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Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:38 am
by AJPeter
That is good to know, Blue moon.

Awful problems with Norton had to unistall it now have Microsoft secuirty essentials.

Emma likes to go next door to Everton's all night drinking but she called rape on a blackman who has helped her a lot in the past and now she is not wanted at Everton's mind you he punched in the face when she called him a "Nxgger" Emma is a 40 white lass from Oldham, thier gain our loss,

It can only get better!

Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:49 am
by sanjays mummi
I was introduced to my husband by a black mutual friend we swapped details as to how long we had known him etc when I quite innocently said "Taff isn't as black as he's painted" foot in mouth, but it was laughter all round, he went on to be our best man. got my mag today, your'e right about the articles. Sanjay thinks he's in heaven fresh figs And passion fruit!, is it yuletide?

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:39 pm
by AJPeter
I tried passion fruit and fresh figs pm Billie no dice! However l was a bit late getting my lunch today, Billie made a song and dance look silly so l had to miss the end of the news and get lunch, Mushroom and chicken soup and x2 toast, hers had a scrape.

This moprning she flew to my shoulder (After she had pooped) and l thought she wanted a shower, but she was hanging onto my shirt and as we went out l saw a pile of poop on the bathroom floor, at least it missed me!

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 2:49 pm
by sanjays mummi
Yes, and a good job you didn't step in it!. We had a quiet uneventful sort of day, with Sanjay feeling quite affable, he even nibbled my eyebrows when we had our usual tickle and scritch session.we shared a piece of brie at tea time. I bought cuttlebone yesterday, it lasted right up to this evening, for a change!

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:34 am
by AJPeter
I wedge some cuttle fish bone in the Large perch she just helps herself when ever she wants some.

She likes a cuddle first thing in the morning but only a limited head scratch, but lunch time she sits on the edge of her cage with her tongue hanging out. It was a boiled and toast, I dropped the boiled egg on the floor before l had got the shell off so l used a spoon to get to the white. She was more interested in the toast and marge.

Her throws were becomine very tatty so l bought a new one from Kleenex.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:30 pm
by sanjays mummi
I didn't know Kleenex did throws I thought they only did tissues Sanjays covers are king size cotton flat sheets, black.ones,.from Primark, Today he had a skewered hard boiled egg with his bitter gourd, he prefers the yolk. Have you managed to shed a pound or two yet?

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:38 am
by AJPeter
They have distributors who put a catalogue of household items though your letter box, you order and leave order and catalogue outside for them to collect and few weeks later they deliver your order and you pay them. Betteraware used to do the same thing but is only on line now.

Nice day today. Latest update on the weight loss is 47" waist from 52" five weeks ago,
and 16 and a half stones drop from 18 stones starving but managing to live on 1800 calories

Billie had egg and toast too how she knows the time l do not know but at 12.30 she was on top of her cage flapping her wings, l told her it was too early so she went down sat on her eggs sulking. But as l cooked the egg and toast she was up eager for her bit! Cheese and ryvita tomorrow for lunch. Last week she grabbed the small piece of cheese and went to fly off with it but l managed to grab it back.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:45 pm
by sanjays mummi
That takes me back, one of our Samoyeds had spent the day at the vets having her hips x rayed, when we collected her we were told "she won't want to eat, because of the anaesthetic tube making her throat sore", so we went home, fed the others then sat down to eat boneless kippers, all of a sudden, one of my kippers slid off my plate into a very peckish little mouth!. I think you mean Kleeneezee, I haven't seen them for decades.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 12:22 pm
by AJPeter
If l had a shilling for everytime l knew what l meant when l said it l would be a milllionaire by now. Funny enough a distributor put a Betterware catalogue through my door so I ordered somethings. No Blue moon tonight too cloudy.

One of my neighbours knocked on my door this afternoon she had lost her keys so l phoned the HA and they phoned back to say 1 to 2 hours for the locksmith. So l invited Annette in but thankfully it was only half an hour before he came.

Billie was getting ready for bed but she likes Annette and came out on the top of the cage, but l was ever so pleased when Billie flew to my shoulder.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:15 pm
by sanjays mummi
The moon was fabulous last night, she was officially full at 10.45 this morning, but will stay full for a couple of days. Only locked myself out once, and my mobile phone was in the flat as well, but a kind neighbour let me call a locksmith, our HA does not supply locksmiths, they just break the door so you can get in etc, I didn't mind paying to keep my door intact. Sanjay was playing out when my bell rang, it made him jump! And he took refuge on top of the chandelier, it was only the postie with a parcel for him upstairs, I dumped it on the stairs.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 12:39 pm
by AJPeter
So you have a common front door? Not the best arrangement when l first moved to Birmingham l was in a shared house and my benefit cheques kept disappearing, after getting into a fight the other tenant called me names and so l punched him! He complained to the HA and they moved me to the other side of the city!

Billie was quite happy sitting on her four eggs when the Binmen arrived the reversing truck made a wicked noise Billie was out and up before you could say Jack Robinson in a force nine gale at the south pole and she was bossing around on top of her cage. She is a real nosey parker.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:41 pm
by sanjays mummi
When I first moved in they were squabbling like infants, accusations of stolen giro's etc, ridiculous because ID had to be produced before the PO would cash them. So I contacted the HA and requested mail boxes. Someone is letting off fireworks, which seems a bit ott.
Sanjay was in a peculiar mood today, I was putting figs and passion fruit in his cage and he was hissing at me one minute and making thank you noises the next! Funny little person!

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 12:18 pm
by AJPeter
Billie does not hiss, she mews like a cat especailly in the mornings when l go to uncover her,
She can sing beuatifully standing on tip toe, when l go to the kitch l can hear her talking to her mirror image, she has taken quite a fancy to orange segments, she squeezes and lifts her head and swallows the juice. l think it must be good for her Vit C. As fast as l put them ontop of her cage they are gone, after drinking the juice she throws the segment on the floor hers or mine she does not care/

And yet the Post Office are not fussy they will cash stolen Giro's without thinking.

August 20 is the dead, line for her eggs, 28 days this year l shall wait and see if she abandons them, they are safe and secure in her nesting box.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 1:08 pm
by sanjays mummi
I'm surprised they haven't gone off!,our PO is very rigid about ID, plus, this area is like a village, they know everyone by sight. It's been a glorious day here, but I had to soak the garden this evening. Sanjay politely nibbles orange, but prefers his vit c from kiwi.
The fireworks last night were very beautiful, I wonder if it was a party?.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:01 am
by AJPeter
Fireworks are very popular at Birthday parties. Billie on the other hand or claw does not like kiwi's can't say l blame her, the Hucka is not to my taste.

She went skinny dipping and although the water was not very deep she managed to her front wet. However she refused a shower l managed to get her into the bathrom but she would not go on the clothes horse so l gave up the attempt.

Went shopping this morning the new Argos catalogue is out, could buy it all if l had enough money.

Gone are the days we would sit out in the garden, three years ago l got Billie then l was sitting in the shade in the afternoons, it amazing how quickly the tlme goes/

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:22 am
by sanjays mummi
Wait until summer gets properly started, because it's going to be an Indian summer this year. What is "hucka"?. The fireworks it turns out, were at the end of the annual concert in the park, I have never been, but I could probably sit on the verge outside and listen, if I wished.Sanjay had a shower the other day, I let him tell me if he wants one, he starts splishing in his water bowl, wings lifted, as soon as I produce the misting bottle he hops on to a perch, spreads his wings, and gets ready for a good sousing.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:14 am
by AJPeter
The all blacks, a New Zealand rugby team stasrt a match they do the Hucka it is an aboriginal war dance.

Emma had visitors last migh who arrived at 11.3pm and left at 5.30 am. Mostly they were quiet but kept moving around, l had the overhead fan on which makes a wicked noise, my Dyson cool which also makes a wicked noise, my hi fi making sweet noise but loud ear plugs and still they woke me up from time to time. The night before l slept 11 hours in one go.

How Billie copes without ear plugs beats me, she was a bit slow in wakling up this moring. Well only 15 more days to the official end to the egg stitting/ but l will let her stay on for as long as she wants last year l took the eggs away after 28 days.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:38 am
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay is in raptures, I went to the market today and they had guavas, full of seeds, I don't know how humans can eat them. You definitely need ear plugs And Nytol, it worked very nicely when the drug dealer had several humans and a Staffie in his flat, who never slept at night.We also had blackout curtains, because every excursion in and out of the building, which was dozens of times, involved switching all the security lights etc on, which shone directly into the bedroom window. I can sleep eleven hours at a stretch but I am stiff with pain by morning, which makes getting up awkward. I have to roll some of the way!, it must look quite comical.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 11:54 am
by AJPeter
A bit like a roll mop? Billie has takento pooping down my back so l won't let her sit on my shoulder l wonder if l rubbed her beak in it would she stop?

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 2:04 pm
by sanjays mummi
Eeeeooow! You could try draping an old towel over your shoulder. Sanjay won't sit on me, so at least I don't have that problem. Guavas and Passion fruit today, it was funny watching him, because he was really spoiled for choice, didn't know which one to attack first!.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 12:02 pm
by AJPeter
I wish Billke would eat a great variety of foods , l hung a toy bucket in her cage just to put sunflower seeds and she tucks in every day. When l first got her sunflower seeds was all she was offered, at least she gets a wide choice of foods.

She flew in my direction this morning so l ducked and she had to return to her cage but she did not seem put out by this.

But at the end of her egg sitting l shall limit the food choice she is offered to stop laying again. It is now 2 years since l first got her so much has happened that it seems much longer.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 12:24 pm
by sanjays mummi
Well, as a suggestion no more cooked porridge with syrup,raw oatmeal is ok. Sanjay didn't know what fresh food was, until I got him , he came with Wilko parakeet mix in his bowl, and I introduced him to fresh fruit first, when I put his first big pointy pepper in his cage, he ignored it at first, when he eventually tried to sample it, he was too little and puny to break into it, so then I bought the tiny ones, until he got bigger, a book I purchased about the species, recommended sweet corn pones, and he took to that no trouble.It's been a question of trial and error, but he is pretty much an omnivore now. I had him at 8 wks, Billie may have already been set in her ways when you got her. We rescued dogs like that, they only sampled things when they saw the others eating them. How sad is a dog who has never tasted a Bonio.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 11:55 am
by AJPeter
For me?

Billie does not get such treats now a days, when she was under weight last year l did give some porridge made with milk but when l weighed her later she was too heavy so she had to go on a diet, the last weighing came in at 260 grams which l thought was reasonable but l have not weighed for 6 months or more. When she has a double chin l will weigh her again.

Nine out of ten dogs that have tasted a Bonio their owners say that they prefer a bonio.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 12:32 pm
by sanjays mummi
Or a raw carrot, or a banana, our troop had catholic tastes too. Anyway, if guava is fattening my little fwend will be as round as a tennis ball soon. It's been another warm day here, and my five feet tall gladioli are starting to flower.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 1:34 pm
by AJPeter
What are you feeding you Gladallover with Parrot Pooh?

Billie stinks to high Heaven she has not had a bath for ten days but only 10 days left, but l do not know what l shall do if she does not abandon the four eggs, last year l took them away from her, l told her "Enough is enough!"

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 10:53 am
by sanjays mummi
You will just have to confiscate them again, maybe then she will want a nice shower. I feed my garden with manure pellets, usually chicken manure in autumn, but this time it was horse manure pellets in spring, even the Dahlias are as tall. Sanjay gets a bit down in the beak, moulting, so it is extra playtime, and favourite nosh.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 12:21 pm
by AJPeter
She shies away from a water spray, and flies to the curtain rail when l switch on the shower, her only intent is too poop in my bath, but at least she is refraining to poop on my shoulder. She calls me when she wants to poop on the cage and then gets "Well Done!"

I ordered some dummy eggs but l think I cocked up the order by not including my address, we shall see, if and when they arrive l shall swop them over with the real ones which are stinking me out. You can thank your lucky stars Sanjay does not lay eggs.

Billie has been eating very little recently but today she made up with visits to her seed bowl and seed bucket, the fruit bowl, the oranges segments

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 1:51 pm
by sanjays mummi
I thought they would whiff eventually, what a pity birds have no real sense of smell. You may not need dummy eggs, she might start rejecting them sooner this year. Sanjay, If female doesn't really have anywhere to lay eggs, the floor of his cage is feet away from his perches and he never sets foot on it.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 11:45 am
by AJPeter
If Sanjay were a female she would start looking for a nesting site, some female birds can be hell. Billie did start looking but she know l will produce the nesting box as soon as she start laying and l did afterwards she gave up on a new site.

This morning when l woke her she came up the side of the cage with two eggs stuck to her so quickly sprayed her with water and one dropped off, the other l had to tease her feathers before it came free. I gave her extra sprays but she was not happy about that. I took out the nesting box and washed it and carefully checked the other eggs by sniffing each one. There was one dummy left so l put that with the others all back in her box.

Then l refilled all her food bowls and she came up and ate form each, l put up a new parrot stick from Wilko have you seen them yet? After she had finished eating she retreated to the nesting box and l could hear her juggling the eggs around, just as l was about to play the organ she went for a dip in her water bowl, so l invited her to the bathroom for a shower she loved it climbing up and down the clothes horse, at the bottom she sat right under the water spray soaking in it up, eventually she came up wringing wet.

She flew back to her cage and dived down to see her eggs. Later as l played the organ she flew to my shoulder and sat there preening. She looked happy. I think she was very depressed when that egg was smelling and refused baths and showers. They can smell, she makes a song and dance out of my farts but when she farts she thinks l should not notice!

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 1:03 pm
by sanjays mummi
I've never heard or whiffed one from himself. He Must be female surely? Or he'd have a collar and tie by now, but someone did say it can take several years. I'm pleased milady consented to a shower, and the whiffy eggs are no longer causing a problem. I didn't look at the pet area in Wilko on Monday, you have piqued my interest I will check it out this Monday when I go shopping. I hope the plastic sticks are stronger.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 11:51 am
by AJPeter
I found an egg outside her nesting box thinking it was one l had not put in properly l put it back in but there was a funny smell so l checked all her eggs and found another one with a hair line crack so l took it out and threw it away, but l now think she put it out herself however she has one dummy egg and two of her own.

Later today the new dummy eggs srrived so l tried to put one in her box as she was sitting on the others and the look she gave me made me shrivel up so l took it back out. Tomorrow l will have another look at her two eggs and put 2 dummy eggs to see if she will take to them.

Thursday nest week is the dead line for 28 day s of incubation so l will start a massive clean up giving her cage and tray a good scrub. She has been tucking into the parrot stick from Wilco she seems to like it.

Its either a collar or eggs, my money is on a collar.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 12:57 pm
by sanjays mummi
Thanks Peter, it's taken a while to accept he may be a she, but love does not alter where it alteration finds, (Shakespeare). What a dismal day, the rain has made one of my gladioli bow under the weight of rain, I will try and get it staked tomorrow if it's dry out.That new couple who were supposed to be moving into flat 3 are sub letting, the housing manager is planning an unexpected visit to catch them out.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:45 am
by AJPeter
We have had a rash of new tenants l think one at least is sub letting sometimes they are not ready to move in and let friends use the flat until they are ready. There is one empy flat where a man died and no one knew it was the window cleaner who noticed the flies. The poor man had been dead for about three months right through that hot July.

Did you see in the news a council flat that is worth £1.2 million?

Billie seem quite happy with the dummy eggs, tuesday next is the 28 day dead line but l hope to let have a week two extra.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 1:03 pm
by sanjays mummi
My older sister had been dead all weekend when her kids found her, it's horrible isn't it?. I think property is woefully overpriced, in 1964 my parents paid £1.100 for a large terraced house, it sold recently for over £60.000.
Anyway, I had a lovely takeaway for tea today, and himself enjoyed shares, I don't like hot spicy food, and I'm not a lover of pizza, so we had chicken and chips. I managed to stake my gladioli, which are the same height as me 5'6"!. I know the nights start drawing in again after June 21st, but this is ridiculous!, the miserable weather makes it appear darker, earlier. With dummy eggs it doesn't matter how long little Missy takes, because at least they don't whiff!

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 11:40 am
by AJPeter
Parrot mag is out and there are some interesting articles. Will not spoil your enjoyment by telling all.

My parents bought and sold 5 houses from 1939, their last was worth over £1 million but my sister grabbed all that along with the contents, my father had left everything to his wife and my mother (and sister) cut me out of the will. Still it is over 37 years since l heard from them, all l can say is good riddance. I have been on my own since l left home aged 40 and now 46 years later do not miss the home life. I prefer my cooking, its that or go with out!

Billie did not want a shower today but she did want to poop in the bath, l told her even l do not do that! Too late. I do not like spicy food either and l regret l do not like curries or the smell of them.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 2:55 pm
by sanjays mummi
Ah, now, Have you tried Thai green curry?, I promise you it is lovely and fragrant, depending on which make, it Should be mild and creamy, that is one curry I can tolerate. Gosh! You left home quite late in life, as for families, grrr!, I didn't inherit what I Should have, either. But there is no point in being bitter, there is nothing worse than vultures at funerals, (the human variety) but every family has them. I won't get my mag until the 21st or there abouts, Billie can be quite bloody minded, can't she?

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 11:52 am
by AJPeter
I hate funerals, every body knows that l am not going to my own!

I think Billie has been taking lessons from Sanjay, she dived bomb me this morning l would not let her sit on my shoulder, l kept telling her "Poop first" And when she had she was no longer interested in sitting on my shoulder, even this afternoon she wanted to go to the bath room, and l would not let her as she poops in my bath, so she retreated to her box and sulked.

Mother did all my chores, washing my clothes and cooking it was great living at home despite the snide comments which l just ignorred, but one day mother took the bull by the horns and we went to look at flats to rent, in the end, in 1979 l got a housing association flat rent was £8 a week!

After l lefthome my parents moved to Scotland to be near my sister and her family. Such is life. Mother got very old and cranky late in life so l do not begrudge my sister keeping the inheritance. Even when my sister was very young she had a piggy bank and charged for doing house chores, me l just did what l was told.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 12:52 pm
by sanjays mummi
I'm surprised you did not cut the apron strings sooner, didn't you do national service or something?. A similar story here, my widowed mother developed altzheimers, so an aunt to her back to Ireland and put her in a nursing home without letting me know, when I finally tracked the old girl down, she was so bad I couldn't talk to her, the nursing home staff didn't know I existed, aunty had put herself down as next of kin!, she then died, so when mum finally died, everything went to my cousin, whom I hadn't seen since she was 14.months old. So I didn't go to the funeral, and told my cousin to cremate her, it wasn't what she wanted, but the way I saw it, leaving My inheritance to that aunt wasn't what I had wanted.
Sanjay has been affable today and very obliging, chortling along to the hum of the vacuum cleaner,

Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 12:12 pm
by AJPeter
The jury has returned those parrot sticks from Wilco are worse than the earlier ones. Billie was able to chomp her way through a bar in a night.

Had to laugh today after l shut her up this afternoon l went for a walk on my return i put my head round the door and asked "Are you all right?" She said no so l let her out she wanted to fly to my shoulder but l ducked, "You are not pooping on me, poop on the floor!"
And l pointed down, she only looked to see where l was pointing!

We had chicken and mushroom soup today for lunch along with to two slices of toast, Billie likes to lick flora spread off her toast but l gave her a piece dunked in the chicken/mushroom she liked it so much she turned the piece around so she could get the last of the soup.

she wanted a shower this morning and made all the right noises but as soon as she got on the clothes horse she pooped and worse after l had cleared that up she wanted to go back.
I told her she was a wicked bird and she hung her head in shame.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 3:41 am
by sanjays mummi
I looked in Wilko, the shelf was virtually bare, maybe getting ready for new stock. I was in the kitchen, sitting room door closed,.himself was out, sitting on his door waiting for fresh nosh, when I heard my mobile phone start to ring, so I dropped everything and dashed in to answer it, it Wasn't my phone, it was himself doing impressions!!,

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 11:33 am
by AJPeter
Good old Sanjay, nice one.

Billie can mimic my phone but only makes the telephone sound when she hears it, she is not very vocal, today is the 28th day and the incubation is over. But l want her to give up the eggs. When l was in our local Wilco l bought all the parrot sticks they had perhaps some one has done the same where you are.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 12:51 pm
by sanjays mummi
More than likely, but hey ho, if Billie can scoff them in minutes, Sanjay can scoff them in seconds. I took delivery of my first flat screen TV today, just a flat size one, I couldn't believe how light it is!, almost broke my back lifting the small old analogue one out, I've donated it to charity. Anyway himself adores packages, like a kid at Christmas!, all agog!. I hope her ladyship gives up on her eggs soon, then you can both get back to normal.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 12:05 pm
by AJPeter
She was willing to leave her eggs and came for a shower and got very wet and pooped in my bath but as she had not pooped on me l let her off, we had a poached egg but afterwards she wanted to be covered up at 12.45 No way l made he wait until 2 pm but she was whining like a dog so l half covererd her until she started to whine again so at 4 she got all the covers on but half an hour later she started to whine again it was the tv this time. I just told her to shut up but decided to go for a walk but it started to rain so l came home but by now it was getting near to dinner time.

Billie dived bombed me this morning but like Sanjay Billie loves parcels, she sits and and watches me open the box, l usually give her some of the packing to chew on. I turned her nesting box round so l could look in but she did not like that and after dive bombing me she started to whine so l turned it back anything for a quiet life!

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 1:55 pm
by sanjays mummi
Billie makes me smile, with her whining etc, she knows how to get your attention. I changed my hair colour back to my natural colour, but because he hadn't seen it in quite a while, he pretended I was a stranger, and did all sorts of evasive things like shooting on to the back perch, flying up to the chandelier etc, I just ignored it and carried on as normal, finally he decided I was still his mummi and came down for a scritch, I'm sure a lot of it was just for effect.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 11:03 am
by AJPeter
I thnk they are very clever and play along with us, Billie wanted to be covered up at the early time l.30 and l just pretended to ignore her. But when l did cover her at 2.30 she pretended to ignore me!

I was going to make life hard for her to force her to give up her eggs but l changed my mind, at the swop shop and got a mark two and that told me to let her be.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 2:05 pm
by sanjays mummi
If they're dummy eggs and don't whiff, I would simply let her get on with it, she will soon lose interest. Sanjay is looking quite dishevelled now the moult is underway, my grandson loves bird feathers, so I'm keeping the clean ones for him. He took himself to bed at 9pm, but I did ask him if it was bedtime, before covering him,

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 12:02 pm
by AJPeter
Last night she had two real eggs and two dummies but this morning she came up with one real egg stuck to her so l freed it with the water spray and l threw both real eggs out now she has 4 dummy eggs and as you say she can sit on these for as longs she wants.

I have managed to stretch out the bed time to 2.30 pm but she wails dread fully so l take pity on her and cover her up.

I think her diet may have something to do with the egg sitting, may be in the wild as food becomes scarce so she will give up on the eggs. I read some where that one man's parrot lays twice a year but he clear away all eggs by the end of August.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 1:48 pm
by sanjays mummi
I don't know, but wild birds are still laying, empty shells on the ground testify to it, and some of them lay right into the autumn, maybe climate related?. Sanjay had his spray today, he was getting itchy and figety, it certainly helped, the day was really muggy. When you think about it, what was said makes no sense, wild birds go a lot hungrier than our pampered friends, and it doesn't stop them, the evenings can be seen to draw in earlier now, maybe that will help.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 12:05 pm
by AJPeter
Once Sanjay learns the pleasure of a shower in the bathroom there will be no stopping him and true to form Billie pooped in my bathroom again, l said to her "Do you poop in your bath?" And she replied "What do you mean this is my bath!"

However she got very wet and l sprayed her a lot with the rosewater, she looked like a duck! I have begun to cut back a little on fruit, just to remind the these halcyon days will soon be over.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 12:21 pm
by sanjays mummi
I doubt if Sanjay will see the inside of my wetroom, because it is a wetroom, and I'm not taking him in.the shower with me. I shampooed my carpets today, and just above the hum of the shampooer, I could hear an odd noise, so I turned it off to check where the noise was coming from, sigh, there he was doing his Kazoo impression!. He is getting back to his old vocal self again.