personal 'Recio page' will load up. Top left look for "Library". Hold your mouse cursor over it, and new options will appear. Click "Create Album".
4) A new window will appear. Fill in the details.
4.1) This album name might be "parblues" or "Creamino" or whatever you want.
4.2) Give it a description if you want.
4.3) NB: At the bottom you will see "Add this Album to the existing Album". Click on the button just below that and select "Library". This is actually the only step that isn't intuitive.
4.4) Click the "Create" button

You new album will load up but will be empty. Lets fix that! :)
5) You will see in the top/middle a blue "Upload" button. Now go ahead and click that.
6) A new page appears. Open up your Windows Explorer / My computer and go to the files that you want to upload. Select the files in Explorer/My Computer. Click them and drag them to the webpage into the box (dashed lines), then drop them on the text "Drag n' drop your files...".
7) The order of the pictures isn't important here, so when all the pictures are there, click the upload button and wait for the process to complete.

Congratulations, you now have pictures on the internet! :D

So, we can continue with Part C.
8 ) First, we have to find the "address" of your picture. So you will "navigate" your own Recio webpage until you have the picture open. Follow these steps
8.1) Go back to Photobucket and click on "Library" at the top of your page. All your libraries will show.
8.2) Select the library you want to use by clicking on the picture of that library. The selected library will open and show all the pictures in the library.
8.3) Click the picture you want to use in the forum and wait for the page to open with the large version of the picture.
8.4) This is the difficult part. On the right hand side, note the block with the name "Image Links". This is the "internet address" where your picture stays. In that box, there is a button that says "Direct Link". And next to that the, address. Click on the part that says "http:// ... ". It will flash yellow and say "Copied". Success!

8.5) Go to the forum (any forum works this way). Then navigate to where you want to respond. Now when you type a response, right above the area where you type you will see some "buttons". One of them is "Img". Click that. You will notice in the area where you type your response, a new "tag" is inserted. It looks like this -> [img ][/img ]
8.6) You need to put your photo's internet address inbetween those "tags". You already "copied" the address, so right click with your mouse between the tags and then select "paste". You should have something looking like this -> [img ] ... 050131.jpg[/img ]
8.7) Quickly test whether it looks OK. You do this below the response window by clicking on "Preview"
8.8 ) If you are happy, you can continue uploading the next picture by starting again at 8.1) to select the new one.
8.9) Once finished, click the "Submit" button on the forum and your post will have pictures.

Re: Posting hi-res photos

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 3:27 am
by ellieelectrons
Thanks Johan. I'll show that info to Mike too.

I'm thinking Dropbox could be an easy solution. What do others think? The down-side of Dropbox though is I think you only get 2 Gb storage?


Re: Posting hi-res photos

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 8:10 pm
by ringneck
I had to disable hi-rez photos because it's a killer on the bandwidth. I'll try and work something out!

Best Wishes :wink: ,


Re: Posting hi-res photos

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 2:30 am
by ellieelectrons
Thanks Imran. It seems to be that it is mostly required for mutations photos.


Re: Posting hi-res photos

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:00 pm
by sheyd
I use photobucket- I find it okay- does 'dull' down the pic once uploaded onto here- but if you 'click' on the picture which will take you to the pb site where you can view in better quality, as well as being able to see it displayed it in it's original file size by clicking on the magnifying glass symbol either once or twice.
Ben (if you're watching)- I'm curious on which program you use to get your pics to display on here?