Mean Mama!

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Mean Mama!

Post by Mikaela »

My Mommie took these sharp things and cut my fingernails. That wasnt good enough for her until she made me bleed. These things are to be left to professionals, she was a nervous wreak. She stopped the bleeding fast and gave me a peanut.

I got over that but I reckon she has lost her mind because the next thing I know, she is doing it to Chief too! I didnt like that so I did my contact call until she stopped messing with him.

All was well, Mama wasnt upset that she made my toe bleed anymore and Chief was eating his favorite treat, which is actually just seed without any pellets. I have to talk to him about that. He doesnt know what he is missing... peanuts, chili peppers, and squash mmmm. But, at least he dont mess with my food.

I dont know what is with my Mama today but once we were settled back down then what happened next is beyond offensive! She got the ever BIGGER shiny looking cutter things and wacked off mine and Chief's wings. I had enough at this point and bite her. I was trying to get blood but didnt. Then Mama called me a baaad girl and I dont like that so I just cooperated and hoped she wasnt making me for dinner.

I wouldnt have been so nervous and upset if she wouldnt have been. I dont know what the heck she thought she was doing today but she assured us 'it would be ok punkin, it is for our own good'.

Well, my fingernails are short and a little sore and she did a wack job on my wings. Ya'll should take a look, chop, gone. Now, I can only flutter. I was getting to where I could fly enough to aggravate her by never staying on my stand.

Chief is either mentally or physically disabled because he doesnt care what happens to him. He didnt even bite her. I bite her cuz she has obviously lost her mind chopping on us like that.

The real bummer is she said she is going to do this from now on instead of taking us to the guy we hate that usually does it. For some reason when Mama takes me to that place, she is there one second then she disappears and thats when the mean man comes to cut on my feet and wings. But my Mama always comes to save me from him. Oddly enough at just about the time he is done with me. So, I hate him and love her for saving me.

Now, I dont like her much today but Im not really showing it. I just love her so much I cant help myself. When she came back sometime later to see me, as always, I ran to the door before she could get to it to get to her. I love my Mama I just dont understand why she did those mean things to me.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Dani03 »

Ooo my momma did the same thing to me just a few days ago. Arrgh I couldn't believe she clipped my perfect talons! Though she didn't make me bleed, but my momma has had experience clipping talons. Maybe if you bite harder next time she won't try it again? I dunno, I don't bite as a solution. I just get all unhappy and pout for a while then all is forgiven. Am I doing something I supposed to bite? Hehehe I have always wanted to take a chunk out of momma. Does it make you feel better Baby?

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Post by Mikaela »

I bite and squack like she is killing me but she doesnt seem to care... doesnt stop her. She just says Baaaaby Baaad giiirl and that makes me sad so I stop for a minute. :cry:

I just know she plans on doing it again because she told Daddy "It will get easier everytime I do it".

Im not mad at her now, nor is Chief but that was just awful of her to do to us.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by kyria »

I think ya momma is just doing her best, don't bite her, although she did make you bleed, that ! I woulda bitten for.

haven't had my nails done yet .. frown .. hope I never have to, i reckon that would feel weird.

I had my wings clipped a few weeks back. Dad put on these great big new hands, coz he knew I would go sick on him, but then mum wrapped me in a nice lite cloth and I didn't really notice daddy's big hands. Now I think daddy was the one that held and cut me and mum rescued me from him all cuddled up in that lovely soft sheet.. she is so good to me.

Hang on let me stop and thing back, maybe mum cut my wings. Ah! well I prefer to blame dad not mum. Anyway :( it really sucks not being able to fly anymore .. sigh!

Kai !

Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all sins. {Pro 10:12}
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Post by Mikaela »

Well, my daddy told my Mama that she needed to do something with my nails because I was leaving some pretty ugly scrathes just being on her.

Daddy said the scratches made Mama look trashy. :cry: And she agreed! As all moms and babies, she sometimes gets on my last nerve, always messing with my feet or looking at my butt or poo. God, she is weird. I dont check her poo, nor do I wish too.

Anyway, now my nails are sooooo smooth. I wanted french tips like Mama but she said no because she didnt know if polish was safe. Not only that, she is convinced Im a boy. Im not, just messing with ya'll head. :lol: I saw the male dance on cable and figured I would give ya'll something to talk about by doing it.

Mama is loving my nails being trimmed, I dont... grr keep slipping because I forget. Makes me look all clumsy. Ringnecks are too dignified to 'slip'.

Most of all, she is loving my wings being clipped. I wasnt staying on my stand so she would throw me in my cage when she was too busy to watch me. :cry: Never been a cage bird but was spending alot of time there recently. I wouldnt stay on my stand.
~ Mikaela Sky

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