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Homing Memory

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 4:19 pm
by shbaur
Yesterday, my lutino IR, Sunny, was outdoors with me and got startled. He flew into tall bushes at the back of my yard. I went into the neighbors yard to get him and he was afraid and took off! He's 17 years old and has never flown - just glided down. He got airborn and a neighbor saw him flying across our street, very high. A team of us looked for him for hours and when it was dark we went in.

We started looking at 6am today and at 930 he was found in an area searched well the day before. He was trying to come home! When we searched we called his name and when he heard us he laughed and said "Here kitty kitty". We clipped his wings and are planning to build an aviary outdoors to prevent this from happening again.

Re: Homing Memory

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:26 pm
by Kray Twins
This post brought back memories of my encounter! *here*

I'm glad you have him back! Can't believe his cheek of "Here Kitty" though that made me chuckle!

Re: Homing Memory

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 4:54 pm
by ellieelectrons
I'm so glad you got Sunny back! I'd be worried about him surviving the night.


I read some pointers for getting your bird back a while ago. I'm trying to remember what they were. Here's what I can remember:
  • proactively make a set of "lost" signs to hang up around your neighbourhood with your birds photo, name and your phone number on it, so that if it happens you are ready to go.
  • If you can see them / know where they are, get their favourite things (eg. toys & foods) or favourite birds and favourite person to stand alone where the bird can see them (have others keep their distance as it may deter the bird from coming to the favourite person)
  • teach them to step up onto strangers
There is another lost bird story here: ... d%20parrot

It is my hope that we never have to use this information.


Re: Homing Memory

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 1:48 am
by pinkdevil
Relieved to read you got Sunny back.

So scary when they take flight, especially having an overnighter.

lol @ here kitty kitty. ;)