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Ideas for mounting a exterior nesting box?

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 7:32 pm
by MallyKat
My pair are currently in a flight cage. I think this is a bit small by the time the nesting box goes in and potential for 6 more birds! So i'm doing a bit of a cage swap, which works well because the cage I'll swap them into has an optional partition in the middle. Offspring can be seperated into one half and parents in the other when the time came. (This set up is because they're inside, last storm blew my aviary away and damaged it so not brave enough to risk it with birds in it yet lol).

So, to avoid losing 10x10x24inches of their cage space I want to securely mount it to the exterior of the cage. But not sure on how to accomplish this yet. I'd like to avoid drilling the box, this will be a last resort if all else fails. Any thoughts? :)

(ignore the toys, currently housing my very spoilt h/r cockatiel haha - she will be moved into the cage the IRN's are in currently)
The area to mount
The area to mount
the mansion
the mansion

Re: Ideas for mounting a exterior nesting box?

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 12:24 am
by Johan S
Unfortunately, you are going to struggle with that particular nest box. One can only use that type, where the entrance hole and inspection hole are on the same face/panel, on the inside of an aviary. You won't be able to inspect the inside of the nest with the nestbox attached to the cage, unless you remove it. This will be a lot of hassle, though. My suggestion would be to make another inspection hole on a side or back panel if you plan to put it on the outside, or ask the shop where you got it from to exchange it for one that takes care of this practicality.

As for attaching it without drilling holes; you'll find in most hardware stores some screw-in hooks. I think it'll work as the cage seems to have some very sturdy metal bars above the hole. You'll just have to look through the selection in the store and select the best ones.