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how do i train my irn ??

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:24 am
by lou lou 2011
Hi can anyone tell me how i train my 10 week old irn just to walk around my house etc....i get her out and she sits on my head for a while but then flys straight back to her cage i just want to know how to train her..

Re: how do i train my irn ??

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:10 am
by julie
It will take a little while to get her confident enough to venture out and start checking things out.
When you get your baby out say what you are about to do IE if you want it to step onto your hand say step up or whatever it is you want to say, if you go to scratch the head say scratch. This way after awhile it will learn what you are going to do. Dont be shy to talk to the baby like its a person. I talk to mine and can get them to come to me just by voice, they do however get cheeky sometimes and know im going to put them away and they get up on a cupboard and mimic me (saying come here boy, step up step up ect).

Re: how do i train my irn ??

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:59 am
by lou lou 2011
can you tell me any infomation about the clipping of wings ?? like do you clip both or just one? or is it best not to do it at all?

Re: how do i train my irn ??

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:41 am
by ellieelectrons
If you choose to clip wings, get both wings clipped otherwise they are off balance. I suggest you get a professional to do it (eg. an avian vet). Some pet stores will clip wings but they won't all do a good job of it.... so unless you know how good the staff at the pet store is, I'd go to an avian vet.

Unless you are experienced, I wouldn't advise doing it yourself... In addition to it not being a good idea, the clipping experience can be traumatic for the bird because they have to be grabbed in a towel, etc. and if you do it, your bird will associate you with the being grabbed and wing clipping. I also suggest you ask to have a fairly long clip so that they can still fly reasonably well just not up too far.

Also, your bird needs to have a couple of weeks experience of flying and landing before you get their wings clipped. Don't get them clipped until they are confident with flying and landing.
lou lou 2011 wrote:i get her out and she sits on my head for a while but then flys straight back to her cage i just want to know how to train her..
Just thought I'd let you know that I've read that its not a good idea to let your bird sit on your ahead.
1. You can't control them up there and can't see what they're doing.
2. Some believe it's a position of dominance.
3. They can poop in your hair!
I don't let my birds on my head, so I don't know if you'll have problems... but just thought I'd let you know what I read... then you can choose whether you want to continue or not.

Congrats on your new bird. Hope it all goes well! Best wishes!
