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Re: Billie2

Post by AJPeter »

We have got another new Housing Officer Rebecca who started three days ago, she was supposed to come this morning to empty the laundry machines so we could buy tokens she turned up at 4 pm after dozens of phone calls. Billie is out all day, as the cage is a bit to small so now she can flap her wings, as for pooping every where it does not happen even when l go out and if l should want to open the windows wider then l would lock her in, but l find with the fans we get a cool breeze. Every bird is different what with all the shilly shallyings today l missed Trees are May's inaguration. I expet there well be repeats and more in the days ahead. I am not vert happy about her supporting Sharia law es[ecially as her father was a minister.
sanjays mummi
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Re: Billie2

Post by sanjays mummi »

Goodness! Does she indeed?, or is she trying to prevent terrorism by placating fundamentalist muslims?. The inauguration etc meant missing "The Chase", a great favourite of mine and daddi's. So I wasn't very happy. Cameron got booed on his way to Buck House,
Sanjay isn't a mucky little person, but accidents happen which is why I put newspaper splat mats down when he is out, when he grew out of previous cages he paced, just as kennelled dogs pace, that was our signal he needed more room.
I made "veggie leather" from parrot magazine today, a lot of messing about, only for him to spit it on the floor, sigh.
Santa in flat 3 changed gaz and leccy suppliers today, and has got those new smart meters, tiny little leccy meter, but the gas one is roughly the same size, the meters are in a large cupboard in the communal hall, so I was able to have a nosey and tell Sanjay awwl about it. His millet from Maltbys came today, a kilo, i.e sixty 10 inch sprays for £6.99, free delivery, and they last a good two months, at one a day. :-bd
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Re: Billie2

Post by AJPeter »

Lucky Sanjay, Billie gets only two 9" millet sprays a week, and one -parrot stick every other day, you would LOL when l tell you Bille enjoys tea, l gave her some yesterday and today as l sat down to a pot of tea she is sqwarking on the edge of her door so l put some in a teaspoon blew on it and tested to see it was not too hot, she dipped her tongue in and decied it was cool enough and opened her beak for me to pour down the chute, only a liite at a time and she enjoyed a second spoonful but when l said "No more" she was quite content to sit back and watch me drinking tea, it is the same with a biscuit she has three tiny portions and l say "Last one!" and she is quite ocntent to stop eating it. A friend came today and as he was leaving Billie flew to my shouldeer and when I treid to put her back on the cage she would not and grunted "No!" So I said "Big Stick!" and she went back.
I think TM said it was a good idea for Mulims to have their own law, but not all muslims are Terrorists, I like Boris l think he will help make politics less serious.
Billie's number one place to poop is in my bath, when she has a shower. The second place is on the back of my armchair, the third, is on the settee, and the fourth is down the inside of her cage. And then on the the plastic mat upon which she gets a round of applause.
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Re: Billie2

Post by sanjays mummi »

Oh my! How I laughed at Boris getting the foreign minister job "just like that", he's like a shambling scarecrow, but yes, we need humour.
Sanjay spent ages out this afternoon, just hanging around, not doing much, then went indoors when he'd had enough.
I used to give our dogs herb tea sweetened with honey, hyperactive got hop and vervain, marigold and cleavers for the ladies, and raspberry leaf if they were in an interesting condition. There was an "apothecary" shop where they sold dried herbs from sweetie jars.
I have never tried Sanjay on earl grey and lemon, anyway, I might, the bergamot might appeal to him. :-t
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Re: Billie2

Post by AJPeter »

Parrots is out, another interesting article on what to look for in a new cage (Right up your street!) Also frozen food.
Billie demanded tea today she had three teaspoonfuls tipped down the throat and then l told her "No More!" But when l poured myself another cup she seemed to be saying "You've got more,why can't l have more?" So she got another teaspooonful! She was happy after that.
We have a routine in the mormning while l clean the cage she sits on the top out of the way but as soon as l get the big container full of seeds out she is watching like a hawk, and wants to sample the finished bowl before l put it into her cage. THen when l get up to have my breakfast she wants a shower, and goes back while l eat porridge in the kitchen l used to eat my meals with her but she begged so many table scraps it was unhealthy for her.
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Re: Billie2

Post by sanjays mummi »

Oh, I have looked, and measured and compared until I'm blue in the face!, but I will read what it says about cages.
I went to our corner shop (a small Budgens supermarket) today, they had some lovely ripe kiwi fruit and Damsons, which have made a certain little person very happy indeed.
Sad news about Nice, those poor poor people, children too, what a wicked world we live in.
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Re: Billie2

Post by AJPeter »

I agree with you, but I believe 'God will bring good out of all that evil. For me it is a sign of the times we live in and will get worse. Billie only had two teaspoons of tea l made her wait bettween each one, I hung up a parrot stick for her and she wanted to get at it but l said "Wait!" and she did bless her cotton socks. She went to bed early tonight and so will l because Emma has found two old beer crates which sit out side her back door as if she intends sitting on them with friends drinking tonight and early tomorrow morning! We shall have to wait and see.
I tried Billie with Kiwi fruit no joy so l had to throw them away. She does not like red fruit although recently she has discovered red grapes are sweeter than white ones. A half strawberry in her fruit bowl got the heave ho! As did the raspberry yesterdaty.
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Re: Billie2

Post by sanjays mummi »

I had a eureka moment earlier, I remembered the fan heaters I was given when my boiler packed up blow cold air too!, not very big but quite effective.
You mention your God, but how many wars are fought in the name of religion?, remember the SS belt buckle with "Gott mit Uns" inscribed on it?, just another reason Daddi was an atheist.
Sanjay had a good misting today, I've noticed he gets a bit whiffy in hot weather. Nothing worse than trying to sleep with bedroom windows shut in the summer, because of noisy neighbours, it's something I don't miss. ^#(^
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Re: Billie2

Post by AJPeter »

I have my air conditioner working flat out it has a compressor which blows cold air and draws in warm air and exhausts that through a hose out of the window but even so the temp is only down to 74, hardly worth the effort especially since it makes a wicked noise/ Watched the Desolation of Smaug this afternoon Billie was quite interested at the beginning.
She had three spoonfuls of tea today, but was content when l said no more.
Emma was quiet upto l am when she started banging doors l but l jsut screwed in some ear plugs and went back to sleep she went balistic this morning shouting with words l. cannot use, my organ was too loud! Last year Billie and I sat out in the sun she in her little cage and me on the deck chair but this year l cannot be bothered to set is all up.
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Re: Billie2

Post by sanjays mummi »

No, you definitely don't need heatstroke etc with temperatures set to soar to 31° 90 f) by Tuesday, I gave my little garden a really good soak this morning whilst it was still in the shade.
Sanjay was slower noshing today, and still has seed bar and millet, I hope it's the heat.
Fortunately my bedroom faces east, and is lovely and cool, I used to use ear plugs when the numpties lived here, I don't need them now, and I don't need nytol either, I got annoyed earlier when the woman next doors grandsons were playing in the back communal garden unsupervised, they were tramping all over the border, breaking down plants the landscapers put in.
I don't have time for other peoples kids, except Jack and Isabel, and Jack loves gardening, he definitely wouldn't have done that, or allowed Isabel to. :-s
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Re: Billie2

Post by AJPeter »

Poor Billie is suffering from the heat she had a shower this morning and then another at lunch time she got very wet, she looked like a drowned rat and when she got back in the cage she could not recognize herself in the mirror! I had a dizzy turn this afternoon and fell on the floor that is the first time that has happened! Must be getting old. Billie held onto the bedtime until 5 pm but after she had been covered 10 minuutes she wanted to come out as she was too hot l gave her a little spray and left the blanket folded back, then she wanted to be covered so l left her to it. My bedroom is nice and cool 74f the A/c has been on all day, it catches the sun in the afternoons finally the sun goes behind a tree at 3.30 pm and then it starts to cool down, I remember the heat wave back in '76 it started mid July and was red hot until October. So I hope that does not happen again. I turned off the A/c as it was making too much noise, but after a couple of minutes the temp went up to 78! I do not like it this hot.
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Re: Billie2

Post by sanjays mummi »

Oh dear!, it might sound daft, but have you syringed your ears recently?, as dizziness is often a sign they need doing.
My magazine wasn't in, probably Weds she said. When I got back I ordered a cylinder fan, home delivery, from Argos,, it's due anytime now. More for Sanjays benefit, he didn't eat much yesterday, but ate more today, like Billie he had a good soaking today.
My bedroom faces east, so stays cooler than the rest of the flat.
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Re: Billie2

Post by sanjays mummi »

My previous post ended abruptly, the fan turned up, I had to flag the driver down, as he whizzed past the house, anyway, that was short lived as the fan packed up this morning, Argos had sold out, so they're sending one from the warehouse with Yodel tomorrow, it's back to the little ones again, it wasn't the fuse either, because first it stopped oscillating Then it stopped blowing, sigh. Ah well, it was an economy one after all.
Anyway, I bought Sanjay a cuttlebone yesterday, and it is keeping him occupied, we are supposed to get thunderstorms tonight, so I may not have to get the hosepipe out, /:)
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Re: Billie2

Post by AJPeter »

Black clouds are rolling in from the west, have not reached us yet. Its a pain when things do not work all that bother of packing them back up and getting them collected maybe you won't need a fan as it is cooling down. Billie decided she did not like fan in front of her cage so l angled it away from her but she still moaned I told her, "I will give you to the match stick maker," and she mumbled under her breath later she insisted on three spoons of mikly tea.
You could be right about the ears l have been jamming earplugs in to shut out Everton's noise and maybe it is compacted wax as l have not had my ears syringed for a good number of years, Ant's sister said olive oil floats wax out. Emma was out all day sunbathing, last year she over did it and turned bright red.
I have a portable air conditioner in the bedroom it brings the temp down to about 70 f I got that from Argos some years ago and drag it out every year, but it makes a dickens of a noise but at least it drowns out Everton (Next door) and Emma (Downstairs) Another man in a private dwelling near us. burns solid fuel, even at this itme of the year and when the wind is in the north it stinks me out and l have to close the window, the temp rose in the BR to 75 very quickly. Some year ago l complained to the environment officer but my neighbour said it only smokes when he puts a new lump on and the Environment officer did nothing so l have to grin and bear it while l close my windows. More black clouds in the west.
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Re: Billie2

Post by sanjays mummi »

It hasn't cooled down here, but the replacement fan arrived this afternoon, Sanjay and I share it as it oscillates, he always did like the breeze in his plumage!. Warm olive oil is a cheaper alternative to Otex, or you could get your GP surgery nurse to do them. Funnily enough, now you mention it, a friend of mine suffered dizzy spells after using ear plugs, some of them are too hard. We had cloud and thunder earlier, but only for a short time.
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Re: Billie2

Post by AJPeter »

No rain no thunder but pleanty of cloud. Billie sat suffering the breeze from my pedestral fan, l told her she had to lump it. Had a nasty shock today a shirt which was a comfortable fit suddenly became too small so l measured my girth and l have put on an inch, so rechecked my calorie count and found l had undestimated dinner by 200 claories and worse had allowed portions to increase in size so l was nearer 1600 calories than the 1200 l thought l was on.
Must do better!
Billie had a welter of pea pods she likes them but was a bit overwhelmed by the number l put one her cage top. I had bought too many. I must watch Billie's diet too she looks the same but l think l ought to weigh her soon. When it was very hot l bought the small cage in but she was not interested so she did not go outside.
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Re: Billie2

Post by sanjays mummi »

I think it way too hot for them to go outside, even their wild cousins are keeping a low profile.
Heat expands, never try clothes on when you're hot, only shoes should be tried on hot feet. When do you weigh yourself?, first thing in the morning is best, when your tummy is empty. Maybe your extra fluids are giving you a heavier reading too.
Sanjay has suddenly gone off millet, never mind, it stays fresh in a sealed container.
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Re: Billie2

Post by AJPeter »

Sanjay will soon go back on Millet try giving only once or twice a week. Billie lasted until 6 pm today before asking to be covered, but she would not tarry but was up on her perch almost asleep as the covers went on. And she did not complain as l watched Tv with headphones on.
I weigh myself on wednesday mornings before even Billie gets uncovered l also measure my waist and post them to my weight loss site and then can see charts with my progress.
My water bill has come it is horrendous, In January it was £212 for 6 months so l have been very careful about my water use, only flushing the WC 3 or 4 times a day, three 5 minute showers a week even Billie was chased out from under the shower before she was ready but even so the bill has arrived £241. I phoned 7 Trent to complain so they are sending a water engineer to check my susage. On the bill they said my water usuage was = to 14 showers a day or 894 pints or 2780 cups of tea A DAY1111
However l think l have found the reason, about 12 years ago my bathroom was regularly flooded and the HA maintenance team came to fix it. They adjusted the ball cock but it kept happening and they discovered that the overflow pipe was not conected to the cistern and they could not get it to screw on so they replaced the flush with a new uint which fed the the over flow water back into the bowl. So l never noticed how much water l was using until l started getting these big bills July of last year it £162.
I have adjusted the ball cock to its fullest extent but still it wont turn off even when l lift the ball it does not turn off,
I shall phone the maintenenace on Monday and complain, I shall tell them l am seeking legal advice to get them to pay the water bills because of shoddy repairs.
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Re: Billie2

Post by sanjays mummi »

Good for you!, that's extortionate!. I don't have metered water, I won't be limited, so I pay about twelve quids a week water rates. In fact, I think your HA is definitely responsible for the bill, and a court should order Them to pay up.
Sanjay doesn't usually go mad for strawberries, but today he had strawbs and raspberries on his skewer, and has really been tucking in, the strawb seeds are quite bright and really show up, I think that is what tempted him.
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Re: Billie2

Post by AJPeter »

I put strawberries and raspberries in Billie's bowl but she ignorred them, on the stroke of three she told me it was time for biscuits and she understands "Last One!" if she has had three morsels also she understand about the rule of not more than three teaspoons of tea! But she is so greedy she wont let me pour it gently down her throat but grabs ths spoon and tried to get it all at once. At 5 pm she also made it clear that it was bed time and even after l covered her up she would not let me watch the end of stage 20 of the Tour of France, so l have saved that for tomorrow.

I did some more tinkerring with the cistern this morning and when l lifted the arm with the ball is on it fell off the valve and l had to rush and turn the water off. L managed to get the arm back on but later it had fallen off again and more water was rushing away. So l called the emergency repair number and htey have arranged for contractor to come out about 9 pm to look at and repair the valve. So l fiddled some more with it, and took it to pieces and very nearly could not get it back together again! However the arm is back on and it looks good but ahhhh the they have just arrived and turned the water off at the cistern which means l can have water in the shower and basin and in the kitchen but wil have to flush the toilet with a bucket of water until monday. But at least if the arm falls off again it wont flood every where.
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Re: Billie2

Post by AJPeter »

If you pay £12 a week times 26 is £292 for six months and that is a great deal more than l pay are you sure it is weekly if monthly that would be £72 for six months and a l lot cheaper than l pay.
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Re: Billie2

Post by sanjays mummi »

Weekly, another reason is because of what happened here six years ago. There are two water meters in the alley right outside my wet room, Anglian Water sent two guys from Clancy Docra out one Friday, to replace them with new ones, anyhow, they finished the job really quickly and left. A few hours later, my wet room was awash with raw sewerage, and because the waste pipe is shared with them upstairs, everytime they flushed, it made matters worse. The HA sent someone out but he couldn't find the problem, so Dynarod came and used a camera, he could see something white, but I had to wait until Monday, by which time raw sewerage was flooding up and over my loo, I kept laying bottle after bottle of bleach down, and HA gave porta potties, which the guys upstairs refused to use. Monday came, and the area opened up, Clancy Docra guys had drilled a hole in the sewer pipe and had tried to hide it with a plastic bag,both water meters were broken. Do I want that area dug up again for a water meter?, I don't think so!.
Sanjay has started eating millet again, he completely demolished his strawbs. :-bd
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Re: Billie2

Post by AJPeter »

The old system had its merits but l thought my bills would be lower with a meter a company called Staffs Water put them 8ib and made an awfull mess of our garden so much so nothing grew in it until they put some turf down which they had dug up from a common! Still better than nothing. Then l got hooked on the idea os a smart meter for Gas and Lecky but the stupid thing does not like me moving the console out of range of the meter, so now l do not bother. At least it sends upto date info back to SSE. So no more estimted bills.

I quite like this idea of pouring buckets into the cistern to flush the toilet if the water has food particles in it then it goes straight into the bowl but if not and even if soapy it goes into the cistern, and l flush normally. Eat your heart out Seven Trent!

I put a Raspberry and a strawberry into Billie's fruit bowl but forgot to check whether she at them, she only wanted two morsels of water biscuits, and two spoons of tea, until l got to the last and she shared the stewed tea with me.
I watched Billie carry a millet spray upto the top of her cage she was quite clever at getting it through the door.

It is no fun when sewers back up we have a manhole cover in the garden behind me and regularly 7 Trent have to rod the drain, people still put hot grease and oil, down the loo, and there are people here who refuse to sort their rubbish so the bin men refuse to empty the recycle bins and they start over flowing and stil they put rubbish in bags in them.
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Re: Billie2

Post by sanjays mummi »

The guys upstairs started putting black sacks in the recycle bin, until I wrote with chalk on the lid "no black sacks", then the binmen put stickers on everyones saying the same, so they obviously weren't the only ones. It's been cloudy all day and very welcome for a change, but the garden needs rain, we are never satisfied are we?.
The local shop didn't have fresh sweetcorn, so I got ready cooked, vacuum packed cobs, Sanjay loves them!, I wasn't sure if he'd like cooked corn.
Hopefully your repairman won't keep you waiting Too long tomorrow. =:)
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Re: Billie2

Post by AJPeter »

The bucket brigade did not last very long as the repair man came and fitted as new valve, no ball and the good news it only fills up half way. Raining here well spitting. Did my weekly shop and bought extra strawberries as Billie not enjoys a strawberry! But rsaspberries still get the cold shoulder There were no blackberries but locally they are getting riper.Feel tired today took me an hour to get round the park. Billie asked to be covered at 5 pm and she got her wish there was a time when she wanted to be covered at 1 pm but gradually the time has gone back.
Now that Emma is quieter Billie gets 14 hours sleep, l do quite well too with 8 -9 hours, :D
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Re: Billie2

Post by sanjays mummi »

Funnily enough, I had to have a nap earlier, probably jet lagged from shopping yesterday. I was chatted up yesterday, some eccentric old guy who claims to have been in a "punk" band, definitely not my type, (not interested anyway), but I found it rather amusing.
Lidl had these blackish coloured leaves, something negra, like long cabbage leaves, and Sanjay thoroughly enjoys them!, I got my magazine, "cages part 2", I don't remember "part 1", all early reader ,stuff we already know, Scarlett has my cage at £205, but cages world are selling it for £174.99. Glad you got that cistern sorted! \m/
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Re: Billie2

Post by AJPeter »

So am I! :ymhug: Safe with those you know, the HA were supposed to come this morning with the laundry tokens but turned up at 4 pm instead however had a good chat to Jay it would appear that work has been divieded up between 4 housing officers Jay is going to deal with anti sociial behaviour, Rebecca is on holiday.
I put large cabbage leaf in Billie's cage, she does not eat it but provides moisture. The biscuit she normally has a 3 morsels from is running out (of the door) snd l tried a some garlic bicks and then offered her a choice she choose the garlic one, I read on the internet that if you want to stop bananas going black put them in the fridge.
*I was too old to be a punk and too young to be a Teddy boy but l did have a scooter, a NSU Prima, which served me well during National Service.
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Re: Billie2

Post by sanjays mummi »

I love black bananas, , they are properly ripe, like avocados when they're black, yellow bananas don't have any flavour and give me indigestion.
I didn't think IRN's could have garlic, isn't it on the toxic list?, mice and hamsters can't have Allium's either. I caught and moidered a mouse today, it must be the latest generation.
Sanjay tucked into mango slices today, it's one of the few seedless fruits he enjoys, the others being apple and orange.
I was a "mod" when I enlisted, but I didn't have a scooter!, never liked "punk", Sid Vicious etc turned my stomach.
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Re: Billie2

Post by AJPeter »

You have to take ypur hat off to Sid he said life was not worth living after 21 and topped himself when 22! Billie had the parrots revenge today we have had a good day inter reacting and she asked very nicely to be covered up at 5 pm but l was not finished on the tablet however i did turn the Tv offf and closed the curtains but she was tut-terring under the blanket so l pulled it off and let her out, 30 mins later l was finished but she would not go into her cage and when l got my hand to close she lashed out and bit me, i told her she was an ungrateful wretch and she hung her head in shame however l reasoned that she is after all a parrot and l forgave her with losts of kisses and good nights.
I take your point about garlic they were only flavoured with garlic but no more she will have to make the few water biscuits last out. She was quite content with two tea spoons of warm sweet milky tea. Bilkie prefers the unripe banannas so do l she had a over ripe one yeasterday which she ignorred but a one l put on her cage still in its shell she ate a lot. She loves the unshelled garden peas. She does not like mango's. "You caught and moidered (murder?) a mouse , how?
As soon as l say Emma is behaving herself she lets me down last night at 4 am they were playing hankey pankey in the bedroom below me, that is where a lady says to a gentelman 'l will hide my hankey in my knickers and you have to find it!"
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Re: Billie2

Post by sanjays mummi »

X( ooh! I say!.
The mouse scampered into my wet room, so I cornered it and clobbered it with a bleach bottle, sorted. We actually had some rain today, and about time too, it's much more cooler and comfortable now. There was a dodgy looking guy came here yesterday, rang my bell, he was looking for Craig in flat 1, but he was out, so the guy asked me if Craig was at work, I replied I didn't know and it's none of my business, actually I happen to know Craig is unemployed, but deemed That was none of the guys business.
Santa went fishing yesterday evening, and hasn't come back yet, so he is either having a break or fallen in (joke), I think it's cruel to put fish through All that suffering and put them back, it would be kinder in the long run to fish for food.
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Re: Billie2

Post by AJPeter »

Fish are cold blooded they do not have feelings. Bang goes my diet! I went to New Oscott today and the Pets at Home shop, then called in at Tesco and bought some cookies and flap jack and scoffed them until l felt sick that is 800 calories worth I also bought some water biscuits the type Billie likes. I said to her lunch time that l wanted to go shopping and it would be good if you got covered at 4 pm and sure enough at 4 she asked to be covered and as quick as jack flash l was out of the front door but l had to return twice for things l had forgotten.

Did you know it is be kind to mice week? They have feelings l think it might come back and haunt you l hope you gave it a decent burial. 7 Trent man came this morning l and said l was using too much water but there were no leaks he was saying that they have special offers for old people, especially those with a disability and he thought l could get something off the bills because of hidden leaks. Anyway l have to wait until they write to me. :ymhiro:
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Re: Billie2

Post by sanjays mummi »

Coo, that might be worth asking Anglian Water about!, lay on the "poor little disabled widder woman" excuse.
I used humane traps when we had harvest mice, they moved in if it was going to be a bad winter, and I let them go at an old disused windmill nearby, but these are dirty little house mice on the make, I flushed it down the loo.
How do we know fish feel nothing?, they say vegetables feel nothing, yet they have recorded veg screaming when it's harvested.
If you had been physically busy going around the shops, you would have burned off most of the calories almost immediately, I saw that on a TV programme once.
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Re: Billie2

Post by AJPeter »

Alive? You know l thought l could hear the cabbage screaming when it was in hot water! Stew and rice today, Everton next door was banging away on his amplifier l phoned 101 but they were not interested but this afternoon another neighbour took the biscuit with their noise so l went for a walk and when l came back it was quiet all round. Billie likes grabbing tjhe blanket and helping , me to lift it up over her cage but l was just about to change my grip when she bit the blanketw here my finger was holding it "Ouch!" but it was not her fault l showed the blood but chickened out when l asked her to kliss it better, l thought the better part of valour would be to keep my finger away from her beak.
The flap jacks were delicious but l shall take the remaining four and four cookies to hand out on the mens table after the service.
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Re: Billie2

Post by sanjays mummi »

Good idea, I never go shopping hungry, too much temptation. The 07.00 hrs to 23.00 hrs rule applies to noise nuisance, no noise Before 07.00 or After 23.00 hrs, that also applies to bonfires.
Plod could still have had a quiet word tho', lazy these days aren't they?.
Sanjay had a right old sing song today, but it was when I was talking to my daughter on the phone!, so I told him "Oi!" and he stopped and started muttering crossly, he does that when I tell him "no" about things.
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Re: Billie2

Post by AJPeter »

Billie wont take "No!" and makes even more noise l feel sorry for her, she has finished her moult and her new tail is only a few inches long, alright to send you an email with attachment (2 photos)? but at least she can turn around in her cage without catching her tail, she has not tried flying yet, she looks like an over fed green sparrow. Our lot are quieter than Midland Heart behind us and there are some private lets on one side who are very nouisy. It seems to be catching on more and more turn up the volume. I hate it. I like classical and opera, but on the organ l will play anything if l have the music. Billie loves listening to the answer phone messages over and over again.
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Re: Billie2

Post by sanjays mummi »

Aww, how sweet!. We both love (d) classical and Opera, I watched La Traviata on Sky Arts only the other day, when I met daddi it was the first thing we had in common except for uniform and rank of course, his Uncle was musical director of Kneller Hall, so he was weaned on the classics,
I would love to see a photo of Billie, Im sure Sanjay would too, but he'd better not laugh at her tail!.
Sanjay spent all afternoon faffing around outside his cage, so I let him enjoy himself, he went indoors when his tummy rumbled. :-bd
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Re: Billie2

Post by AJPeter »

Look for email to B
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Re: Billie2

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Billie has been very afectionate today, she did a lot of singing which is unsual, mostly she keeps quiet when l am near what started it off was me starting to bob up and down this set her off we looked like those perpetual nodding birds then she started to sing. She has taken to a shower a day and lets me know when she is ready, but she is the very devil to get off the clothes horse, she climbs down a rung or two and when l think she has had enough she wont come back up again for ages.
She has had a lot of shoulder rides today and l have not seen her fly yet, it is a shame because her tail was once 14" long!
about 5 pm she lets me know when she is ready to be covered up, and woe be tide me if l make her wait.
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Re: Billie2

Post by sanjays mummi »

I bought Sanjay a lovely big jingly ball today from poundworld, much bigger than the guinea pig ones from wilko, he loves it, spends ages trying to get the jingly ball out through the holes. Sanjays tail usually grows back in very quickly, daddi used to comment on it, Im sure Billies will reach it's former length eventually, and it's just a case of watched kettles (never boil).
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Re: Billie2

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Billie seems quite pleased with her tail but l have not seen her fly yet she begs shoulder lifts, one to the bath room for a shower and she went down to the lowest rung of the clothes horse but when l turned off the water she quickly came up.
My stupid toilet cistern has started to play up again l tried to increase the water as when l flushed it would not clear the debris, but then it decided it was not going to turn off the water as the float rose. I shall have to wait until 7 Trent have revised my bill and so it is back to buckets which is good as l can recycle water from the shower.

Billie likes sitting on the door as it is a half way house she does not have so far to drag things up from the cage floor, she drinks her tea from the door. I went shopping this morn but forgot some things so l shall have to go tomorrow.
Am listening to Classic FM some good records.

Does Sanjay play with the new ball on the floor?
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Re: Billie2

Post by sanjays mummi »

Sanjay Never has gone down to the floor, it's on his roof, but he hangs upside down inside the cage and plays with it too. Isn't it a pain when we forget something?, then have to go shopping a second time, I have to jot down things I don't buy very often, or I tend to forget them. What a nuiscance, all this trouble with your cistern, I hope it gets sorted out properly this time.
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Re: Billie2

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The good news about my cistern is that while l wait for Seven Trent to take another reading to confirm my usage and hopefully a reduced bill now l have to flush the toilets with a bucket of water and that means l can recycle the bath water and the kitchen waste water, my new bill should be really very low!
Billie was upside down on her perch inside the cage looking at me as l played the organ. And we have a rough house when l go to cover her up at night she wants to help pull the cover up, l have to make sure my fingers are not in her beak! I was watching a recording of G Force and Billie got a bit upset at the Guinea pigs acting like humans she is an avid telly addict. She does not go on the floor now adays although l think she would like to as she stands on her threshold peering at the floor.
She was eating the pomegranite quarter that has been hanging up for days, l shall change it tomorrow. She does not play with toys, the babble ball caught her attention, one is on the floor the other hanging up she likes bashing it with her bell when l do not give her enough attention.
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Re: Billie2

Post by sanjays mummi »

I have never seen G Force, my daughter had Guinea pigs, (hamsters and rabbits) when she was small, very vocal little creatures aren't they?.
Sanjay can't see the TV from his cage, but he ignores it when he is out, anyway.
When it's bedtime, he often turns around on his sleeping perch, so his back is turned,
The top pane of my bedroom window needs replacing, the seal has gone, it's an unusual window, it opens and closes by virtue of a winder, like a sunroof, the winder is on the sill, It's a very high window, and because of my disability, it was fitted especially so I could open and close it, it was too high for daddi too, and he was 5' 10".
Tesco had packs of small Papaya, reduced too, and Sanjay is really happy to see them again. :-bd
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Re: Billie2

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Guess who got weighed today? Back on 30/01/14 the vet weighed her and she was 257 grams he said she was a little bit underweight well today l put my gardening gloves on and grabbed her while she was sitting on the door she wriggled free and landed on the floor so l picked her up and put her on the scales. I had to shout several times "Stand still." Eventually she calmed down and the scales were 257 grams. So despite the three tea spoons of milky tea and the three morsels of water biscuit daily she is doing very well. I was pleased with the result. The last ime l weighed her was 3rd April 2016 and she was 254 grams. Her lowest weight 241 grams was on 08/08/14 and her heaviest was on 19/12/14 at 302 grams.
Daughters when they are small are very vocal!
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Re: Billie2

Post by sanjays mummi »

I was referring to Guinea Pigs, but daddi once said, little girls are screaming for chocolate when they are born.
Peaches, lovely ripe ones from lidl are what Sanjay likes best of all, (make that flavour of the moment), he loves the juice.
Goodness, I wouldn't Dare try and pick Sanjay up, he'd either tear me to shreds or die of shock, stroking him when he's being affectionate is one thing, but assault with hands!, no way Jose.
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Re: Billie2

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That's why I use gardening gloves! Billie has discovered that Blackberries are scrumptious, she is not too keen on strawberries but peeled the half pear and and was licking up its juices so she might like a peach, I'll try and remember to get some. :lol:
Emma puts her cat out of a window it does its toilet and comes back saves all that cat litter. I am saving water it takes 2 gallons to flush the toilet, but l am using recycled water, l have a bucket for soapy water, another for food debris water and another for clean water. Must be saving a bomb! :ymdevil: Soapy water and food debris water goes into the toilet bowl but clean water goes in the cistern.
Quite warm here 73 f if it gets much hotter l shall set up the air conditioner again.
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Re: Billie2

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Sanjay has loved blackberries ever since he was a baby, and there was a bramble bush in the back garden, messy but he loves them so much I cannot deny him. It's warm here too, I've had the fan running today. I halve his peaches and remove the pit, then skewer the halves, he's got cooked sweetcorn today, I should say Had, its virtually stripped clean, when I grew up in London, our flat was the third story of a Victorian house with no sink or running water, so buckets were filled and emptied via the bathroom on the second floor, eventually my step parents bought a large house. But those buckets were a nuisance to empty and fill. The things we take for granted!, funnily enough, I had a first with Sanjay today,, he stood by his water bowl bleating because the water needed changing, he'd dropped food debris into it,, as soon as I'd done the honours, he had a drink and face wash, he gets filtered water from the chiller. :-bd
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Re: Billie2

Post by AJPeter »

There is a glass water bottle hanging up with filtered water, but she gets tap water to wash in albeit with a dash glycerine and rosewater. Emma exploeded out of her flat shouting and swearing at 4 am so l phoned 101 and told them she has an ASB number and they promised to send some one round, her shouting stopped after 30 minuites but l could not get back to sleep, so l promise dmyslef thatl would go to bed early tonight but the Olympic cycling was so exciting it was not until 8 pm that l got my dinner and already its 9 pm!
My mother's mother lived on the ground floor and basement flat in Finsbury and there was a other grandmother lived in a house at Finchley, but my father was born at Epping, his mother was a Wilkinson, dairy shop keepers in Gillingham Kent. I was born at Bexley and we lived in Shirley, Croydon. :D
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Re: Billie2

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I was brought up in Kensington, my husband was born in Eltham, his gran had a huge house in Woolwich, but his aunt (Countess Segary) had an even bigger one in Birchington (Kent) with servants, and peacocks in the grounds, he and his sisters spent their school holidays there. My stepfather was too stuck up to apply for a council house, he said it would be like the army, getting into trouble if he didn't mow the lawn, daft.
Sanjay had a sing song today, I'm surprised he wasn't tired, the concert in the park was held last night, we had loud music all day until 10.30 pm, and it was pop music, I'm just not into the Olympics, the only sports we both like(d) are dog showing (including obedience etc) and show jumping, daddi played rugby in the forces, but never wanted to watch it.Did the police speak to Emma?, she really is a pain in the proverbial! ^#(^
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Re: Billie2

Post by AJPeter »

They (the police) did not tell me but l suppose not, but I will speak to my housing officer tomorrow about it, as l went out on my walk this afternoon she was standing in her door way talking to a friend l turned and waved but got no response. Billie and i had a nice talk this afternoon it was near bed time, she had got very agitated about 30 minutes before the cover up when ,l went out of the room and she wanted to tell me she was worried l would not cover her up in time, she wanted to exchange kisses and from the top of her cage and kept reaching forward so she could kiss my lips. Sweet :-* She has been more vocal recently, but a fruit fly gave her a nasty turn this morning there was a sqwark and a flapping of wings she dropped a feather and wanted to sit on my shoulder as l reassured her.
We had a celebration of Jamaican independence yesterday in our park but they stopped yelling into their loud speakers at about 8.30. There is a law that says they have to have a license to use loud speakers in public places, l was quite annoyed because they had fenced off my normal route and wanted £5 for me to enter, no way hosea!
My aunt lived in Faraday Avenue and when I was about three we went down to the river at Footscray for the day but some one left the door open and l wandered off l remember going back down to the river about two miles away and walked along the bank, it got dark and as I got to 5 arch bridge there were lights from people looking for me with a mist on the water it became a magocal memory and l have always been fascinated with bridges over weater, and have lots of pictures of them.
But that was not the only time l wanddered off, my Da came home from the Army for good in 1947, he threw my gollywog into the dustbin "You are not having a doll!" I used to help the milkman with huis horse drawn milk float and he took me down to the dairy to see the other horses l remember the stables and yard where the carts were stored, l was 8 then. The planning into the runaway took some time l told mother l wanted a red spotted hanky and l was going to wrap up my possession and tie it onto the end of an old broom stick, so all my dinky cars went in but it was too heavy to carry so in the end l only took one.
One night I stayed awake at night and after my parents had gone to bed l crept down the stairs and let myself out of the back door, l was quite surprised at how light it was but l had to cross a wood and l was afraid of the dark but the moon was out and l cured myself of being afraid of the dark by crossing that wood, l got down to the dairy while it was still dark and cimbed into the cubby where butter was kept on the cart and went to sleep. In the morning a milkman found me and there was a lot of shouting eventually my milk man recognize me and my parentd were told.
When l got back home mother slapped me vey hard and she joined my hate list next to da. OOps got carried away!
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