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Male IRN being aggressive to my female

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 5:41 am
by digitaltiger
Hello Everyone
I've recently purchased a possibly male grey ringneck for my female green ringneck in order to breed them and hes behaviour is really bad,hes always trying to bite her aggressively and so does she (the green).
Is there a possibility of having 2 females? or they might not want to be a pair,i mean they dont like each other...
I dont really understand what this behaviour means...

Re: Male IRN being aggressive to my female

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 7:16 am
by digitaltiger
molossus wrote:are your birds adult...sexed ?
if they are cock and hen then you have an incompatiblity issue on your hands..The common cause of this is late pairing up of birds.
mate aggression in non pair bond species is a common problem and can be minimised by early pairing of birds.
I recommend that anyone who wants to be successful in irn breeding learn that this is a must for good results.
In my opinion the best time to pair up is right in the midst of moulting when the birds are not driven by high hormonal levels.
Good luck.
Im not sure yet if the male is 100% because i dont know its age,it doesnt have any ring at its feet.
They seem to be young,my female is 1 year old so i think it is pretty early for her.
I see,and when does moulting starts? here its spring now in greece.
Im planning on gettin a 3year old green male for her,hes already in moulting,my female hasnt started yet the moulting.