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Yay, our family is growing!

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:56 pm
by fladder
I've had my Mielieboy for 3 weeks now and he has become such an adorable little bird!
The bird who inspired our choice was a male lutino ringneck called Max, he's my dad's office bird. he was given to the company as a gift after his owners moved away. He seemed happy at frist and everybody loved him, but after a while his screaming and talking got anoying and the novelty wire off. He is now mostly ignored and left to his own devices.
two weekends ago my dad was in the office alone and all of a sudden max came walking up to him demanding attention.
He sat with my dad all day and as you can imagine my dad fell in love. There's no another ringneck in the office and Max is getting even less attention.
This morning my dad walked into the house and announced that we would be adopting Max, I'm so excited! Hopefully he and my Mielieboy will get along well :D
I'll be keeping them separated until Mielieboy has bonded with me and until I'm sure of his\her sex :) I don't want an fighting birds! is this a good idea?

Re: Yay, our family is growing!

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:56 am
by Wessel Gordon

It's a very good idea to keep them separated at first, at least till they learn to get along with each other. Bird-fights can get ugly...I had to separate a male that was attacked by another male who's female is incubating a clutch of eggs and those two males shared the same cage for about two years without any issues till the female started incubating her eggs.

Re: Yay, our family is growing!

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:07 am
by fladder
Mielieboy and Max will still stay in their own cages, because I don't have a very big cage. Mielieboy is very laid back and doesn't go looking for trouble. He hasn't gotten into any fights with my dad's bird. I'm still not taking any chances though. Max can be quite aggresive sommetimes, especially if he thinks you're going to leave now :wink:

P.S: is there any way I can change my username? Now that I changed my birds name it doesn't make any sense any more. I'd like to change it but it doesn't give me that option

Re: Yay, our family is growing!

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:00 am
by mgeorge
As for any animal, it would be a lot better to separate them first but not to the point of excluding them as it would still be good to have them exposed so that they will start with that level of knowing each other.

The last thing you would want is for them to fight and cause an ugly scene. While that is not common, it is still best to keep them under close watch the first time you put them together.