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tookies behaviour

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 1:08 am
by Lil ems
tookie gets extremely agressive when i (female) try to get him/her out of the cage but absolutely fine when men do it? i am the only female that tookie likes she/he doesnt like any other women but loves all men, is there anything i can do to correct this behaviour so tookies friendly to everyone and is easier for me to get out of the cage without biting really bad? - tookie doesnt bite men at all. any help would be appreciated, i would attatch a photo but wont let me :(

Re: tookies behaviour

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 12:47 pm
by Dean0
Target training, aka clicker training, a tired parrot is a pleasant parrot.

Re: tookies behaviour

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 11:54 am
by Skyes_crew
Females can become very cage aggressive. Unfortunately if the bird wasn't socialized with a lot of different people when young she can become attached to one person or one gender. Who cares for the birds needs ie. food water cleaning? On the other hand though, some birds just have their own preferences and there's not much you can do about it. My conure was socialized from a baby with men, women, children, even dogs. She loves everyone. But there is one person that comes to my house that she does not like. She will slam herself against the cage trying to get out and attack her. One time she even had displaced aggression when the girl was at my house and she bit me really hard. It was the only time she had ever bit me. I have to keep her caged now when that one person is at my house. If its not an extreme behavior towards women like flying and attacking, you can work with her to accept treats from other women. But if its an extreme aggression issue where safety is a concern, I would just keep her caged when you female friends are over for a visit. There may be others that can offer some more advice. :)