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Do you get sick if you keep your IRN in your room?

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:09 pm
by mickpmc
Hi there!
I am thinking about buying an Indian Ringneck but I don't know where to put it in the
house. If I keep it outside, will It get a cold? Or if I keep it in my room, will I get sick?
Do you get sick if their in your room?
I dont want to buy one and get sick or don't know where to put it :oops:.
I'm confussed. Please answer my question above

-Michael :mrgreen:

Re: Do you get sick if you keep your IRN in your room?

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 2:47 am
by ellieelectrons
Hi Michael

The IRN needs to have the right climate and be able to get sunlight and fresh air. It should not get too cold or too hot... so you need to take all of these into account when you buy and cage and decide where to put it. They are social animals, so you do not want to leave them out on their own all of the time. There are lots of books and websites on factors you should consider before purchasing a bird... and whilst they do not completely prepare you (and you can read a lot of differing opinions), they are a good start.

I don't see any reason why you would get sick if you keep the IRN in your room especially if you keep the cage clean.

We keep our birds in the dining room and they seem to like that. Occasionally I move them out onto our balcony to get some fresh air and when when we want to clean around their cage area.

Birds are extremely messy and you can expect the area around the cage to be regularly showered with seed and other food and sometimes their droppings.... so for this reason, your bedroom may not be a great idea... Regardless, the area around their cage needs to be cleaned regularly.

Bird diseases and human diseases are rarely transferrable between species. We had a bout of head lice in our house a while back, and I asked the vet if the birds could have got it but he said that lice that like humans don't like birds and vice versa.

If you are wanting to do some research about IRNs, the website accompanying this forum is a great place to start:

I hope that helps. Best wishes.


Re: Do you get sick if you keep your IRN in your room?

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:08 pm
by Valeria
Mine live with me in room for about 1 year. I never get sick.

Re: Do you get sick if you keep your IRN in your room?

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:45 am
by MissK
Hi Michael,
I suggest you keep your bird in a large cage in the house.