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HYPER baby!

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:34 am
by taywer321
Lately my baby IRN who just turned 6 months old yesterday, is so insanely hyper! He can't even sit still on my finger for very long without getting agitated and nipping at my finger, and when hes on my shoulder he is nipping my ears! I put him on the back of my sofa to look out the window, and he ran back and forth along the back of the couch, and then managed to climb the curtain and hang all the way at the top. He is provided ENDLESS amounts of toys and chewables, and things to do! I am running out of ways to entertain the little booger! I'm wondering if its just his age? I am waiting to see more signs of bluffing to see if maybe that is the cause for this behavior.. When will he calm down?!?

Re: HYPER baby!

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:41 pm
by ringneck
Hey taywer321,

You are right on the money— it’s just age! Archimedes, Devri, and Pistachio were all very hyper when they were young. It will pass and the birds will be much calmer. :O)

Also, be sure to keep your ringneck off your shoulders while it is nippy. I don’t want you to get a facial bite as it is very painful. Believe me, I have been bit on my nose, mouth, and ears and it hurts! Once your ringneck has passed this nippy stage then resume placing him on your shoulders.

It is also important you do not let the bird wonder on your shoulders without you physically putting him there as well.

If the bird bites ignore it completely. Here is the article on bluffing listed blow—read that and that should get you on path!

Best Wishes :wink: ,


Re: HYPER baby!

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:41 am
by taywer321
Thats good to know, I can't wait for him to calm down just a little bit! Hes so funny to watch but bores so easily. I don't think he has been through bluffing because he has always been so easy to handle. He is 6 and a half months old now and I'm starting to wonder if he will ever go through this phase. He has always been so easy going and laid back, willing to be handled by everyone. :D