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New bird has learned to call the dog LOL

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 3:31 pm
by blueindianringneck
Our Jack Russell is OBSESSED with her blue ball. Our new IRN has learned this and has learned to say "Ball! Ball! Where is it?!?" Our dog is going nuts. FIrst off the new family member the size of a baked potato is talking, and the doggy can't comprehend this. Second of all the magic word was spoken (ball) so chaos must begin while the desperate search is on! lol

Re: New bird has learned to call the dog LOL

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 3:33 pm
by blueindianringneck
Come to think of it, that is odd. We never say it like that. We always say "Dottie! Where's the ball!?! Go Get it!" so the bird made it's own sentence! lol

Re: New bird has learned to call the dog LOL

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:03 am
by SkyAndSnow
Yes, you will find that sometimes they make up their own sentence by putting together different phases. Sometimes it makes sense. Sometimes you'll scratch your head trying to figure out what the heck they are saying. My male IRN scolds my dog whenever the dog barks too much. He yells at him, "Quiet!" (sounds more like Ka-yet though) or "Stop it!" Freaked out the dog the first time he got scolded. It was quite funny watching them interact.

Re: New bird has learned to call the dog LOL

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:23 pm
by claire31
our IRN Ollie has just started to talk said Thankyou last night but she sits on my shoulder when i let the dogs in each morning and i,m waiting for her to say Sit to them, Ollie is very curious about the dogs we have 2 staffys, i caught her once playing with the name tag of King our male dog, whist he was snoozing the next day she was walking about and disappeared from view King is sitting on his mat very still his eyes as big as saucers and heres me telling him to stay while frantcally looking for the bird when suddenly Ollie appears up behind his head no wonder he was sitting so still shed climbed up his back. Never a dull moment but so much fun.

Re: New bird has learned to call the dog LOL

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:44 pm
by jess8789
Thats hillarious!, I wonder what your dog's thinking when he hears you IRN talk. :lol: