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Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 2

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 11:34 am
by AJPeter
If nothing else then nothing will do, sweet cheshnuts Billie is not keen on, she will eat a little to show good grace. And l bought a load and froze them. She has been out of her a cage a lot more today, she was trying to squeeze into a water filled seed bowl so l gave her a good soaking from a mist bottle, she had several several neck scratches and just sat on my shoulder preening.

I had a rope toy which she started to shred, l thought l would help her by undo-ing all the knots but l should have left it alone as now she ignores it. Ha!

When she is in her nesting box l call out "Are you all right." She squeals back, "No l'm half left."

Big problems with IE (Not responding) l just click the IE tab again and another Browser appears. It knows l will click the tab again of it misbehaves.

What is the BBCode, should l disable it, or is it like the scout code look left look right look left and what about Do not parse URLs l parse turnips they feel a lot better afterwards so how about URLs?

4 already how quickly these pages go when you are enjoying yourself!

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 2

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 2:11 pm
by sanjays mummi
Coo! Don't ask me!. Do you cook the chestnuts?, I give them a boil, just to kill off any nasties before I skewer them, it softens the flesh and brings out the sweetness, himself has been gorging on them today.when I ask Sanjay if he is alright, he answers me with a little noise, it used to make daddi laugh. He also makes a "thank you" noise when I've cleaned his palace and put fresh food and water inside, its become a habit now for me to reply "you're welcome". Sanjay is a very well brought up chickster, I would thank his birdy mum and dad if I knew where they are.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 2

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 11:40 am
by AJPeter
Billie has got a lot of noises none of them birdy but she squeals and pips and purrs, so we get along.

Today l thought she was playing skittles with her eggs, it has been 33 days and counting but she has been out of the cage more, she ate a lot from her fresh veg bowl, including a chestnuts how ever l will give them a boil to see if she enjoys them more.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 2

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 12:04 pm
by AJPeter
I tried Billie with boiled cheshnuts, she is not keen. She has been very loving today she wanted a neck scratch and another then l saw her trying to climb into a seed bowl full of water so l misted her good and proper. Then l gave her some Johnson's super preen stuff.

I decided to weigh her today about once a month. l put the scales on the table and told her what l was going to do. But she hung onto the cage for dear life, eventually l prised her off the cage and put her down on the scales they showed 285 grams. Then she was off.

I told her that was not good enough and we will have to do that again, and she let me put her on the scale without struggling and it read 285 grams! You are too heavy l told her she replied "Big Bones"
but l was quite suprised she weighed 283 in the beginning of Oct just before she laid 3 eggs and ate one/ I have been keeping her off fatty foods/sweet/etc but l suppose sitting on eggs all day she is not getting enough exercise.

We had two visitors but she dived into the box until they had gone.

Is pomegranite fattening?

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 2

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 1:22 pm
by sanjays mummi
I doubt it, pomegranate is a super food. Today Sanjay had his raspberries dipped in organic Greek yogurt with honey, very nom nom!, he loves them. Sanjay gets lots of exercise, he flies inside and outside his palace, and does a lot of climbing around too. I am waiting to see what other unusual seasonal fruit and veg our Asian market stall have to sell.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 2

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 3:14 pm
by AJPeter
Billie used to like yoghurt, but she did not like the greek style with honey, when l first got her l tried some fir cones drizzled with honey but as soon as she tasted the honey she dropped the fir cone! She is always climbing prefers that to flying, l like the way she runs along a perch one foot in front of another that take some doing!

Billie gorges on a pomegranite quarter l have to put another quarter in, they hang from a spike. I steamed some cheshnuts tonight to see whether that makes any difference.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 2

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 4:29 pm
by sanjays mummi
They can eat them raw, but make sure they're properly washed. Yes, they are very droll in the way they sidle, and walk, Sanjay sometimes leans back but stretches his head forward its extremely funny to see. We both laughed at his "aye aye?" Or I should say "eye eye?" Whenever something new or different is introduced to his palace.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 2

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 11:19 am
by AJPeter
I always hope that Billie will talk, l say "Hallo Hallo Hallo" to her often but she does not pick it up, l think she knows that l know that talking parrots are only mimicking words. By the way Bille took one bite into the steamed cheshnut and dropped it on the floor, it was black inside, so in future she will eat them raw. I usually cut them in half to make sure they are not rotten.

No such luck when l cook them in the M/w l eat them on cold and frosty morning on the way to church.
Maggots and all.

Just for the record what is worse than finding a maggot in a cheshnut?

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 2

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 11:42 am
by AJPeter
I have started a new thread. Billie the wonder parrot part 3. the last one was getting too long.