Adopted an 8 year old male "breeder", can he be tamed???

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Adopted an 8 year old male "breeder", can he be tamed???

Post by agross30 »

So I was fortunate enough to be able to adopt an 8 year old, not tame, blue IRN. He was kept as a breeder, but had not actually ever bred with his older partner, whom he was separated from a couple months ago because she had gotten ill. I do have my own female, but she is our pet, and I am not worried about breeding him, but want him to be happy with us, even if he isn't tame. My question is, should I invest time in trying to tame him? I don't want to push it, but I would like him to be comfortable enough with us that he dosen't freak out every time we come near him. I have the time, and am willing to dote over him, but if all I will end up doing is upsetting him, this isn't what I want. So feedback please??
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Re: Adopted an 8 year old male "breeder", can he be tamed???

Post by MissK »


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