need help/ suggestion

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risen fury
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Joined: Tue May 07, 2013 1:26 am

need help/ suggestion

Post by risen fury »

currently I'm having a baby Indian ring neck Jst 1& 1/2 month old...due to my bsy schedule I'm out of my home and I see him only in the morning and evening and for the whole day he is all alone and bored,so I'm thinking of buying anather baby of the same cast IRN,since I live in India its a bit difficult to get an IRN because here it is illegal to buy or sell the ringneck,however other species are mostly my question is that ,can I put anather bird of different caste with my baby ringneck provided they should not fight in the cage..besides ringnecks I can get here plenty of Cockatiels,conures & love which should I choose if ringneck is not available and which would be the better option.

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Re: need help/ suggestion

Post by Skyes_crew »

I'm not trying to be rude at all. But if you have a very busy schedule why did you get a baby IRN? Who's feeding the baby during the day? And are you planning on having a hand tamed bird? I fear your baby will not get enough interaction or feeding.
I am owned by my birds...and I wouldn't have it any other way :D

risen fury
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Joined: Tue May 07, 2013 1:26 am

Re: need help/ suggestion

Post by risen fury »

thanks for the reply...yes there are people who feed the baby,but not like me ...since he is much attached to me and i take every care of him as nobody in my home does...le me tel u one thing,a little history. ...regarding my baby IRN I have not purchased it from any pet store .one day one of my idiot office boy got two babies out of the nest near to my office park,that time I shouted at him and told him to place the babies back to the nest .he told me ok and after a week I came to know that he has kept these babies in his home and after few days my boss came to know abt this and he told him to give me one of the baby bird and on next day he handed over the bird to my boss ...after few days my office boy is telling me that I have cat roaming in my home and I'm.scared may be she wil kil the bird...after listening to him.i told him ok give that bird to me and next day I got that awesome creature....I immediately got a cage for him and after that I start to feed him with my own hands...after a week I was feeling so guilty that why this baby is here since he has his own parents and nobody can care better than parents I started to think abt placing the baby back to nest...but next day I came to know that the nest is occupied by some other type of birds and the babies parents were nomore there.....that is the story...I love my bird very much and he has been with me from 15 days and he is getting healthier day by day...I take every care of him ...even he is playing with me and is happy when I'm back to home.....I'm so confused what to do...had I did right or wrong.
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Re: need help/ suggestion

Post by Skyes_crew »

Wow...what a story. No wonder you have such a strong desire to keep this baby ringneck. Whether its right or wrong what happened, you can't go back now. So lets move forward and figure out how to help this precious baby. Is there any chance you could reunite the two babies together? Are there people who can devote the time needed to hand tame your bird during the day? It is very good to socialize your baby as much as possible while young. If his needs are being met during the day, then you could devote time in the evening with him. As attached as you are already, you will never feel like someone else is doing as good of job as you could do. I don't think I would recommend introducing another strange bird to him right now. For one, that would be two you would have to feed and hand tame. And secondly, if you want the baby to bond with you, then you have to spend the time with him, not another bird. Is there any chance you could take him to work with you and set up an area for him? Ringnecks can become very good traveling companions and office companions if started young.
I am owned by my birds...and I wouldn't have it any other way :D

risen fury
Posts: 8
Joined: Tue May 07, 2013 1:26 am

Re: need help/ suggestion

Post by risen fury »

thanks for the suggestion.....there is no chance of reuniting the two babies ,also I'm a civil engineer and it is difficult for me to take him to my work place since I'm mostly onsite.....
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