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How to make a bond with my new ringneck baby?

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 1:01 am
by Ulcia88
I bought my baby indian ringneck Molly 4 days ago. She's only 6 weeks old and she's the sweetest thing I've ever seen :)
I just want to know how can I make good bond with her?
She already like to sit with me and when I talk to her gently she falls asleep :) but often she flies up curtain rail and sits there for hours. If I take her down she flies back up.
And advice how I can persuade her to spend more time with me and not up on curtain rail sleeping.
Should I clip her wings so she don't fly? I want to do that anyway because I'm worried about her safety when she's flying. She's still a little baby and she is unstable.
Looking forward to your suggestions.

Re: How to make a bond with my new ringneck baby?

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 1:37 am
by InTheAir

Our bird was a lot like that when we got him at 12 weeks old.
We actually hung toys from the curtain rails, and let him play there. As he got to know us better he started to be more interested in joining in what we are doing.
It is also good for her to learn to play independently, you could have her for the next 30 years.

My suggestions are:
Make a plate of healthy snacks and eat them with her. (our bird has his own plate at the table for breakfast and dinner). Eating together is something parrots go with their flock. Warning: parrot on dinner table is not for the faint hearted, especially if it realises you are eating something yummy and you have served it a small salad and pellets!

Giving her a treat when ever she flies over to you so associates you with treats.
Offer her little toys to play with when she is sitting on you so she knows she can come to you when she's bored.
Let her watch you while you are reading, watching tv or even having a nap. This allows her to observe you without feeling threatened.
She might be a little young now but teaching her some little tricks using food rewards - we started with coming when called, then spinning in a circle on our hands and hanging from our fingers.
And just be patient, it takes awhile to get to know any new friends, even parrots. If you take your time and let your bird have space when she wants it, she will feel safer around you.

I personally don't think clipping is good for birds. Our one managed to learn to navigate around the house without having his wings interfered with. He had a couple crashes when he was first learning the house, but now he's great at flying. We can race him around the house (and sometimes he even let's us win). You do have to be super vigilant about keeping doors and windows closed with a flighted bird, but the same applies with clipped birds too.


Re: How to make a bond with my new ringneck baby?

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 9:38 pm
by MissK
Claire gives good advice. I notice my Rocky always takes note of a noisy toy - maybe you can find a noisy toy to play with interactively.
