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Will my indian ringneck get along with an alexandrine?

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 9:19 am
by lchristine02
I am new to this site and currently have a 1 1/2 year old male indian ringneck. He is very nice to us and is getting more comfortable. I have been wanting to add an alexandrine to our bird family but was wondering if eventually it may be possible to put the alexandrine in the same cage with the male indian ringneck. I would be getting a baby male alexandrine. I have heard many different things about putting the birds together. One is that it is totally up to the birds, that they may just not like each other. The other thing is that they may get along so well that I will lose my bond with them. I wonder if even if I take them out each day everyday would this still happen. I have a cockatiel and a parrotlet in the same cage and the parrotlet is "in love" with the cockatiel. Everyone had said to not do this either but after a long process of their cages next to each other, putting them together worked out. Thank you for any advice!

Re: Will my indian ringneck get along with an alexandrine?

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:55 pm
by julie
I have a male alex in the same cage as my male indian. I have a big cage and would highly reccomend a big enough cage so they can move around. My boy indie (irn) isnt an aggressive ringneck so he gets along with Mika the alex.

Re: Will my indian ringneck get along with an alexandrine?

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:23 pm
by lchristine02
Thank you for your reply! Are your two birds still interested in you or did they become more involved with each other?

Re: Will my indian ringneck get along with an alexandrine?

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:31 pm
by julie
They compete to get our attention. Indie will say come here boy and flirt with me and Mika (alex) either makes kiss noises or says kiss kiss. If one is getting more attention the other will try to get our attention too. They talk to eachother a lot too. Mine are good together but I cant guarantee that yours will be. Try to have another option incase it doesnt work, I always have a spare cage incase i need to seperate one of my birds.