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Sad day today :(

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:55 am
by amaraatlanta
We have had budgies for a long time and Splodge is my baby bless her, we have to keep her in a smaller cage as her tail feathers never grow, but she has always been happy.. no beak or claw issues and her other feathers are perfect. However in the past couple of weeks her wings have started trembling and other feathers have begun to fall :cry: :o

I called the vet a week back (she is an avian specialist) and explained that she also has a bald patch formed to her rear, she has been tested and doesn't have PBFD :| but then what, so had to take her today as shaking alittle worse and bald patch seems swollen.... I have been informed that she has cancer and there isn't anything she can do to help :cry: :cry: She did state that she still seems comfortable and happy, talking, feeding and drinking.

I have brought her home as she is still happy but will take her in when she deteriorates. :roll: :cry:

Re: Sad day today :(

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:02 am
by amaraatlanta



Re: Sad day today :(

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 9:51 am
by Skyes_crew
Poor baby :( it breaks my heart when animals are sick or injured. Bless her little budgie heart <3