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Big bad birdie afraid of a grape!

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:34 am
by RaveTomsy
Thomasina came from a series of bad situations and really didn't know about much in the way of food other than her seed mix, so over the several years she's been with me, I've worked on introducing her to all kinds of new foods and learning her preferences. This happened late last year.

I'd purchased a big box of the black concord-type grapes from the store, and after bringing them home my mother and I talked about trying Thomasina with one. At the time we didn't know that she prefers her grapes cut into quarter-pieces, so we peeled part of the skin off a rather large grape and stuck it in her food dish. She was many times the size of this grape, yet she took one look at it and hid underneath her dish as close to the side of her cage as she could get. She'd lean to the side and stretch her neck out as far as it could go, trying to see if the grape was still in her dish, then climbed up on the side of the cage just to peer at it. It was like she was thinking "OMG, what is that?! Is it still in my dish?!" It made me laugh so hard watching her. Later, we cut the grape up and tried it that way, and she was much more accepting of the idea.

Re: Big bad birdie afraid of a grape!

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 10:32 pm
by vettech404
That is sooo funny!! Thank you for sharing that story. My IRN does not seem to be afraid of any kind of food - he practically runs down my arm so he can steal things out of my mouth!!

Re: Big bad birdie afraid of a grape!

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:22 pm
by sanjays mummi
Sanjays a wuss with donut treats, he loves the Globe grapes, big purple ones with huge seeds inside, but, ahem, we have to half peel them!. He is distrustful of new perches, but loves new toys, who knows what goes on inside those little feathered heads :D !.

Re: Big bad birdie afraid of a grape!

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 1:00 am
by lpmurdock831
My little IRN Snow doesn't have any "food phobias", but every time I get a cold and my nose gets stuffy he freaks out. Fluttering, squawking, the works. It's like he doesn't recognize me when my voice is different. Then he gets friendly again when my nose clears up. :D

Re: Big bad birdie afraid of a grape!

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:33 am
by sanjays mummi
Maybe he's a germophobe? Doesn't want to catch your cold.

Re: Big bad birdie afraid of a grape!

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 11:32 am
by lpmurdock831
That would so make sense, Sanjays! :lol: He is FOREVER rubbing his beak against everything, especially after he eats a messy meal! It's seriously like he's saying "Eeww, I'm all covered in carrot/grape/apple etc". Even after he's gotten all of it off! (And no, he isn't sick. He's current on vet-checks :D )