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Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 8:06 am
by AJPeter
I spoke too soon she laid an egg this afternoon great pain she is sleeping now, I put her nesting box back in to keep the egg safe 5 eggs is normal keep your fingers crossed she stop then..

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 10:50 am
by sanjays mummi
Oops!, won't the nesting box encourage her?.
There is a shelf in my sitting room, and Sanjay has begun perching on it, Also the door handle, he has watched me open the door, and I'm sure he's sussed it out, and thinks his weight will push the handle down, fat chance!.
Billie reminds me of a character called "sid" in the Ice Age movies, in Dawn of the Dinosaurs, he finds three dinosaur eggs, draws faces on them and names them!, then mummy dinosaur finds out.......
Well, short of investing in a bigger, taller cage, Not conducive to laying, all we can do is wait it out, ^#(^

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 12:44 pm
by AJPeter
I did some research on the net, and you are right no nesting box, no nesting material, put the grid back so she cannot get to the floor of the cage, cut down on the variety of food , and cut down on proteins and fatty foods keep up the restricted diet for a month to stop laying any more eggs. Drastically change her cage around and move it to new location, if need be alter her night time to day time and day time to night time. Oh and put the egg on the grid to stop it rolling around,
I might need to contact the vet if l think she is egg bound, there is no sign of a prolapse but the poor thing was whimpering and let out a yell when she passed the egg.

I thought her poops was becoming very runny so l opened a Quicko Well-being pack cost £14.99 and l noticed it runs out in March 2017 so l just go to it in time, it is protein rich but l have only made up 6 days. I shall have to weigh her tomorrow and again in 4 weeks time.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 12:48 pm
by AJPeter
I like the cage she has for several reasons 1/ It has a plastic tray which is easy to clean under the tap. 2/ It fits in my small living room. 3/ She is locked inside at night.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 1:01 pm
by sanjays mummi
Well, yes, you have yourself to consider, your sitting room is probably smaller than mine.
I hope all your efforts succeed, if last years suture is still in place, then she would yelp!, you never know, it may have put her off b-(

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 1:01 pm
by AJPeter
Yesterday l found a very helpful site about what to do when they start laying, and although l have trolled history today and yesterday l cannot find it. Blast. I was looking at Liberta 2 Voyager today, it would fit in my LR and give her the extra tail room she needs. What was the name of the cage you bought? But l shall wait to see her through this egg laying period.

Putting the grid back in has been very good, she is very easy going bird but she would prefer to have the grid out, her egg sits on the bars of the grid today she turned the egg over. I have cut out most fruit, and a lot of proteins, but she needs the calcium. I have the cuttlefish bone, crushed oyster shell, egg biscuit, and some almonds, l could do with Zocal.

Warmer today, going to be cold next week.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 2:27 pm
by sanjays mummi
My cage is the Liberta Voyager 2nd Edition, and she will love it, it fits nicely into an alcove, and you can open the top, it comes with a little perch for the top, The metal coating is smooth and really easy to wipe clean, it has a decent door lock And a little child proof lock, so it's doubly secure, and mine came with three free parrot toys.
I have ordered Anti Pek, my little minky has been nibbling the edge of my shelf, so after I've filled the pecks, and repainted it, I will spray it with anti pek spray. It should work on other things he likes to nibble.
I cover the metal grid with newspaper, because it makes cleaning daily a lot easier, and you know how certain stuff sticks and sets like concrete! b-(

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 12:31 pm
by AJPeter
Could you tell how much you paid for the cage and who from? Was it easy to put together? Do you use the seed catchers and if yes do they stop Sanjay's poops? The trouble with paper is that Billie would rip it up, however l could put it under the grid, to protect the pan. At the moment l have lined the bottom of the tray with paper, it is plastic and the mess she makes is easy to clean up, but l wanted to remind her how it was in the beginning. Today if she was working on a two day cycle would have been a laying day and all morning l was checking her abdomen which looked swollen, but lunch time she climbed down the inside of the cage and her abdomen looked normal. I think she was putting on a display just for me?

She is not interested in toys, but she quite likes my home made efforts. When l first got her her tail measured 16" Now it is more like 12" Well she has not laid today. So we will keep our fingers and toes crossed that she does not lay tonight or tomorrow l thought she was sitting on the one egg today, which might mean it was a one off. I know putting in the grid has been a nasty shock to her system she keeps looking through the bars and reading the old stories of the news papers!

I am looking forward to buying the Voyager as soon as she had finished laying, Northern Parrots have one £189.99

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 2:13 pm
by sanjays mummi
Yes, I paid approx £180.00 as it was reduced from £220.00,I can't remember whom I ordered from but it was delivered by Skyline, the wholesale company, the Next Day!, yes, the instruction booklet is excellent, and you even get a wee allen key and spanner, the seed catcher hooks on And bolts together, and it catches splat. You can go on YouTube and watch it being assembled, as I did.
The fiddliest bit was the domed roof because it has opening bits, I had trouble lining up the screw holes at first, but managed it in the end.
With the perches fairly high, Billie might not go on to the floor, Sanjay sometimes abseils down to see what he has dropped, but his feet Never touch the floor. He sat on my arm today, so I offered him a treat, he spat it out and swore!, nice! :-l

Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 11:23 am
by AJPeter
Well the grid did not work. This morning as l uncovered her a second egg was sitting next to the first, l think she was sitting on them, the poor thing looks like a battery hen. So I cleared the paper from the tray I carefully removed the eggs to a safe place she did not bat a hare and then I took the grid out and put her nesting box back in, as l positioned the box she bit me and and wouldn't let go, having freed myself from her beak l used a perch to get her box into position
She went in immediately, then I tried to put her eggs, but she bit me again, so while she was in the box l managed to get them om the floor of the cage by then she was on top of the box so holding her down with a perch l was able to carefully put the eggs inside. She has been in and out, if it makes her broody good then she will stop laying, it might encourage her to lay but part experience says once she starts sitting on the eggs she had finished laying.

However her next day to lay would be tomorrow night and then Thursday and Saturday but l will phone the vet on Friday if that is the case and see what they say. So far there is no sign of a prolapse, but l have the sugar water ready.

Good old Sanjay I would love to hear him swear like a trooper, Billie will adore the Voyager her first cage was about the same size and she would have room to move her tail maybe it would grow back to 17" long. For the sake of a few pounds l will order from Northern Parrots.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 11:31 am
by AJPeter
For got to mention that Billie's first cage was green, this one is black but l was thinking I would order the Voyager in stone, l think yours is black?

Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 12:10 pm
by sanjays mummi
No, my cage is Stone, his old cage was stone too, it makes it lighter for them. Sanjay doesn't swear in humanese, it's parrot cuss!, today he was on my arm twice, the second time he sidled towards my shoulder but stopped half way when he saw passion fruit pulp in the bowl I was holding, he couldn't wait to get stuck in.
I bought some more tinned Lychees today, with the syrup rinsed off he loves them.
If you put Billie in a new cage she might stop laying because it's unfamiliar, personally I would give it a try, animals only breed if the conditions are right.
When daddi kept tropical fish he used special additives in the water etc and his live bearers spawned because everything was ideal for them.
The Northern Parrots price is still cheaper than £220.00, and I cannot fault the quality. :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 11:45 am
by AJPeter
Microsoft have pulled the plug on the old Vista l thought it was going to be April 17 which would have allowed me to buy a new cage , get over that and then buy a new computer, l still have the Surface pro 4 tablet which l shall use form now on.

You are right about the new cage l will get one on order tomorrow, one of the websites recommended Cottage cheese for its calcium but when l looked today it had too much salt so l bought some soft cheese in a tube which had low salt and high calcium, l also bought some Almonds which are high in calcium, I offered an almond dipped in the cheese and Billie said "UGH!" but later l saw she had eaten all the cheese l put in a bowl.

I am rather pleased l put the nesting box back she has been in and out and sits in it, with some cold nights coming up
she will be warmer in there.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 12:18 pm
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay called me a liar today by padding around the floor of the cage, but only long enough to pick up something he had dropped, then he flew back up with it and hasn't been downstairs since.
He steps on to my wrist nicely now, and has a liitle sit before flying off.
I do hope Billie loves her new cage as much as Sanjay does, and you like it too, we haven't looked back. Won't Billies eggs go off?,
The forecast is a possibility of snow at the weekend, but I have a couple of tubs of salt on standby, I love fresh snow, but when it turns dirty and slushy I hate it, our dogs would gambol in snow, eat it and roll in it, they were like human kids! :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 9:22 am
by AJPeter
I suddenly remember that Dummy eggs in USA recommended that l put in all the eggs as soon as she starts to lay as hens count their egg, this being so l put in two extra dummy eggs. She went and banged around and then l saw she had separated the dummy eggs from her eggs.

I ordered the cage, keep you fingers crossed it comes on Friday!

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:26 am
by sanjays mummi
It Should do, I'm very excited for you both!.
Dogs count their puppies, and cats their kittens, but it never crossed my mind birds could count!, and you cannot fool Billie!, so whoever wrote that advice didn't know her!.
I found guavas on the market today, and chestnuts, and although he is ever so chuffed to have them again, he has been tucking in to his cauliflower florets, I found a cat toy with feathers and it stops him perching on my door handle!, it makes it awkward when I want to open the sitting room door. The anti pek turned up, but with no hole in the nozzle!, so I took a hot darning needle to it.
You will be busy tomorrow if the Voyager 2 turns up, but being a guy, you will probably assemble it much quicker than I did!. :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 7:34 am
by AJPeter
I don't know about that, however if l take it slowly it should go together with no problems, if Be... can do it so can I. Yes we are very excited, Billie is yelling for me to leave the sitting room to her she is covered up with two fleece blankets so it is nice and dark inside her cage but I have the TV on, I'm not wearing headphones yet, but she won't take NO for answer so I have thrown back the covers and lifted the blankets and she suffer that!

Northern Parrots said Royal Mail will deliver today, Royal Mail say they have signed for the parcel its only a matter of time.

Billie does not eat vegetables sometimes carrot, and a cabbage leaf she will rip up on the floor of her cage. She is quiet at the moment. The lull before the storm egg number 4 is due tonight if she cannot count and indeed from the way she is behaving she can't and will sort of thing.

Mid afternoon break in 20 minutes and I'm starving but weigh myself this morning down to 12 stone 2 lbs, and 38 waist which is good so have to be careful about snacks, too cold for a walk this afternoon, and it is raining.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:18 pm
by sanjays mummi
I have never had a cage delivered by Royal Mail, it was DPD with the first two, and Skypets with this one, for the sheer size of packaging I am surprised, I would have thought Parcelforce at least, the Royal Mail vans are quite small.
It has rained all day here, my daughter reports snow where she is, but Luton is further north than Bedford.
Sanjay is eating his supper, he always has a good nosh before bedtime :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:53 pm
by AJPeter
I ordered other things form Northern Parrots to take advantage of the free delivery, these other things are coming by Royal Mail and l thought that was today but nothing yet maybe to morrow the cage is coming from Liberta direct and might be the carrier you said.

Billie is fast asleep by 4 pm, l know she wakes up in the night maybe she is expecting a difficult delivery, but l wish she would got to bed later, she is a bit like me l enjoy 9 + hours a night, we shall have to wait and see if she can count and will stop at 3 eggs plus two dummies, these are plastic which will stop her from chewing them to bits/

We had a bit of snow but it was mostly light rain and cold.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:04 am
by AJPeter
Billie can count, l was expecting to see another egg this morning, but there was none! Royal Mail delivered the parcel from Northern Parrots a day late, but no sign of the cage. It might still come, Billie is banging her bell and wanting me to turn off the TV she is covered, l shall ignore her until l am ready she rules my household.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 10:01 am
by sanjays mummi
It could be late due to the bad weather conditions, and how far they have to drive. Sanjay started pecking wallpaper today, so much for anti pek!. When I say "No naughty!" He does stop, tomorrow is the day everything gets stripped out and cleaned thoroughly. The snow we got was barely there and soon melted away, but today was wet, windy and dull, Sanjay fits around my routine, but I give his needs priority, b-(

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 12:22 pm
by AJPeter
LOL! That's enough/ Just as l submitted my email the cage arrived. One part was too heavy to lug upstairs so l went to Emma and asked her if l could borrow Nathan, "Oh he does not live here any more!" She goes through boyfriends like a yoyo. So I unpacked the cage and took it up piece meal, I found the instructions, a piece of cake. So l started to put it together, when all four sides were up l put in the casters, and started on the top, then l noticed that the door was back to front, Typical! So I had to undo everything turn the front around and do it back up nice and tight.

As l put the top on l found there were not enough holes and discovered the back was back to front so had to undo everything all over again and turn the back around and do it back up by now Billie wanted to go to bed, so I moved her old cage out and put the new one in, checked the bowl to see if l had used all the bolts and found some washers, so l had to unloosen everything and managed to get the swing top free but every time l put a washer on one end the washer on the other end fell off!

In the end l gave up by now Billie was making rude noises under her covers, so l invited her to see the new cage but she was not interested. I took some of perches out of her old cage and found that the bars on the Voyager are too far apart for her favourite sleeping perch to stay in, l shall put some tape round the ends and hope that works.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 12:51 pm
by sanjays mummi
I found lots of washers After mine was assembled, but couldn't be bothered to unscrew everything!, it hasn't made any difference. Yes, we have to make minor adjustments with new cages, my skypets driver asked if I wanted help carrying it, fortunately I live on the ground floor, but he still would've helped, I just slid it in!.
You can finish off tomorrow, seeing as Billie has already gone to bed, I was fortunate, I had all day, and a nice sunny one to complete assembly, I just found the roof opening panels a bit fiddly.
Sanjay took to it like a duck to water, even though I hadn't taken his old cage apart. I'm sure Billie will be pleased when her worldly goods are in place. :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:49 am
by AJPeter
What a relief that some else had washers to spare! I put the old cage out by our waste bins and it went by mid afternoon, l kept the perches and small bowls, the perches l put in lower down to make it easier for her to get to the nesting box, l sent you a photo from my mobile phone.

There were no eggs this morning so she has gone 5 days without laying l am beginning to hope that is all. She keeps going in the box and rearranges the eggs. I am looking forward to when she starts to sit on them. Then it will be 28 days to a molt and then back to normal. :-?

Accidents keep on happening in my house l put the oven glove down on a hot hot plate and burnt it l shall have to get another.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 12:00 pm
by sanjays mummi
It could have been worse, like a chip pan left on!.
Anyway, what a difference a new cage makes, and from your photo, plenty of space for Billie, I'm glad you didn't have the hassle I had, getting rid of the old cage.
I gave Sanjays cage it's thorough clean today, it took two hours, but I did stop for a break, and he flew across and sat on my wrist for several minutes, I never had to train him either, it may have taken years, but he has done this at his own speed, in his own way.
You will find the new cage just as easy to clean once you set out a routine for tackling it, mine took a bit longer because papaya seeds and juice set quite hard, a non scratch cleaner and flash gel weren't enough, I had to gently thumb nail the worst bits. Never mind, I won't deprive him of his favourites just to make my life easier. :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 12:00 pm
by AJPeter
I would not use Flash gel, it tastes awful both for us and for parrots, the seed catches catch poop as well and so far nothing has hit the floor. She is still hormonal wanting to masturbate on me which of course l do not allow. She keeps going into the box and rearranges the eggs, 3 and 2 dummies. The box sits nicely on the grid. But l have noticed that there is not a lot of room to hang things. The old cage had lots of small perches she could sit on to get to the bowls l have not used any of those perches so far she is quite happy if she wants to eat a lot she sits on the edge of the bowl.

You know l hate the idea of training birds, Billie steps up if she wants to sometimes l can hold my hand palm down up but she just ignores me and sometimes l use a perch to get her to step up and she just sits there with a wounded look on her face even when l push the stick under her belly she just rests her belly on the stick, but of course if she wants to step she does.

Poop off us very good at softening dried poop and fruit. But every time she poops on the cage l rush forward with tissue and mop it up, the other cage was easy to clean but this one needs less cleaning. I have a water bottle hanging up which is jolly fiddly but l only have to change it once a week, Does Sanjay have a bottle or open dish for water? \m/

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 12:39 pm
by sanjays mummi
Flash gel, properly diluted and rinsed off thoroughly does a lovely job. Sanjay has a ceramic "anti splash" bowl for water, I think we ordered it from NP, it's attached to the door, beside his mineral perch. He usually abseils down to bowls and perches on the rim, like Billie does, anyway, Now I know why parrots bite, it's because humans share 50% of their DNA with bananas, a fact I learned from "The Chase", aha! I thought, I must tell Peter.
If Billie hasn't laid another egg since moving house, that's a good sign, she certainly has a lot to think about and suss.
Sanjay didn't sit on me today, but as I didn't need a sit down, he didn't get the opportunity.
As for training, if little feral starlings can perch on me when I'm in town, I figured he would eventually, it's just familiarity and trust in the end. Besides, we have plenty of places for them to perch on, banana DNA or not! :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 7:34 am
by AJPeter
Billie likes to abseil down the bars too, yes it is now 5 days since the last egg, but she has gone 12 days once between laying. One thing she likes is a nap mid day, and she wants a lot of cuddles on my arm, she still wants to masturbate on me but her demands are getting less stringent. She often goes into the nesting box and rearranges the eggs. There was a feather on the floor is she moulting?

She devours a quarter of pomegranate but is not keen on bananas. But she was not keen on ground nuts until l spotted her eating both halves. She does not seem to worry when the millet falls down below the grid. Cleaned out the tray today, it really very good just to roll the paper poop and all and bin it. Billie does not like chestnuts so eat them went mad on my diet yesterday in church ate 6 chocolates! That was 300 calories.

Vacuumed the floor today and kept a large panel of plastic carpet saver from Wilko to put under the door as she likes to sit on it. but I threw the small bits out as they ruck up under the wheels, I miss the storage space under the cage but it was becoming a glory hole. She had a glorious bath and spray today, l hope the wallpaper dries out!

I wrote yesterday she does not eat vegetables but the morning the veg bowl was empty. She devoured a mineral block over night, l have been a little worried she might be egg bound but she is showing none of the symptoms of egg binding. Billie sends a :-*

Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 9:08 am
by sanjays mummi
:-* much reciprocated!.
It might be a moult, fingers crossed, they are very good at calling us liars, I bought a tin of pineapple in juice (not syrup) today, the pots of fresh pineapple cubes seem to go off quick. He loves the juice of pineapple and oranges.
Yes, I put broadsheet newspaper on top of the grid, and always have, as you rightly say, it makes life so much easier. Aha!, the DVD of the new "Ben Hur" was in Tesco, Morgan Freeman plays the Sheik, and he is a brilliant actor, it looks quite splendiferous, and the guy who plays Judah actually looks Jewish, not blue eyed and blonde like Charlton Heston, I went off him when he supported the use of firearms.
I am so glad Billie has settled in nicely :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 11:23 am
by AJPeter
Ah! I put the newspapers under the grid in the tray l think she would rip up the news papers and think she is making a nest and start lay again no l will wait until l am sure she has finished laying, perhaps after she starts to sit on these before putting on news papers on the grid'

I tried Billie with pine apple but she did not like it, you talk of pots is this frozen or jelly pots? Shopping tomorrow will go to Wilko to see if they have anything new, if there is enough time l might go down to Tesco as well.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 3:11 pm
by sanjays mummi
Jelly pots, he only has an occasional nibble tho'.
Well, I wasn't disappointed with the DVD, it brought tears to my eyes, but maybe not for the same reason as the old version does to yours. It is every bit as gripping too,
Sanjay enjoyed sucking the juice out of the pineapple and orange, his little needs are so simple, he is a joy to shop for. If only humans were so easy to please! :ymparty:

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 11:22 am
by AJPeter
I bought some cauliflower today, it gives me flatulence but Billie might like it as she is eating vegetables again. Did the video show the chariot race well? No more loose feathers, and she rearranges the eggs but does not sit on them, l shall feel a lot easier when she does start to sit, She was sitting on top of the box with her beak resting on the box this morning, that is despite putting in her favourite nesting perch, which l had to wrap some tape around the ends to hold it in position. #:-s

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 1:16 pm
by sanjays mummi
The chariot race is absolutely superb, and has some hairy moments!, the ending is very moving and more in keeping with (what should be) the teachings of Christ, it isn't just a repeat or rehash, it's been tweaked in a good way.
Ok, so Billie seems indifferent to the eggs?, maybe she's not very maternal, not all women are, my mother in law springs to mind, terribly British and Rigid.
Sanjays love of passion fruit is undiminished, it's a sure fire way to get him back indoors! :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:49 pm
by AJPeter
Can't say Billie has a favourite food, she picks them, up or drops them, her plumage is smooth and not ruffled her eyes are clear, her poops look normal, sometime l have a job to find them in such a big cage. She sits on the floor a lot with her tail up, she is indicative of hormonal behaviour. I must weigh her soon, the last time she gave me a nasty bite.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 1:41 pm
by sanjays mummi
Maybe you're banana flavoured?.
Sanjay got stuck into doily making today, bits of confetti everywhere!, but better than chewing my stuff. The DNA results from are in, My ancestors were Huguenots (French Protestants), whom fled France to the Netherlands to escape persecution in the 1600's, eventually ending up in Scotland then Ulster, it explains the French names in my family, as they passed names down, and my grans maiden name Mc Ghile Moir is Norman in origin, it's like doing a jigsaw! :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:53 pm
by Admin010
The decline in voter turn-out on around the world seems to be the rule. On the other hand, there are exceptions. Take, for instance, Russia's parliamentary elections. In 1993, there was a fifty percent voter turn-out. In 2003, there was a 56% voter turn-out; as well as in 2011 there was a 60% voter turn-out. After that, take Rwanda, which has the highest and biggest percentage of female parliament members of whichever country in the world. In 2003, there was a 96% voter turn-out for parliamentary elections; and in 2008 there was a 99% voter turn-out.
Thanks& regards,
Angel anave
election equipment|ballot boxes

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 9:37 am
by AJPeter
Get out

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 10:03 am
by sanjays mummi
Ditto! :evil:

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 11:32 am
by AJPeter
Posted in the wrong place tut tut!
Billie has cancer of the wing I thought t was broken because it drooped so yesterday l took her to the 'avian vet and he told me it is cancer and he wants me to report once a week on its progress. At the moment it is a lump if it gets worse or bleeds :o he will amputate the wing. There is nothing on about amputation so l hope to keep up a running commentary on is progress, There is nothing much on the internet either, but what little there suggests our fids are very adaptably and cope. Her life expectancy is 5 years. I am 83 so we shall go together!

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 11:29 am
by AJPeter
Big problem coming if her lump in the wing starts to bleed the Vet will will remove the wing. If the cost is more than l can pay l ask the vet to put her down but there is the pain she will suffer to take into consideration. On YouTube are picture of birds flying with one wing.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 11:53 am
by AJPeter
The tumour has grown to the size of a BlackBerry and has white veins on it. Tomorrow Monday l will phone the Avian vet to make an appointment to have her wing amputated, she is off her food and rather lethargic. But there has been no bleeding. :)